Do Re Mi Fa So Ready for a Spark (Memory)

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Do Re Mi Fa So Ready for a Spark (Memory)

2nd of Ashan, 717

“This cave has lovely acoustics.” Marin commented as her laid out the blanket to sit on, Cirrina only watched having refused to assist as she lazed on the shore line. “You did well.”

“I know I did.”
The mer said with no shortage of prize, “You should be lucky I’ve shown you my home.”

“Your home?”
Her teacher looked around with narrowed eyes, “I see.”

A slow, self-satisfied smile parted her lips, “You don’t approve.”

“It is not that, I worry about my prize pupil.”

She whispered softly, but the word echoed easily in the cave, “You wonder if more mer have hid under your nose, if we lurk in caves like the monsters you paint us as. You find it strange creatures like us, so ugly to you, live somewhere so beautiful.”

And it was a true, the cave with its glow of crystal clear water, luminous stones, clear sands was something picturesque. The only true defilements of it were the mer beaching herself, rising up as she stood on her own imaginary podium and the human who sat crossed legged on the blanket while eyeing her with an indulgent smile.

“Those are your words, not mine.” He replied smoothly, “Now if you’re done, come over here.”

Lips pulled down the mer sulked forward, annoyed her mentor hadn’t raised to the bait but he hardly ever did. When she settled he grabbed her tentacles without flinching, the glint in his eye telling her exactly what he’d thought of her earlier words to which she rolled her eyes in response. He’s still been shocked the first time they shook hands and Cirrina would never let him forget it.

“Do you remember what I’ve told you?”

A scathing remark was at the tip of her tongue but she bit it back, he’d finally agreed she was ready. If she were to annoy him now she’d never get what she’d been denied so many times before. The mer nodded curtly.

“What is the first rule?”

“Clear your mind.”

“And is yours clear?”
It wasn’t. But his tone was a warning she heeded, letting the anger sink back to the depths were it always rested to happily. Without hesitation Cirrina closed her eyes, breathing in and out deeply, focusing on the counting and the feel of his hands in hers. When she opened her eyes the surface waters of her emotions were still.

“As clear as I can be.”

“You’re nervous.”


He smiled blandly, “Then listen closely,”

“And you will hear all.”
Cirrina finished quietly, a saying of his he liked to repeat so often. Touting it as the corner stone of Attument, listening to the world around them. But now she honed in on his voice, it started out so soft she strained to hear it even in the echo of the cavern. But once she could hear it, it was impossible to tune it out. The sound rooted in her ears, burrowed in her brain making all of her twitch and her teachers hands tighten around hers.

A part of her wanted to scold him for subtly telling her to be still but the more focused part, that part knew better than to interrupt the warnings he’d instilled before telling her it was time. Then those thoughts fled as the song seemed to begin to echo now, louder and louder as it bounced off the walls, soon bouncing around inside her skull.

Cirrina let her eyes fall shut, giving herself over to the music. For a simple hum it sounded like a symphony in her head, it even gave the same presence and it was beautiful. There was little the mer thought so about that wasn’t herself or her animals but there was no other way to described what she heard.

At least, not at first.

Without realizing it the mer had begun to try and hum along, and it it was in that moment that the music took a sharp, sour note. But the music was already at home in her skull, and even when her tentacles flew to her ears out of habit, the noise did not stop. It grew louder and louder still, until it seemed nothing more than a shrill ringing in her ears.

Cirrina was ready to scream but hands prying her tentacles away reminded her of what was happening, a solid grounding to reality as the melody continued. She just had to listen, give in as she had before. So with her teeth sinking into the plush flesh of her bottom lip the mer let her body relax, allowing herself to listening to the shrieking haunting notes as she had before. On and on it went until the mer was certain her ears were bleeding and yet—

And yet the melody rang through her ears, both wonderful and woeful, terrible and terrific, the notes twining together in a familiar circular tune that she could not keep hold of. Each time she thought she had it, it slipped through her tentacles like water. Yet every note was an old friend, entirely unforgettable even if she could not recall any of it.

Round and round it went, off the walls, off her skull, as if the music was sinking into her very blood. Her own throat struggled to hum the tune back, unable to yet never missing a note. But as she tried to sing the notes back she was swallowing them instead, they slipped down her throat like a cool drink or a fresh kill. Down, and down until they settled in her gut so painfully her tentacles were finally allowed to slip free as her body slumped forward, head hitting her teachers still crossed legs. Tears ran down her cheeks, perhaps even small whimpers escaped but were drown out by the music that would not stop, and Cirrina wasn’t entirely sure she even wanted it to.

It was only then that she screamed silently, for when the notes settled they tore her apart like a shark in a feeding frenzy.
Last edited by Cirrina on Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1027
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Re: Do Re Mi Fa So Ready for a Spark (Memory)

The music had stopped but its notes lingered in her ears, like a dream she could not and likely did not want to recall. It was a strange feeling though because in her very soul she knew it waited but that did not make her move, her entire body felt as if it had been pummeled by a drum. Though her body was physically fine she felt as though she could sleep for days, like her mind had swam laps around all Idalos and never paused for breath.

“Can you hear me, Cirrina?”

The mer replied weakly as her mentor helped her sit up, checking her over as if he were a doctor of the mind rather than one of numbers. “Oh stop it, you don’t care and I am fine.”

She huffed after letting him fawn over her like a newborn, her tentacles smacking him away with far more force than necessary but pleased she could still moved at all. It felt as if all of her had been sucked into a bottle, shaken violently then tossed back out much like how their creator had made them. “Is it meant to hurt that much?”

“There is nothing worthwhile that is not painful.”

“That must be a yes.”
Cirrina growled as she massaged her temples, refusing to look at his likely stupid smiling face. He would would get not praise from her for his stupidly worded jokes. But she had to admit, she had no faith in his numbers but his magic—“I can feel it!”

“If you didn’t you’d dead, deaf or worse.”

“But I can feel it!”

The mer entirely missed the look of surprise cross her teachers face at the childlike glee and joy in her voice, a rare thing for any to hear. Quickly he snapped his fingers for attention, pleased to see he had not been wrong in his choice but knowing he needed to focus her quickly, “Do not use your spark yet.”

“Why not?”
And there were her usual sullen tones, her lips baring in a snarl as he grinned back at her. A kitten hissing at a mountain lion.

“You must rest, allow your spark to know you—“

“But I can hear—“

“—and listen to the new sounds around you. Listen, sleep, do as I say.”
A firmness in his tone that broke no argument and Cirrina respected, if only because he dared use it as if the tone didn’t make her want to rip his throat out. With her teeth. “You hear nothing but yourself, Attunement is active when you use it, you will feel the ether. What you are doing is passive listening, your own self that you claim to know so well? Yes thats the one. Now sleep. I will wake you for lesson in a break.”

“Some rest that will be.”

“And even shorter if you keep talking.”
Marin said, though not unkindly it was a final warning that the mer would do best to heed or he would let her sort out the consequences herself. With huffing and puffing that was more bluster than truth the mer allowed her body to curl up sleep coming far easier than she had thought, notes of a melody she name ringing in her ears.
word count: 549
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Re: Do Re Mi Fa So Ready for a Spark (Memory)


Awarded Points
These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge
Attunement: Is an active act
Attunement: A attuner is always attuned to themselves
Attunement: Is about more than listening to sounds of everything around you
Meditation: Closing ones eyes to focus
Meditation: Using breathing to calm oneself

Awarded Extras
Loot & Losses
  • None

  • words

  • None


Ahaha! I enjoyed the wittiness of this - as a general rule I avoid magic like the plague because I struggle with engaging when reading it, but this was nicely done, in amongst the humour and dialogue, which was my favourite part.

One tiny thing - couple of typo errors. I'm notorious for this as well, but would recommend a quick read over for them.
You've also only requested 5 pieces of Knowledge. If you want a 6th, PM me or another mod. Ta

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 170
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