Hot Cycle Roster 719

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Hot Cycle Roster 719

Roster, Ymiden and Saun, 719
Welcome to Yaralon, or welcome back! Our community has grown quite large and active now, so let us keep it going. We're finishing up plots and projects from the previous Cycles, while also seeing new conflict escalate between Yaralon and the strange things from Emea, as well as the conflict in the Crescent Sea Region. There will be lots to do, and we'll keep adding as we go. So get in to some trouble, make friends, fight monsters, and most importantly, be the most Yari you can be. Or not. Welcome to Yaralon.

One really important note is that if you're coming to Yaralon from a foreign land, for the first time, you must do The Run. This can be done as a solo, a memory, a collab. If you start it and drop a link in the Yaraloon OOC or send one of the Yaralon mods the link, we'll even consider dropping a surprise in there for you.

Without further ado...

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[style=max-width: 880px; margin: auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=318&image_id=8904); background-repeat: repeat; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 2px #000000; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 30px;][style2=max-width: 820px; margin: auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=544&image_id=13861); background-repeat: repeat; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 2px #000000; border: solid 5px #e9e9e9; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 30px;][style3=max-width: 750px; background: rgba(138,138,138, 0.9); margin: auto; border: solid 5px #e9e9e9; padding: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 1px #000000; color: #000000;]
[b]Race and Gender:[/b]
[b]Any NPCs?[/b]
[b]Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark?[/b] (This is determined by your level of citizenry) 
[b]Where are you living?[/b] (Purchased Home, Rental, staying with family or friends? [url=/viewtopic.php?f=101&t=13071]Housing Link[/url])
[b]Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom?[/b]
[b]Use Domain Magic? Which?[/b]

[b]What are your PC's In Character Goals? [/b]
[b]What are your OOC Goals for your PC?[/b]
[b]Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon?[/b]

[b]What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed[/b]
[b]What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed.[/b]
[b]What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed.[/b]

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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo
Race and Gender: Tunawa male
Any NPCs? Alaiwa
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Silver (I still need to do my run memory thread omg)
Where are you living? An owned burho near the tree burho
Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? No
Use Domain Magic? Which? NO

What are your PC's In Character Goals? Become the best knight in Idalos.
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Become a viable combatant and have fun adventures.
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Not sure.

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed His engagement to Rabu, when they were kidnapped by their ethelguard and raskalguard. It's when Kisaik knew for sure he wanted to be a knight.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. Worst crime was killin a buncha trees in Desnind :(
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. He deserves to be punished for killing all those trees. I suppose?

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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Tio Barabus Silver
Race and Gender: Emean Being, Male
Any NPCs? Tasha VonDwight
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Gold (always believe in your soul.)
Where are you living? Tio's Sanctum)

Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? Cursed by Cassion.
Use Domain Magic? Which? Schism, Necromancy, Attunement and Defiance.

What are your PC's In Character Goals? Have fun. Do interesting stuff.
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Have Tio confront his necromancy mentor Zavious. Do demon stuff. Talk to those bears.
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Spontaneous musicals.

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed Blowing up Emea I suppose. It's kind of hard to describe.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. Murdered Cassion's avatar.
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. Vri owes him 1 free return from death.

word count: 178
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Praetorum
Race and Gender: Ithecal Diri, Male
Any NPCs? A mage mentor or two
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Silver Circle
Where are you living? Rental
Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? Taithir
Use Domain Magic? Which? Hone & Defiance babyyyyyy

What are your PC's In Character Goals? To fix emea, and not be useless again. Also, spreading hone
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Discover the full extent of his new diri powers, meet a dragon, reveal into both hone and defiance
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Ribbon thingies

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed When Prae was about eight, he and his family went to visit his mother's brother, a former scout. Prae and his brother spent the entire week the near sole focus of a dozen dogs, wolves, and barghests.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. He murdered in cold blood four of his own squadmates to try and save his brother (and failed)
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. He really does owe a wergild to the families of his former squadmates

Last edited by Praetorum on Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 224
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Cervantez Xeleno
Race and Gender: Diri, Male
Any NPCs? All Four
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Silver, but hope to gain Gold
Where are you living? Starting Package House?
Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? Nope
Use Domain Magic? Which? Necromancy FTW!!!!!

What are your PC's In Character Goals? Look into the rumors of a Dragon Graveyard in the Spines. Gain more magical prowess in Necromancy. Begin finding students for potential necro school so he can spread the magic
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Figure out this whole Diri thing, Reveal as whatever a Diri of Necromancy would be
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? not as of yet

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed When he was twelve his mother would spend nights telling him of Desnind and how she believed to have met Moseke once.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. Ya know, that whole food shortage thing he was set up for.
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. None sadly

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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Balthazar Black
Race and Gender: Human Male
Any NPCs? No
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Silver Circle Mark
Where are you living? Owns a house in Yaralon
Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? Not marked.
Use Domain Magic? Which? Defiance and Rupture

What are your PC's In Character Goals? Expand his knowledge of magic and adapt his body to Yari standards. (Become less squishy.)
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Maybe a team adventure.
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Weird but cool magic stuff.

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed Balthazar fondly remembers the golden trials before jealously bred discord between his mentor Xanax and his close friend Morgan. The trials when he could study magic with Xanax during the day and strike out on the town with Morgan at night.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. Balthazar did some smuggling and brought really bad drugs into a city in his backstory and while he has murdered a lot of people in self defense, the drug smuggling was probably the worst thing he has done.
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. Presently Balthazar is debt free and he does his best to remain that way.

word count: 243

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Azrael Blackfire
Race and Gender: Human Male
Any NPCs? No
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Silver Circle Mark
Where are you living? Camping around Yaralon.
Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? Not marked
Use Domain Magic? Which? No magics.

What are your PC's In Character Goals? Find enough treasure to settle down somewhere.
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Increase his skills.
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Emea destroying something.

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed. Azrael's most fond memories come from his childhood because pretty much everything after that was pretty rough. He remembers downtime with his parents when his father would tell them stories. It didn't happen often but that made the times it did happen all the more special.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. Azrael is presently most proud of his systematic quest to kill his way through a group of mercenaries in Bastard's Grove. It sounds worse when you put it that way. He is killing bad guys but it is still murder.
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. Azrael doesn't owe anyone anything at the moment.

word count: 234

Sesser Mark

  • Transformer's Toolbox [Minor]: Azrael can make superficial changes to his appearance (hair, nails, skin, eye, and voice.)
  • Ever Alluring I: Azrael seems to endure harsh conditions better than others and everyone, despite sexual orientation, is just a bit curious what he would be like in bed.

Spirit Impact

  • Darksight: Azrael's perception of light and dark have been flipped, allowing him to see more clearly in an absence of light than in the day.
  • Crow's Embla: So long as he doesn't mention proper names of people, either his own or that of others, he will be able to fit into any setting that he visits in Melrath. Once he uses a proper name of any person (even if it's made up) within another's hearing range, the effect is null until the next trial.

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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Silpey/Victory
Race and Gender: Sev'ryn Female
Any NPCs? None
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Silver Circle
Where are you living? Small home from city dweller package, near Shield Gate
Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? No marks
Use Domain Magic? Which? Currently Rupturing, but an aspiring student of Necromancy.

What are your PC's In Character Goals? Continue to search for Familiar, further self through study so that I may bring back lots of stories!
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Take up apprenticeship under Cerv and help him further his school/storyline
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Still consuming info, I'm new here! Will edit this later.

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed Barefoot, clothed in hides, under a forest canopy skinning a felled beast with her family after a group hunt when she was a young girl.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. She's still young and very new to crime! Probably poaching? During her travels I'd imagine her to be largely staying under the radar while she searchers for familiar. She's probably given aid to a Marked person outside of Yaralon while roaming and hunting; I'd imagine that's the "worst".
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. The ship captain of the vessel that took her from Ne'haer to near-Yaralon. She got very sick on the journey and he not only insisted that she be treated with their own supplies, but also make a stop to port earlier than planned so she could be transferred to a clinic. If he had not dropped her off, she would have died. Additionally, the clinic workers that took care of her and helped her recover, but less so than the Ship Captain.

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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Kalortah Satravial
Race and Gender: Avriel Male
Any NPCs? A creepy fan in Scalvoris and magic mentor in Athart.
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Silver
Where are you living? Renting in a nice little adobe villa. Until the 44th of Ymiden, then he leaves for Athart.
Marked by Immortal(s)? D...d...d...Delroth
Use Domain Magic? Which? Abrogation

What are your PC's In Character Goals? He wants to be a famous bard, and create a thriving cultural scene for his people wherever they go.
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Make him a bad ass killer minstrel.
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Temple of Delroth.

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed The time when he was renovating his house in Athart. Nothing stoked his vanity like seeing that ill-decorated grotto turn into a cozy villa.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. He worked as a slaver to make ends meet, kidnapped a slave child to deliver to the nest keepers, and killed a singer that made him jealous.
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. He owes Navyri for teaching him the importance of strength and discretion.

word count: 237
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

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Re: Hot Cycle Roster 719

Name: Llyr Llywelyn
Race and Gender: Biqaj, Male
Any NPCs? Yes (and no) - Hazel, adopted daughter and maybe a few others (but likely none will be accompanying).
Unmarked, Silver Circle Mark, or Gold Circle Mark? Unmarked :?
Where are you living? Staying with... friends. Floor-crashing. (Visiting)
Marked by Immortal(s)? Whom? None.
Use Domain Magic? Which? Transmutation and Becoming.

What are your PC's In Character Goals? Learn, Improve, Survive. Help. Make Connections. Being kind and taking names.
What are your OOC Goals for your PC? Meeting other characters, checking out the city.
Is there anything unwritten you'd especially like to see in Yaralon? Does Yaralon have an opera?

What is your PC's most fond memory? Be detailed Sitting on a branch at the top of a jungle canopy, alone when 15, and watching birds fly about while the sun rose.
What crime, regardless of location, has your PC committed that you consider to either be the "largest/worst" or the crime you're most proud of? Be detailed. Being an accomplice to the level of almost professional-accomplice.
What's the biggest favor or debt your PC owes or is owed? Be detailed. Hmmmm.... will probably have to put together an OOC ledger of IC favors/debts, will get back to this...

word count: 215
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