III. And I For You

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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III. And I For You

2 Cylus 719
finale to this here
"It's not that bad a deal. I think it'll be good to do."

"You're not the one that has to do the killing. It'll be on my head when this whole thing blows over. If they report this, I lose out."

"The same could have been said for what you did to your father."

"The difference is that I had no one who would run and grab the authorities."

Sighing, the Naer reclined in her seat. The discussion was going nowhere. Nadine was only helpful when she wanted to be and now was not the case. It would only serve to aggravate her if she persisted in debating the matter. She shouldn't have even considered it. Not when the woman had been insistent on calling her Shadow of Vri. So she gave up, and the two women retired to sleep; Yndira to the bed and Nadine to her chair that she seemed to prefer. The Naer never understood it, but the woman seemed more comfortable doing so and she never questioned it.

It was about three breaks later - cutting it close to the start of the next trial, she felt - when there was a knock on their door. They were not afforded many visitors. Just the landlord reminding them of their dues need to be paid, or the odd neighbor curious to see who they were. But it was never at this break in the evening. Nadine remained still but tense. Clearly awake and marginally alarmed. The grip on the dagger just there on the table tightened and then their gaze locked. Yndira didn't need the light to see the other woman nod.

It had been a procedure that they'd developed following the blunder that had taken place in Rynmere. It was Nadine who approached the door, unarmed. Yndira wondered if she felt bare without her many knives, exposed - but she had seen the capability of the woman fighting with her bare hands. She might admit to admiring it on an off trial. Poised behind the door the naer was, waiting as the woman opened up to a lit candle and a hooded figure. The small space between the door and the frame gave her only that.

But not for the first time tonight, she saw the flash of metal and her heart sang the ever popular tune of try me, you shitbag.

word count: 409
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Re: III. And I For You

“Please; come in. How can I help you?”

The figure behind the door, that she could see through the cracks was not yet poised for a confrontation. Maybe he was trying to be sure he was walking into the right apartments before attempting to lay waste to the occupants. Or maybe he was gauging whether or not he could take Nadine head-on. Whatever he was thinking on, he made the mistake of dropping his hood. It might have slipped as he adjusted it, but his face was revealed and that was all Yndira really needed. Big eyes stared over at Nadine, who’s brows rose expectantly and as the Naer watched the gears turn in the man’s head, she readied herself.

She was lucky he had taken even a step into the apartment, not willing to turn down the offer. His manners were getting him into a bit of a difficult situation. She rammed her shoulder into the door with as much force as she could, feeling it bounce back to her as it ricocheted off the man on the other side. It was almost comical watching the way his head rocked back. Or hearing it, in Yndira’s case. He stumbled back, Nadine lunging forward to grab at his cloak and pull him inside. His nose bled, though not heavily, as he fell forward and the Naer shut the door behind him.

He coughed once, spit, then looked up in time to catch a kick to the face. Perhaps unnecessary, but Yndira had been targeted in her own measly place of residence. The ringleader of this whole thing could have just let it be, but he hadn’t. And now this only proved to poke at her frayed nerves. As he gasped, she pulled him over to one corner of the room, raising a hand to hold Nadine off. She allowed him to sit up against a wall, yanking his knife from its sheath before he could do so himself. A poor assassin this was.

Yndira was tempted — so tempted, really — to be done with this and cave his skull in. But just as whoever had sent him could not have let it go, neither could she. An eye for an eye. He blinked until he could focus and then she was in his space, smiley and expectant.

“Who tell you come here?” Probably better words for phrasing existed, but she could not find them or her need to care. “Why come look for me?”

“I-’m not lookin’ for you.”

“Oh, yes, you is.”

“No, no. I’m really not. I’m just trying to find some bitch who almost got us caught.”

Her smile widened. “That me.” She rather enjoyed watching the color drain from his face.

word count: 464
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