Having hailed from Rynmere she was a disciple of the mantis a witch hunter and took to her duty as a stalwart defender against the blight of darkness cast upon the kingdom in lieu of the seekers and the cult of Elasin. It was her sworn duty too uproot those that wielded magic, and to cut those down those that conspired against the child king.
It came to pass that no tool or weapon to wield against the mages would be off limits and even then her journey to become the very thing she hated started with attunement, the process contrary to popular belief was sublimely painful she was for a lack of better words overloaded. It was best described as a psychic assault on her senses and left her stupefied as she had not been ready to process the shear amount of information being driven into her mind. She’d come too from the black out with an awful migraine a survivor of her initiation, and with it she set out learning to tune into frequencies and finding those that hid in plain sight detecting the wicked so that they may face judgement.
She trained by the nine did she train her focus was shielded combat focusing on a large heater shield and a short sword. The mantis initiate was taught to rely on acrobatics. Speed and reflex to move out of the way of oncoming attacks, using the spark of attunement to process and time the release of the arcane attack. The shield was her second line of defense against magic, basic and brutish but it did the job and made it difficult to land attacks flush. Sometimes that shield was the difference between life and death.
The short gladius was confusing at first no reach, but with training she was learning that she was left openings to thrust into when an adversaries weapon was blocked by her shield or that the swooping arches in the heater shields design could be used as a formidable offense.
Another piece of useful information she garnered was that a disoriented mage could not cast, and that a range of poison smears could in fact stifle a mage from casting.
The final phase of her training came when she had been inducted into the discipline of Abrogation. With the skills she had learned her first gauntlet was that of defiance being faced against the powers of earth air water and fire. Being blown off her feet and thrown into the dirt like a rag doll by air and scorched by the wildly flailing tendrils of flame her spark of abrogation flipped the field and it became difficult for the adversarial wizard to call upon the elements. The second step in the initiation was facing down a rupturing Mage his movements and blinks made the fight difficult because just when she’d think she’d have him her training sword would simply thrust into nothing as he vanished into thin air only to reappear with a booming thunder and a flurry of punches and kicks. He was inherently more mobile making the sparring more and more difficult, she had to let it all go and breath and trust the spark of abrogations ability to sense magic. It was different then attunement that she was having difficulty trying to wield while in the throws of combat but as she felt out the blinks she deciphered a tidbit she could sense where he was going as he’d tear a portal and blink to another location but before he made the jump there needed to be an opening on a different side the disciple realized she could sense this. All of a sudden his illusion of speed was dispelled as she could read his blinks and could momentarily decipher his destination before his jump.
Things were changing and nothing prepared her for the fact that the sparks seemed to have a personality of there own. She felt uneasy and it made her skin crawl that she had ultimately become the very thing she hated in order to stand a fighting chance against mages.
Of course it was the mage burnings that caused a sway in her opinion, there was something she could not unsee and it tested her conviction to there cause as her beliefs were slowly unraveling. It wasn’t until she discovered faith in an Ivorian deity Ethylinda that she decided that the Order of the Mantis derailed from its original intent.
Everything she had done was to protect those that could not defend themselves, she no longer could abide slaughtering innocent people. She chose to leave that life behind her as she headed towards the island of scalvoris.
She since took to following the virtues of Nobility Honor and Protection and living her life by that immortals ideals. She currently volunteers helping members of the order of adunih on there pilgrimages across the island. Klaudia has vowed to become a shield to help the order help those in need, choosing to disavow her old life as a killer.