61 Ashan, Arc 716
She'd been working very nearly every day. Not even night necessarily brought an end to her activities. But then, there was no one for her to work in shifts with. It was her alone, and her ship debt, paired with Hunters threat and the ease with which the Banks Mer could find her if he could not, hung over her head. They'd given her a year to work it off. And perhaps that would be necessary were she paying a landlord, and indulging in good foods, clothing herself in silk and gold, if she had a family to support. But she lived on the Bravi'os, and she lived modestly. Most of her meals were fish and kelp, caught in her own nets. Her clothes were limited and simple. She provided for no one but herself.
And this meant she was limited by no one but herself, and if Nivasi was one thing, it was determined, driven.
Which came together resulting in this current moment of almost perfection. The one where within her first season, she was walking to the Andaris extension of Rynmeres Bank, the coins needed to repay her loan concealed in a bag within her sash. Almost perfection because for all that she moved with grace, flowing through the crowded streets like a boat upon the water surrounded by flocks of squawking seagulls, for all that her chin was high and her expression serene, still she was aware of possible danger. Her singular independence, freedom if you like, also left her vulnerable. What if someone chose to attack her now? To rob her, making her start all over again, assuming she was not too injured. Of course it was midday, and the guard were out and about, so the chances of such an occurrence were low. Still, it lay at the back of her mind, niggling her, keeping her aware.
As she stepped within the bank, seeing the armed and armoured Mer guardians, watching silently all that happened around them, a tiny bit of the tension dissipated. Nivasi trusted the Mer far more than she did humans, for all that the ones who ran the bank seemed far removed from their wilder brethren. Following protocol, she put her payment, all three nundred gold nels in a sealed bag, recording her details, before setting it next to a pool of water. Before her eyes, another mer, leaner than the guards rose from the depths to take the bag.
It paused, dark eyes fixed on her face, unreadable. For a moment, the normally collected Nivasi was thrown off. She'd called out almost without thinking, and now felt rather like a child who'd shouted at the King only to have him actually turn around.
"Thank you, I just.. I'd heard of the shipwreck in Krom Lake, and I'd wanted to see it one day, but I know your bank is also there, and I would not like to intrude on that."
It glanced at the details she'd recorded. A whisper brushed past her mind
Nivasi Zyq'Dariav of the Bravi'os. Your interest is noted.
And with that it was gone, diving into the depths and quickly lost to sight. Nivasi, eyes flashing gold, take a moment to compose herself before turning and leaving the bank. She still had some coin left, and she intended to turn it into resources to make more. Even as her mind turned to these more mundane and immediate concerns though, she couldn't help but go back to her encounter with the Mer. To how it had sounded within her mind, and to what precisely it had meant. Lost in thought as she was, she was less alert as she moved on towards the marketplace.