A Thrall for Two

Outside the city there are many places of interest to be explored.
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A Thrall for Two

93 Vhalar, 719

Location: Desnind Wilds

Abra dreamwalked here in this thread.

Abra was in a forest in a location he was unfamiliar with. It didn’t seem like Melrath nor had he been able to find anyone that didn’t immediately try to kill him. He walked slowly through the snow, keeping warm in the jacket of a man he had recently killed. He’d been attacked in Melrath by a Lotharro and in an attempt to escape Abra had dreamwalked to ultimately end up here. Now he was too tired to travel back through the Untold. He just wanted to find some shelter…

“That cave looks nice,” Abra said to the thrall at his side. He had done the man an honor of raising him as a husk in case he needed protection in the forest. The thrall didn’t have anything to say. It just followed behind its master and occasionally tripped on something unseen in the snow. Things had been looking pretty bleak but a cave was just what Abra needed, provided nobody was inside.

He was in luck. Nobody was inside and it was dry in there. Abra cozied up against the wall of the cave and dozed off to sleep. He woke several hours later due to hunger. It wasn’t like he could create a fire with no gear, even if he could find some animal to eat. Maybe some travellers would come by and he could convince them to lend him some food. Money was about the only thing he had been able to keep in his pockets.

“You smell.” He told the dead body. If only there was some way he could restore the rot just for his nose’s sake.
word count: 290
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Re: A Thrall for Two

On the 93rd of Vhalar, Devin Thorn, thief, conman and magical mutant (that was how he explained his strange new abilities) was walking through a forest outside of Desnind, a short sword in his right hand and a backpack with all kinds of supplies on his back. Among other things, he was wearing his Cavani’s Cloak which was not only quite useful, but also looked fancy which was important to him as a follower of Delroth.

A few breaks earlier, one of the Sev’ryn in town had told him about a cave that supposedly contained some sort of treasure. At least he thought that the man had said “treasure”. Having only arrived earlier that season, he still had a hard time understanding the local language. Since he didn’t want to share the treasure with his companions that were just as greedy, if not even more greedy than him, he had decided to go alone.

He’d claimed that he was visiting a patient in a secluded village and that he’d be gone for a while (he was still playing the part of a doctor because people looked up to doctors, and he quite liked being respected and admired).

He was just about to give up, turn around and give that Sev’ryn a good beating because there seemed to be something wrong with the crude map the man had drawn (and because he was in a bad mood due to the weather being all kinds of unpleasant), when the cave finally came into view. At least he hoped that it was the cave, and not just a random cave.

Since there was only one way to find out if he’d reached his destination or gotten completely lost, he removed a small, glowing stone from a pocket of his coat because he needed a light source and came closer – only to stop dead in his tracks. There was already someone in the cave, and it was not a bear or some other animal. No, it was a strange man, and that strange man had a friend that was quite obviously not alive anymore!

For a moment, the young man just stared at the pair from out of violet eyes that were quite obviously some sort of mutation (humans normally didn’t have such eyes), before he wanted to know, in a tone of voice that was unmistakeably curious and quite polite on top of it, “I hope that I’m not bothering you, but is that a zombie – or what’s the correct scientific term? Thrall? Are you a necromancer? I’m half a necromancer!” he claimed brightly, as if he were unaware of the dangers of approaching an unfamiliar mage in the middle of the wilderness where help was unlikely to arrive in time.

“I already have a thrall, but I haven’t managed to acquire a spark yet!”
word count: 484


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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