• Solo • Phase One

Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

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Phase One

Cylus 3, Arc 720

“… and this concludes to-trial‘s lecture, ladies and gentlemen”,
the Mortalborn spoke before he closed the book that was lying on the desk in front of him and that he had occasionally referenced during his lecture – he had been talking about various alchemical reagents that were derived from animals. “For your homework, I would like you to research a creature that is known as the Tanner Mantis”, he added before he put the book into his bag and took his coat that he had draped across the back of his chair, a fine coat that was made of black wool and whose hood was trimmed with silver fox fur.

He was just about to put his gloves on, not in order to cover the mutations he had acquired due to progressing in his magic, but because the temperatures had been dropping recently, and it was quite cold outside, when he heard someone approach and a familiar, slightly shy voice ask, “Professor, may I speak with you?” He looked up, at Plia Yishnai Velanar, young woman of mixed Ellune and Eidisi descent with grey skin and black hair. She was one of the research assistants that he occasionally worked with, one of his better alchemy students – and she had more recently become a student of swordsmanship as well.

“Of course”, he replied, smiling very lightly. “What would you like to talk about, Plia?”

“I … I heard that you …” the young woman began, blushing slightly before she took a deep breath, as if she had to muster up some courage first and met his gaze. “I heard that you started to work on a thesis last cycle and that you met with Faith Augustin. I heard that you are developing a new kind of potion, and I was wondering … I was wondering what kind of potion it is and how your research is progressing …”

The Mortalborn furrowed his brow upon hearing that. He had tried to keep his research more or less a secret for the time being. The tests that he had conducted on animals had been exceptionally promising, but the clinical trials were not finished yet. Something could still go wrong. Some of the humanoid volunteers might not tolerate the potion.

He had only told four people what he was doing so far, his lover Llyr, his supervisor Ocraloch, Faith – and Plia’s friend Astrid, another research assistant that worked at the Institute of Sciences. The human had helped him with some of the work that he had conducted prior to Ocraloch’s approving his project.

Had she told Plia – or had Ocraloch been unable to keep his mouth shut and spread the word in academic circles?

His demeanor had mellowed considerably recently – developing certain feelings for someone could have that kind of effect – but the prospect of word possibly getting out before he had finished his thesis and put all the pieces of the puzzle together irritated him slightly, nevertheless. It was not Plia’s fault that someone had been talking though, he realized. She was only curious. He would likely be curious as well if their roles were reversed. His project constituted a major breakthrough in the field of alchemy, after all.
word count: 539





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Re: Phase One

With that thought in mind, he took his bag and gestured for the young woman to walk with him. “You are familiar with the subject of Blood Magic”, he spoke in a calm and measured tone. It was a statement and not a question. He had held several lectures on the various aspects of Blood Magic in the past cycle, and he had seen Plia and her friend Astrid in in almost all of them, always sitting in one of the first rows, listening attentively and almost never chatting or not paying attention, like some of their classmates.

“Of course, Professor”, Plia replied as she followed him out of the classroom and through the hallways of the Academy. She didn’t ask where they were going, he noticed.

“By using blood, we can replicate the effects of domain magic and blessing abilities with alchemy, but nobody has ever tried to create a potion that gives the drinker a Lotharro’s endurance or boosts their adrenaline, even though the basic principles seem quite similar. My research involves the creation of an adrenaline potion, among other things”, he revealed in a cool and utterly calm tone.

The adrenaline potion was the one that Plia and Ocraloch – and Faith – already knew about. He was working on other potions as well, but the research had not progressed sufficiently for him to want to talk about it yet. The prospect of telling everybody about a project that might still fail didn’t appeal to him, besides, he wanted there to be at least a little bit of mystery when he finally made the official announcement, once his thesis was finished.

For that reason, the rest of his work would remain a secret.

“I already tested the aforementioned adrenaline potion on rats last cycle, and those tests were quite promising. The potion was working, and the side effects were comparatively minor and manageable. Furthermore, I began the first phase of clinical trials, with a small group of humanoid volunteers and different doses, starting with subtherapeutic doses, to assess the safety and tolerability of the potion and determine the best dose”,
he spoke in a confident and matter-of-fact tone.

“I’m actually about to head to one of the medical laboratories at the Infirmary in order to work on the next step of the process which will involve a slight modification of the potion before I move on to testing it on the first group of actual patients. My research so far has indicated that the potion should be especially useful when it comes to the treatment of anaphylaxis as well as cardiac arrest”, he told the young woman who nodded and smiled softly and somewhat shyly.

“If you want to, you may accompany me”, he decided after a short pause. She already knew about the endurance potion, she was intelligent, and she seemed to be keen on learning more, so he saw no reason to not take her with him. With that thought in mind, he pushed the heavy entrance door of the Academy open and held it open for her before he walked outside as well, putting the hood of his coat on as he did so. Together, the professor and his student walked through the snow-covered streets of Viden.
word count: 548





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Re: Phase One

“So, this is it?” Plia asked, her black eyes wide with curiosity as he unlocked the cupboard where he stored his most important potions, removed a vial holder filled with several vials that contained a red liquid from it and carried it over to one of the workstations. “May I?” she asked. When he nodded, she hesitantly grasped one of the vials with a gloved hand – she had put protective gloves on without his having to remind her of it – and held it in front of her eye so that she could take a closer look at its contents.

“This is it”, he confirmed before he took a vial as well. “The first series of tests on humanoid volunteers have indicated that the dose needs to be increased for the potion to have the desired effect. This can be achieved in two ways – by adding more blood, as I already told your friend Astrid when I met with her, or by adding a reagent that renders the potion more potent. I have opted for the latter as Lotharro blood can be hard to come by, especially in Viden”, he informed her. “To-trial’s work will involve adding different amounts of the aforementioned reagent to the potion”, he explained.

Having said that, he retrieved a vial that contained a milky white liquid from the cupboard and added one drop to the first vial before he paused, opened a drawer and handed Plia a folder that contained numerous pages that were filled from top to bottom with his elegant handwriting. In some places, the words were crammed together as if he had been worried about running out of space.

“My notes on the tests that I conducted on rats”, he explained. “If you get tired of watching me, you may take a look at them. I think you might find them interesting.”

Plia smiled softly as she heard that, a bit of blush coloring her grey cheeks once more before she sat down on a chair opposite of him. For the first couple of bits, she simply watched him closely, but after a while her curiosity finally got the better of her, and she began to leaf through the folder that he had given to her. Plia behaved differently from her friend Astrid, the Mortalborn observed as he looked up from his work for a moment.

Astrid had been much more extrovert. She had always held a notebook and a pen in her hands and had almost constantly been taking notes. Plia did not take any notes, but he didn’t doubt that she would remember the most important information when he asked her, nevertheless.

With that thought in mind, he added the metabolizer to the last couple of potions before he turned to Plia once more. “Do you have any questions on my notes, by the way?” he wanted to know.

Plia looked at him, her black eyes a little wide, as if she were surprised that he had asked, before she admitted softly, “Actually, I have a few. How did you decide on the initial dose, for example? And how …” she continued. In the end, she had five questions for him that he answered with relative patience as they were good questions before he finally locked the vials back into the cupboard – he would test them on the volunteers the following trial – and bade his student farewell.

He’d likely see her in class again soon.
word count: 577





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Re: Phase One


Word Count: 1688
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Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=20657&p=143843#p144204

I found myself sort of hoping that Doran would pursue punishment against Ocraloch for sharing a semi-secret. It was a nice change of pace reading the seriousness of Doran and you write him well. The dialogue flowed easily.

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