• Solo • [Starter Quest] Second Test

15th of Cylus 719

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Starter Quest] Second Test

15th Cylus, 719

Sleep had been a lost cause. Despite the exhaustion she had felt after Vyndar's "visit," Ari'sora had been far too tense to sleep, knowing what this trial would bring. And after several breaks of trying to sleep, she had finally given up. The rest of the night had been spent trying to distract herself from the pain she was in by "playing" songs in her head as she tried to work out what she was going to do for her test.

The perpetual darkness of Cylus made it very difficult to tell what time it was without looking at a candle to see how much time had passed. Even so, Ari'sora guessed that it was morning when Vyndar entered the room. She watched him in silence as he undid the chains that kept her restrained to the bed. When he led her into the next room, she offered no resistance. Instead, she used the last few trills she had left to compose herself as best she could.

The silence that filled the room was oppressive. A fire crackled in the fireplace providing both heat, and light. The sound it made sounded almost painfully loud to Ari'sora as she moved into the room. Hathelrri sat in the middle of a row of chairs that had been placed against the wall. Ryl'ryn sat beside him in the chair that was in the corner of the room. Ari'sora studied her friend intently. Ryl'ryn was hunched over, curled in on herself as if she was in pain. Ari'sora had no doubt that she was. Her friend was pale, and a light sheen of sweat covered her skin. Ari'sora couldn't help but be worried. She thought that Ryl'ryn needed to be in bed recovering from her miscarriage. But she knew that if she dared say so, they would both be punished for her efforts. At least her seat was in the corner so she could lean up against the wall if she needed to.

Vyndar took the remaining chair. He watched Ari'sora's every move intently, like a hawk studying its prey from his seat. His cold, calculating gaze gave nothing of what he felt away, but it made Ari'sora shiver with fear all the same. It was much easier for her to tell what Vyndar's friend, Hathelrri was feeling. His smirk, and the anticipation in his eyes told her that he wanted her to fail the test.

He was going to be disappointed. Ari'sora was absolutely certain of that. She needed to be. She had failed once before. But not this time. This time, she was going to pass, and then she was going to leave this horrible room behind her once and for all. No other outcome would be acceptable.

A quick glance at her friend, Ryl'ryn told her that her fellow half Avriel was hoping that she would pass the test this time as much as she was. When she thought no one was looking, Ryl'ryn smiled encouragingly at Ari'sora. That meant a lot to Ari'sora; Ryl'ryn was clearly in a lot of pain, but she still found it within herself to show her support to Ari'sora. It was something that Ari'sora would remember, and if a way ever presented itself, she would find a way to return the favor.

"Good luck." she mouthed silently.

Ari'sora took strength from the fact that one person in the room wanted her to succeed. She deliberately refused to look at her captors. Instead, she took a few bits to center herself, pushing all of her fears and anxiety to the back of her mind. When she thought she was fully focused on the task at hand, she picked up one of her three liquid glass leaves, took a deep breath, and allowed herself to admire the beauty of her instrument. Then she began to play.

Last edited by Rei'sari on Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:18 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 666
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: [Starter Quest] Second Test

15th Cylus, 719

She opened with the scale. When she had first been captured, she had been a rank novice with the glass flute. And while she had improved somewhat, she still felt that she had no real idea of what she was doing when she played. The scale was a tool for teaching a novice the notes for the instrument they were learning how to play. Being kidnapped the way she had been, and being forced to play by her captors' rules was a major event in her life. Losing her freedom so soon after she had gained it had been devastating. If she was supposed to put her life to music, then this part of her life had to be included in the song. Playing the scale seemed like as good a way to represent it as any. Especially since every instrument had a scale, so in a way, the scale represented music itself. And since music was the reason she had been kidnapped if her captors were to be believed...it was even more fitting.

But the scale itself did not make a song. So she began to play with it the way she had during one of her practice sessions. It was a way of showing that her skills had improved since she had begun practicing for these tests, but there wasn't really all that much emotion to it, and when she saw Vyndar frowning and Hathelrri looking bored, she knew she was losing her audience.

The book she had been given about the glass piano had mentioned something about that. A good musician was always able to keep the attention of their audience, and the easiest way to do that was to play what they wanted to hear. Vyndar wanted to hear her life story put to music, and that meant that she had to channel the emotions she had felt during important times of her life into that music.

So she reached deep, and tried play a dark melody, one that would truly represent the anxiety and uncertainty that was an ever present part of her childhood. Earn your keep, and get fed. Obey, and please Ren'zar enough, and if he was in a good mood, she might be rewarded with some time to read. Fail to please him, and be punished. Those rules had been absolute. But she had never known when Ren'zar would punish her for reasons that had nothing to do with her at all. He was a man that got angry easily, and when he was angry, he lashed out. During the worst of it, even Mi'zuri had become a target of his rage. Her entire childhood had been filled with wary anxiety, tense anticipation, and uncertainty. And she tried to convey those emotions into her music now.

It seemed to help a little bit, but something in Vyndar's eyes warned her that he wasn't impressed. Ari'sora tried to incorporate some of the more complex notes she had learned when she had begun experimenting with using two of the liquid glass leaves at once, but she was so tense and worried about what would happen if she failed this test too that she couldn't concentrate on what she was doing. That led to mistakes, and each one she made deepened the annoyance in Vyndar's expression.

word count: 564
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: [Starter Quest] Second Test

15th Cylus, 719

The more annoyed Vyndar looked, the more anxious Ari'sora felt, and the more mistakes she made as she was trying to impress him enough to pass the test. Finally, she paused, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down as much as she could. She was only getting worse the more worried she got, and the result was that she was her own worst enemy. So she did her best to let all of that go, and just play.

It seemed to help a little. She started making fewer mistakes when she focused on the music itself rather than worrying about what would happen if she failed the test. Making fewer mistakes helped to calm her even further, and she was able to put the feelings she wanted to convey into her song rather than focus on technique alone. As her song progressed, she began to play lighter, happier notes to reflect the joy she felt as she began to learn what it meant to be free. There was a darker undertone to the song too. Even after being rescued, she had had no idea how to be...herself. She didn't know who she was when not defined by the need to obey Ren'zar. It was something she was still trying to learn even now. The darker undertone reflected that uncertainty lurking beneath the joy of her newfound freedom.

Ryl'ryn hummed quietly in time with her song, and Ari'sora took strength from the reminder of her friend's presence. She seemed to enjoy her performance at least. But Vyndar and Hathelrri did not. After a few more bits, Vyndar stood.

"That's enough."

Ari'sora froze, her heart sinking in dread.

"I will admit that this performance was better than your last attempt, but it is not good enough. You have failed."

word count: 315
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: [Starter Quest] Second Test


Caregiving: observing a friend to see if they are okay
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): putting everything you've learned together
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): focus on the music, not what's at stake
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): when uncertain, stick to the basics
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): playing what the audience wants to hear
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): if you allow fear to affect your performance, you are your own worst enemy

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 5, for performing in front of an audience.
Magic XP: -
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: You described how desperate Ari’sora’s situation is very well. Vyndar scares me a little. Ryl’ryn on the other hand seems like a nice person. She even supports Ari’sora when she’s in pain. I hope that Vyndar doesn’t punish Ari’sora too much for failing the test, but the last couple of sentences gave me a bad feeling. I wonder what will happen in your next thread. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 172





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