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Fire Flowers

Ashan 102, Arc 720

“It seems as if we still have a few bits left before our time together ends”,
the Mortalborn spoke, smiling very lightly, and let his gaze drift across the students that had gathered in the classroom that trial in order to attend his guest lecture on Blood Magic before he removed a metal box from the bag that he had brought with him and that had been lying on his desk for the past break and a half. He had decided to save his little surprise for last as they might not be able to focus anymore after seeing it. Even Faith Augustin, one of the most famous women in the world, had been amazed by it, after all.

“I am not only visiting your island in order to talk about replicating the effects of domain magic and blessing abilities with alchemy”, he told them. He spoke in a calm and measured tone; the light twinkle in his blue eyes betrayed the fact that he was almost … excited about the little demonstration that he had planned though. “I also want to share some of my inventions with you all. Follow me outside, please. I cannot conduct my demonstration inside a building, for safety reasons”, he explained and grasped the box, carefully, as if its contents were quite fragile – or maybe somewhat dangerous.

The students quickly started to stuff their books and papers into their backpacks, and they chatted so loudly that he couldn’t help but furrow his brow a little. Not so long ago, he might have reprimanded them and told them to be quiet; nowadays, he didn’t mind their behaviour as much though; in fact, their speculations as to what he would show them amused them. Of course, none of them had even come close to guessing the truth.

He led the students – about thirty of them in total – through the hallways of the university and to a large courtyard. Having done that, the Mortalborn who was dressed in an elegant bespoke suit of coal and crimson, as was his habit, looked at them once more before he set the box down on the ground and opened it in order to reveal what looked like small balls that were wrapped in colourful paper. The students who had become a little quieter during their walk through the university immediately started to talk again.

He smirked slightly before he explained to them, “These are fire flowers, one of my more recent inventions and an attempt of mine to make the stars shine during the trial and light up the world.” That statement earned him a few confused looks – and more excited chatter. He decided that he had kept them on tenterhooks long enough though, so he gestured for them to step back, removed one of the fire flowers from the box, put the box away, set the fire flower down on the ground, lit the fuse that was attached to it – and quickly stepped back as well, covering his ears with his hands as he did so.

A moment later, there was a loud boom, and then a shower of brilliant golden sparks rained down on the courtyard, and countless excited oohs and ahhs could be heard. The Mortalborn smirked as he noticed the look on the students’ faces before he lit another fire flower, a red one this time, while they looked on, their eyes wide with surprise and delight.
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Re: Fire Flowers

102nd Ashan, 720

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Ari'sora had some time in between her classes, so she made her way out to the University courtyard in order to enjoy the weather. She also wanted to stretch her wings and get a bit of flying in. Unfortunately, when she got to the courtyard, she found it filled with people.

A man wearing a crimson and coal colored outfit seemed to be addressing the group. It looked to Ari'sora that he must be one of the professors at the University, and that he was holding a class out in the courtyard for some reason. She felt strange about listening in on a class that she wasn't taking, and she wasn't at all sure how welcome an outsider would be. But at the same time, she was curious enough that she lingered for a bit.

The man spoke of something called fire flowers, an invention that he himself had created. That alone was fascinating to Ari'sora. It was a pretty name, and the idea of creating something completely new...that no one had ever seen before appealed to her greatly. But it was something she didn't think she would ever be able to do; she wouldn't even know where to start, or how to go about doing it.

As she continued to listen, the man told the group that his invention was supposed to make the stars shine during the trial. It was impossible, and yet...the man was claiming that the small balls that were wrapped in colorful paper could do just that. Ari'sora knew that she wouldn't be able to leave now even if she wanted to. She had to see this.

Ari'sora watched the man light a fuse on one of the balls and step back. When he covered his ears, she did the same. They were his invention after all, and if he was covering his ears there had to be a good reason for it. It was a good thing that she did. Trills later, there was a loud boom that shook the courtyard. It was followed by a shower of beautiful golden sparks that rained down on the courtyard. She hastily backed into the doorway she had come out of so that her wings would be protected from the sparks, but she was amazed by the beauty of it all. So much so that she stared in absolute awe just like the man's students did.

Ari'sora desperately wanted to know how it was possible for the fire flower to do what it did. But before she could gather her thoughts enough to ask, the man set off a second one; this time a red one. Did the color of the paper the balls were wrapped in determine the color of the sparks? Why was one one color, and one a different one? Could there be other colors as well? Ari'sora had so many questions that she didn't even know where to start.


Ari'sora hesitated uncertainly. The man had said that he had invented these fire flowers. What if he didn't want to explain how they worked? Would he get mad if someone asked him about them?

"Those fire flowers are really beautiful." Ari'sora said sincerely.

Last edited by Rei'sari on Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 553
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Fire Flowers

Thirty young faces looked up, towards the sky, at the same time, open-mouthed, their eyes impossibly wide as they had never seen anything like those brilliant lights before. For a few moments after the Mortalborn had lit the fire flowers, it was absolutely quiet in the courtyard. In fact, it was so quiet that you could have heard a needle drop. When the students finally started to talk again, they were not as loud as before. The miracle that they just witnessed was still affecting them.

The Mortalborn smiled slightly as he watched them and listened to them; and the look on his face softened noticeably as he found himself enjoying this moment even though he had already seen the fire flowers countless times before. This was why he had become a teacher. Seeing all those young people so curious about and fascinated with alchemy was infinitely more satisfying than standing on a battlefield and fighting enemy after enemy.

He was just about to explain what exactly had happened when he heard a voice that was coming from … somewhere below him? He furrowed his brow barely noticeably before he inclined his head and looked at the woman that had spoken to him. She was short, he noticed. In fact, she was likely several inches shorter than Faith Augustin who was the shortest person that he had met so far, and what more, she sported a pair of glossy dark wings, an obvious sign of Avriel blood.

He didn’t ponder her appearance for more than a couple of trills though. To him, physical traits, external factors such as your race didn’t matter nearly as much as what you said.

“They are, aren’t they?” he agreed with her, his tone of voice a hint gentler than it normally was. “As for how – with alchemy, of course. The different colors come from the different reagents that I added to the balls. There are also blue, green, yellow and silver ones. You aren’t one of my students though, are you?” he remarked. “At least I don’t think that you were in my classroom before”, he added. He was pretty sure that he would have remembered her if that had been the case. There were not a lot of students of Avriel blood at the university, after all, at least not to his knowledge.

He had no problem with her approaching him and asking him about his invention even though she was not one of his students though. In fact, he appreciated her questions and that she seemed to be so interested in his creations; the light smile on his face made that obvious. As far as he was concerned, his inventions weren’t only for those that were enrolled in the university’s alchemy program to admire and be curious about.
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Re: Fire Flowers

102nd Ashan, 720

Location: ---

"Alchemy..." Ari'sora said slowly, being careful to make sure she pronounced the unfamiliar word properly.

The fire flowers had been made with alchemy...but what was alchemy? Ari'sora had never even heard of it before. Her "education" such as it was had been cobbled together from books she had read during the times her work had pleased Ren'zar enough to give her some reading time as a reward. During those times, she had been allowed to read any of the books that Ren'zar owned. He owned a lot of books on a wide variety of subjects...many of which were about things he wanted her to learn about so that she could do them for him. Some of them had been fantasy books as well, possibly given to him as part of the loot that he had acquired over the arcs. Since he wasn't much of a reader himself, it had been the only reason Ari'sora had been able to think of to explain why he might have them; not that she had ever dared to ask him outright.

But the subject of alchemy had never come up in any of the books she had read. The word had never even been mentioned. As a result, she had absolutely no idea what alchemy might be. She was deeply interested in it, though. She couldn't help but want to know more about something that could produce something as beautiful as the man's fire flowers were.

"Alchemy is...is it a type of magic?" she asked softly.

"And if it is, are reagents the focus that you need in order to work it?" she continued, truly wanting to understand.

It was a reasonable guess. Anything that could make something as amazing as a fire flower almost had to be magic...didn't it? And in most of the fantasy books that Ari'sora had read, magic needed a type of focus in order to work properly. The focus itself varied from one story to another, and could be anything from a magic wand to a ring that granted wishes...to anything at all, really. The possibilities were endless. The one thing that remained the same was a need for a focus. And while Ari'sora was aware that the fantasy stories she had read had been just that...stories...it made sense to think that some elements of them had some basis in reality.

One of the students snorted in derision, and a few others laughed at her questions. Ari'sora might have been hurt by the obvious scorn, but she was far too interested in learning more about alchemy to take much notice of it. When the man asked if she was one of his students, she shook her head.

"No, I'm not. I just started taking classes last Cylus, and I'm in the linguistics department. Until totrial, I had never even heard of alchemy before...but I would love to learn more about it."

Ari'sora wondered if it was possible to take more than one course of study at the University at once...and how expensive it would be to do so if it was. Though given her complete lack of knowledge about the subject, it was likely that she would have to read a lot about it before she was even qualified to take classes in alchemy.

When she realized that she hadn't introduced herself, she flushed. It was rude not to introduce yourself, and Ari'sora really didn't want to risk angering this man.

"I'm sorry. My name is Ari'sora. When I get really interested in something like this, I often forget things like that."

Last edited by Rei'sari on Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 626
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Fire Flowers

The young half-blood said the word alchemy slowly as if she was unfamiliar with it and wanted to make sure that she pronounced it correctly, the son of Ziell noticed. Once upon a time, he might have scoffed at such obvious ignorance. Recent events, such as falling in love and seeing the wonders of the world of dreams, had mellowed his demeanor though; and besides, the tone of voice in which she spoke – so soft and filled with awe – did not leave him unaffected. He had only rarely encountered such deep and genuine interest.

For that reason, he gestured for her to come a little closer to him – she was still some distance away from him – and explained, in a tone of voice that remained comparatively gentle, “No, alchemy is not magic. It does not require a spark and it does not use ether – although the most skilled of alchemists can replicate the effects of domain magic using something that we commonly call Blood Magic. Alchemy is a science that is closely related to chemistry and makes use of a lot of the same principles.”

He spoke a little more loudly than before and momentarily let his gaze drift across the group of students before it settled on the young half-blood once more. While his focus was on Ari’sora at the moment, he considered it prudent to not ignore them entirely. Besides, they might not know everything that he told Ari’sora yet. He didn’t know what exactly the professors at the university here in Scalvoris had taught them and what their curriculum was like.

“Indeed”, he confirmed as she asked if reagents were the focus and inclined his head fractionally. “The reagents are what make the items and potions created with alchemy work – although there are of course certain rules that need to be observed”, he added. He was talking about the fact that the different reagents needed to be added in a certain order and that the base materials needed to be prepared for the reagents; he didn’t want to overwhelm her with information though. It would be best to keep things simple.

One of the students snorted in derision, he noticed, and a few others laughed, as if they thought that Ari’sora’s questions had been funny. The Mortalborn’s gaze shot towards them for a moment, and he narrowed his eyes. His disapproval was obvious, even though he did not say a single word. There was no reason to make fun of someone that didn’t know something, especially if that person showed a desire to improve and was genuinely curious.

The students immediately fell silent. One of them, a young human male with brown hair and dark eyes, even gulped a little, as if he had just realized that there was more to their new guest lecturer than met the eye, that he was different from the somewhat bookish academics that made up the majority of staff here, although it was unlikely that he knew who exactly he was facing.

“If you want to learn more about alchemy”, the Mortalborn spoke as he turned to face Ari’sora again and paused for a moment as he considered what he was going to say. “You can join me in my office. This class will be over in a few bits, and I won’t have much to do for the rest of the trial”, he offered. “As for your forgetting to introduce yourself, we all forget something every once in a while. I’m Doran Thetys or Professor Thetys”, he added.
word count: 601





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Re: Fire Flowers

102nd Ashan, 720

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When the man gestured for her to come closer, Ari'sora did so automatically. She listened in rapt fascination as the man explained that Alchemy was not magic and that it did not use ether or require a spark. Ari'sora wasn't certain what a spark had to do with magic. None of the books that had been about magic had mentioned anything to do with sparks...but to be fair, they had been fantasy books. Stories. As for ether, if there was any truth in the fantasy books she had read, ether was an element of sorts, much the way fire and air were elements. But ether was the element...the source of magic.

Her mind quickly switched gears. If alchemy wasn't a form of magic, then it seemed likely that anyone who was willing to put the work into learning it could learn it. And Ari'sora very much wanted to learn alchemy. Domain magic and blood magic were unknown terms to her, but she was very interested in the fact that alchemists could produce effects that were like magic. When the man said that alchemy was closely related to chemistry, she smiled. She knew a little about chemistry...at least as far as making dyes went, anyway.

Ari'sora continued to listen, trying to commit everything she heard to memory. She wanted to learn everything that she could, and the more she knew, the more she would have to work with when she tried to research alchemy later. The man introduced himself as Professor Doran Thetys, and when he invited her to his office once his class was over to learn more, she jumped at the chance.

"I would love to." she said softly.

"Thank you."

word count: 295
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Fire Flowers


Experience: 15 no magic


Alchemy x4
Teaching x3
Intimidation x1

Ari'sora: Half Avriel
Ari'sora: Student of linguistics

Renown: 5

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: Doran's academic reputation spreads as he provides guest lectures at Scalvoristown's University.

Experience: 15 no magic


Skill Knowledges

Alchemy: is a subject that is taught at the Scalvoris University
Alchemy: is not a type of magic
Alchemy: is a branch of science
Alchemy: is closely related to chemistry
Alchemy: reagents are needed to create the items and potions that can be made with alchemy
Alchemy: the most skilled alchemists can replicate the effects of domain magic
Alchemy: in order to achieve the effects of domain magic, alchemists use Blood Magic
Detection: the outer wrapping of an object may indicate what is inside it

Non Skill Knowledges

Doran Thetys: is a professor of alchemy
Doran Thetys: created fire Flowers

Renown: 5 for being singled out by a famous professor.

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level.

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: An invitation to visit a professor at his office. I wonder what Ari will learn?
Comments: A short but sweet collab and introduction between your two characters.

Ari'sora is adorable as always, and so cautious about her approach to the class. I wonder if she'll turn out to have a knack for alchemy? She certainly does seem like the academic type, and is great at learning from books! Hopefully she doesn't face too many strange stares at her wings as she enters the University grounds.

Doran was great as ever, and even seemed a bit protective of Ari'sora as the other students began to laugh at her reactions and answers. He's a very good teacher, clearly, to command so much respect from students that he isn't already familiar with (as a guest lecturer).

And those fire flowers sounded cool as heck.

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 340
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