118th of Vhalar, 719
The Council
Everyone had respected Thalins decision.
It was a good thing but there was hardly any other choice. Both Rauve and Amelien attested to the unrest, even she couldn’t deny the reported triple increase in theft, and all over food! tIt was the only last ditch effort the Master of Agriculture could come up with, and he’d be stupid to kill off his whole farm to satisfy the now. More than anything it was a bluff, a tactic she was familiar with, something to quiet the people while the rest of the Council figured out what they were actually going to do.
“Then we’re agreed.”
“I’ll head it.” Loren said in response, she had not bothered with the final formalities of the voting.
“We’d rather you stayed in the city during this time.”
“I don’t care what you want, Rauve.” The Ithecal said cheerfully, tail smacking to the ground as she stood. “It’s decided, and I’m not sending men out for nothing in this weather to cover our asses.”
Without waiting for the rest of their thoughts on the matter she swept out of the hall, the rest of them did not protest. Not that Loren expected them to. When she made up her mind it was final, and the rest of the conversation didn’t interest her when she had to prepare and gather her own group to send out. Still she called out, some of the earlier cheer leaving her voice as she left.
“When I get back we will have a better plan. My group leaves tomorrow after it’s been announced, whether we’ve got more volunteers or not.”
The Announcement
Posted everywhere, announced daily the entire day before so all anywhere within the city of Ne'haer could hear the following was made know to the city at large:
The Blades Need You!
Any and all who wish to help in the final hunt of the season, please report to the gates of the Willow Woods. Compensation and tools are provided, report by sunrise on the last morning of Vhalar. Experienced hunters preferred but not required.
The Council thanks it's citizens for their assistance in these trying times.
The Volunteers
A group of four waited at the gates. They expected no one to come, those who could hunt keeping solely for their families or taking safer alternatives within the city, such as theft or the underground channels. Loren knew it was unlikely this would spur anyone to action but that is why she had chosen her own to go. And those who did come would risk the dangers of the weather or anything not already in hibernation, a fools errand for sure but they couldn't get any worse than they were now.
The Ithecal smiled and slapped her unhappy group on the back. "Come now! We've done worse!"
"Not in Vhalar."
"Nah, she's right. Remember the last time that caravan got stuck in Zi'da? Closer to Lysoria but Immortals know the useless bastards can't be arsed to help."
"Oh shut up, don't start that again!"
Loren mentally patted herself on the back for distractions, watching her group with something like fondness and a smidge of worry though easily hidden with her reptilian features. Her own could care for themselves, so long as they focused, it was the potentially bumbling citizens she was most worried for. But glancing at the sky she would only be giving them another half break before they headed out on their own. In Loren's opinion, the less "help" people gave them the better.