OOC Info Emea Q & A

Known colloquially as the "Realm of Dreams", Emea is a mysterious place accessed primarily beyond the realm of consciousness as the mortal body sleeps in Idalos. The mind travels far at night and Emea's not without its unique risks and dangers, though Jesine's vigilance keeps mortals mostly safe.

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Emea Q & A

And so, to sleep. Perchance, to dream....
Welcome to Emea! Munch and I are going to be working on the Dreamscape over the next... however long it takes us. So, while we're doing that, please feel free to put any questions in here that you might have. Please be prepared for a "ooohh, not sure, we'll get back to you" answer. That said, enjoy the Realm of Dreams!
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Re: Emea Q & A

Hey! Just a quick question here. Will AF threads set in Emea (like a really gorey Nightmare thread) count towards Dreamwalking XP?

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Re: Emea Q & A

Hiya - yes - but please make absolutely sure that you label them as "IN EMEA" in big, neon letters etc :)
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Re: Emea Q & A

Since this is a general Emea Q & A and Emea is undergoing some slight maintenance, I'm locking this thread till the Crack in the Wall Emea Events are completed.
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Re: Emea Q & A

Where can I post my application for a dreamscape? The one mentioned in the dreamwalking skill Dreamweaving ability.
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Re: Emea Q & A

PSF it :) I can't wait to see it!
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Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Emea Q & A

Can Sev'ryn Familiars be seen/interacted with by others in dreams?

Familiars reside within the spirit world. I'm going to assume this would be the Beneath. They run around down there but the bonded can see them.

When the player dreams, are they still in the Beneath, just expressing themselves through the dreamer? Or do they enter the Dreamscape with their bonded? In the latter case they would be on the same plane of existence and it might make sense they could be seen by others within the dream.

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Re: Emea Q & A

Can Sev'ryn familiars be seen and interacted with by others in dreams? Short answer, absolutely.

Spirit familiars of all types, including those gained in Immortal Marks, are bound to the soul of the individual. When a person dreams and enters Emea, their soul is quite literally, temporarily, leaving their body and travelling to the other dimension. This brings everything attached to that soul with them, including Sparks, Marks, and especially Sev'ryn familiars, since they're not just attached - they're almost a part of that soul themselves. It's enough to quite literally yank them from their own dimension and plop them in a completely new one.

However. Normally spirit familiars reside in the Beneath and that's why nobody can see them. In Emea, they can't do that - and that means not only can they be seen and interacted with, but the Sev'ryn spirit familiar does not have the power to make itself invisible while dreaming, and is permanently materialised. Which is bad news if you're lucid dreaming and come into danger.

This also happens to every other spirit familiar that the dreamer has at the time of dreaming. Unless they can literally be pulled into their Mark, in the case of something like the Lethroda Spider Familiar, that familiar will be constantly materialised and visible to everyone else.
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Re: Emea Q & A

Can you please direct me to the place in the lore where I can read the text about how the sev'ryn spiritual familiars work in Emea?

I have tried to read up but got lost in the Wiki.

I would be grateful for links. I really have tried to find the info in the lore as I have never before seen that sev'ryn ose'bori are constantly visible to all in the Emea and constantly active and available for being interacted with. Not sure if I understand the answer above this post. I'm totally aware there can be some lore somewhere about it, but I haven' t been able to find anything.

This is what I found in The Spirits and Souls primer
The Sev’ryn race are capable of seeing their own Osẹ-bori without high spirituality or a mark from an Immortal. It is generally considered rude and inappropriate to seek out another person’s Osẹ-bori. Even marked and extremely spiritual people try their best to avoid communication with another person’s Osẹ-bori, as this may be considered peering into someone’s “soul” without permission. Those that do not understand how the Sev’ryn race communicates with their Osẹ-bori often learn this rule the hard way.
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Re: Emea Q & A


Just posting here to say that the link you've put there is in the "Archive" category - so is old information. I'd always suggest checking the left-hand menu to get where you want to go - or checking the very bottom of the page to make sure that you're not in "Archive" or some such.

Using the left-hand drop down menu - I went to to "Repositories" main category (the purple background)
In there:

Repository of IC Lore >
> Beings
> Spirits
> Spirits OOC Info

In there are both the Familiar Primer: wiki/index.php?title=Familiar_Primer
And the Spirits Primer: wiki/index.php?title=Spirits_Primer

I'm sorry - I realise I'm not actually answering the question, I haven't looked in those for exactly what you're looking for, but I believe, if I remember correctly, that the information you're looking for is in there. I'll also nudge Squirrel here, as he's looking at Lore Analysis.

Hope that helps!
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