24th Ymiden
It had been easy enough to find the Gazette offices, but harder to find the woman she was looking for, Sabine. Elyna had made an enquiry at what she assumed was the front desk at mid-morning, and then again at mid-day. Finally she returned and her frustration was clear. She needed to speak to the journalist and the noblewoman didn’t have all day to wait around for her to be ready. What was even more infuriating, is that she was sure that her message simply wasn’t being passed. The man behind the front desk had never even moved to go into the offices. Not once. No one had been past either, so how could she pass the message on?Elyna pushed her hands into her breaches and reminded herself to breathe slow and deep. She wouldn’t let her temper get the better of her. However, what had started as a blissful day, had quickly deteriorated into a foul mood and she scowled at the man and his cowlick of brown hair as he sat behind the desk. Back straight, as though there was a pole down his spine.
“You’re sure,”
“I am certain, Miss?”
“I told you, can you just tell your journalist, Sabine - that Elyna would like to speak to her, urgently.”
The young man looked up from a pile of letters and gave a polite smile. One that betrayed nothing. Not even a hint of acknowledgement for Elyna’s building ire.
The Skyrider clenched her hands into fists, which stopped them being pulled out from her pockets.
“No second name?”
“No second name,” Elyna growled, aware that she was loosing any hope she’d had of being inconspicuous.
“You’re sure that Sabine will want to see you.”
“No- I mean yes. Yes. Absolutely for the fifth time! If she is there, can you tell her?”
The man, who was smaller still than Elyna herself, ran a cool eye over her scruffy attire and sniffed.
“Our journalists receive a lot of trouble from folks who want to tell their stories, who didn’t want their stories to be told.”
“This-” Ely reached up, pushing a hand through her fringe with a sigh, “this isn’t—what, what now?” She demanded as his eyes widened in shock.
“Oh my, you poor thing,” he lent forward.
Elyna was left to spin and look over her shoulder, “pardon?”
“Your forehead…did you chose that…is it a tattoo?”
It was with a groan that the Skyrider quickly flattened her fringe back down over her brow, stroking is flat with both hands in a desperate attempt to hide it. It wasn’t so noticeable, was it? Cheeks flushed with self-conscious embarrassment she turned to leave.
“Never mind…it doesn’t matter.”