• Mature • III. Styx (Graded)

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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III. Styx (Graded)

7th Trial, Zi'Da, 718a
South Etzos
18th bell

Continued from here

That should have been the end of it. Even he knew that, and it would have been his life closed and shuffled along by the ending.

His whole life, he had fought. In fighting, he had defied Vri and the fate he much-deserved. So many times he had refused the odds, refused the whim of the Fates and the deaths that lesser men all around him had suffered. In truth, he fought because he knew how, and had the will and a black enough soul to cast others to the Nether while he safeguarded himself. But the skills he'd earned over the arcs had been only part of it; the same for that brutality and ruthlessness he'd had hammered into him over the same time. The will. The will was what mattered. The will to survive.

But that only went so far, and there were some things that could not be beaten. Some things were too large, too mindlessly powerful, and what was to say you'd be all yourself when you faced them?

Kasoria was not all himself anymore. Not with four crossbow bolts piercing his flesh like the world's ugliest pincushion. Not tumbling, flailing, pitching, choking on the Southwood River in all its incalculable volume, fast-moving flow dragging him under over and over again, filling his lungs and strangling him sure as an assassin's garrote whenever he tried to suck down a breath. His gladius, his karambit, they were gone, ripped from his hand and forgotten. He had more important things to do with them now, reaching out blindly for something, anything to halt his journey.

And he was blind, oh, most definitely. The pain that had threatened to crush the sight from his eyes with waves of black exhaustion had been obliterated and swept away by actual waves, actual water, but far more of it than needed. It carried him away from the massacre on the dock, but everywhere he turned, all he saw was a formless, faceless, meaningless swirl of water. Not the riverbed, not the bank, not even the sky or the land and trees and city beyond them. Every time he blinked, it was just a roaring, blinding, frenzied rush.

A rush that was killing him, and he could feel it. Every movement grew weaker. Every attempt to swim, to keep his head up and out of the water... each one was a little less forceful than before. But still he tried. Still he raged. Still he spat at the Fates and damned Vri with his defiance. This time they watched, and waited, and mayhap approved of his struggles. What beings valued life more, after all, especially those bright, flaring bursts that clung so doggedly to reality?

Kasoria felt himself go under again. He knew it would be the last time. He breathed deep, and nothing but water answered him. His eyes floundered as much as his body. Blood curled and sloshed around him as much as mud and grime and garbage tossed into the sewers, flowing out into the river, detritus and waste just like him. He closed his eyes and knew they would not open again. His arms flung wide one last time and-

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            Re: III. Styx



            "Fuck off. C'mon, youse can tell from the bloat."

            "Turn 'er over an' find out, then."

            It was an old game they played, and like all things done over a period of arcs, the distaste and hesitation they initially felt was long gone. Watkins remembered the first time they'd played, nearly seven arcs ago. They'd come across a corpse, facedown in the sludge, and out of sheer compulsion, he didn't bother filtering what his brain was thinking. He just looked down, sniffed and regretted doing so, then said out loud "bet yeh a gold one she drowned."

            Kristof had paused before answering. The Guardsman had worried for a while that he'd sneer, or explode in outrage. They were Black Guardsmen, after all. Cloaked and armored guardians of Etzos, protectors of its citizens. Were they so base, so cruel, so soulless to take bets over how some poor wretch came to be washed up on the shore? Were they so lost in their own misery, after so many arcs trawling the gutters of humanity?

            "... bet yeh she was strangled."

            "Yer on."

            Yes. Apparently they were.

            Seven arcs later, Guardsman Kristof bent down and turned the corpse over with his special leather gloves. Plague wasn't a reported issue in the city this time of the cycle, when the cold seemed to freeze germs and diseases as well as it did humans, but they weren't taking any chances. Besides, death had a nasty way of making even a simple corpse... lively. Kristof grimaced as the waxen, puffy face of a woman. He looked her up and down, and sighed as no sign of blood or violence was seen upon her. He even twisted her dead face this way and that, hoping for some spot of blood or bruise, but-

            "Pay up."

            "Fuck's sake..."

            The two cloaked Blackjacks descended on the corpse like vultures in the waning light. The Southwood River wound and gurgled and crashed gently a dozen yards away, washing up and abandoning the corpse like it had a myriad of other flotsam. Old boxes and crates and clothes and bottles. Dead animals and furs and bones. Rotten food and broken building material. Corpses. All of it was the same now. Whether chipped off a wall or flung down a privy or formerly living and breathing and loving and dying, it was all just trash.

            Washed down river. Disposed of. Forgotten... almost.

            Yeah. Fucking almost.

            Guardsman Watkins supposed there were perks to this (often literally) shitty duty. Such as the slim purse he fished out from the woman's skirts, tossed up lightly and then snatched out of the air again in victory. Kristof grinned back. They split everything down the middle, purses and jewelry and trinkets... but not the gold band she wore on her finger. That they left alone. Both men wore similar bands on their own hands, married men who loved their wives even, before, during, and after their visits to the brothels. Some things were sacred, after all. Some things brought some dram of closure to those who might claim the body, and that mattered to them.

            Their oaths had been taken twenty years before. More, in Watkins' case. So much had changed. Gone from a noble ideal to a cruel joke. Become eroded and scorned, snickered at instead of beheld with wide-eyed respect. But they still had a duty, and they were Sons of Etzos.

            No reason we can't line our pockets a little, though, he thought immediately after pocketing the purse. They were, after all, sons of Etzos...

            "That's the third so far," Guardmen Kristof said, sighing as he looked down the crooked length of the river, heading south towards the sea. Etzos Prime towered above them, even from most of a mile away. Parapets and walls and the great mass of the Citadel cast shadows over the countryside like the domicile of the gods, squatting on a mythic mountain. Such dramatics were lost on the Blackjack that afternoon. "Think we're gonna find more?"

            Senior Guardsman Watkins smirked, hearing the unspoken question under the one he'd just heard. The younger man wasn't a bad Blackjack, not a tall. Didn't filch or graft any more than others he knew, and still took his job seriously. Most of them did, in his experience. The Black Guard of Etzos was packed with petty racketeers in uniform, and yet they were all guardsmen first. They had their patrols and routes and daily duties and they carried them out. Those who went rogue and defied the very brotherhood that trained and protected and paid and empowered them... well... they didn't last long.

            Didn't retire much, neither.

            "One more or fifty, we gotta finish the route," he said as he gripped the woman by her wrists. Kristof grabbed her ankles, and they lifted her with twin grunts. Fucking waterlogged bodies always weighed a ton. "Five leagues down the river, west bank down, east bank up. Y'don't like that idea?"

            He nodded towards the cart at the side of the road. Two sheet-wrapped corpses were in the back. Four placid ponies drew it, as numbed to the stench and animal horror of death as the humans. The figure in the driver's perch was human, too. Ostensibly. Cloaked and hooded, he was still as a gargoyle, hunched over with steam and smoke drifting from under his hood. Sometimes Watkins thought the pipe was just camouflage, and it was the old fucker's fetid lungs smoking for him instead.

            "Then tell him."

            Guardsman Kristof twisted his head around, took one look at the silent figure... and proved again he was true Blackjack material: "Fuck that."

            They were another half-league down the road when they saw another telltale lump on the shore. The last they'd be able to spot as the suns went down, Watkins would wager. Did that make the corpse lucky? Could a corpse be lucky? Well, at least this way he went back to the Big Rock, maybe to get claimed and buried proper, instead of being gnawed and flayed and feasted on by all the scavengers Nature could supply. Then the two men got closer, looked at the black-haired, drenched and cleaved body before them, and winced simultaneously.

            "Fuckin' Fates..."

            The man had crawled out of the Southwood River like some unreckonable ancestor of the two bipeds standing above it. They could see the trench of mud he'd left behind, speckled and spotted with patches of blood and torn clothing. Watkins peered closer and saw a broken crossbow bolt in the wake of the corpse. He turned his gaze back down and saw three more of them sticking out of him. Back. Shoulder. Leg. One more than he'd guess had been in his front.

            Fucking hells. They really wanted this cunt dead.

            "Not takin' bets on this'n."

            He rolled his eyes and settled down into a comfy squat. He spoke as he started to turn the man over.

            "Oh, very fucking funFUCK!"

            The spewed the curse for two reasons. The first was because he recognized the bloody, paled face under matted hair. Twenty-five arcs had not dimmed his memories that much, not of such a singular and peculiar man... and not after all he'd heard he'd gone on to be and do after the Academy. Watkins' jaw dropped as he saw a ghost from the past. A shame on the name of the Black Guard. A man hated and despised by all those who wore their cloaks, and yet was protected by powerful friends, and an infuriating knack for getting away with murder.

            That was the first reason. The second was because he saw he was still breathing.

            "W... Wats? Oi, mate, you all right?" Kristof had never seen his superior like this before. Well, barely a superior, but the "Senior" part mattered more than you'd think. He dared to rest a hand on the man's shoulder and that seemed to break the spell. "Who is-"

            "Get The Corp. Right now."

            Kristof didn't move fast enough. Watkins gave him all of three trills, and he wasn't jumping to it. So after that time elapsed, he rocketed to his feet and roared in the man's face instead. In that moment, he was Senior Guardsman Watkins, not "Wats", and he would be fucking well obeyed.

            "Go get The Corp over here right fucking now!" Kristof shot off a moment later, heavy boots squelching and sucking through the mud as he ran back to the cart. Watkins called after him as he went. "And bring the healing kit!"
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                      Re: III. Styx

                      He wasn't Kasoria when he clawed his way from the flowing water, attaching himself like a barnacle to the shore. He wasn't aware of name or gender or age when he started hauling himself, hand over hand, across the muddy expanse that seemed to go on forever. All he was knew was pain, and anger, and bitterness, and a growling, spitting desire not to die. He was alive. No matter what else he was and did and felt, there was that constant.

                      He welcomed the pain. Corpses could not feel it, nor ghosts suffer it. With every breath that raked jagged claws down his lungs, Kasoria exalted in being alive. Even his thoughts were broken, simple, unfiltered and animalistic.

                      Must. Move. Crawl. Live. Not. Drown.

                      The living corpse groaned into the mud under his face as the crossbow bolt in his stomach caught on something and pulled out of him. It felt like a melting iron poker being wrenched out of his guts. Yet even as the pain threatened to throttle him again, he remembered that a blade should be left in the wound it had made, rather than carelessly yanked out. Damaging though it was, it was also a plug that kept a torrent of blood issuing forth. Better for the thing to stay where it was, keeping the torrent to a trickle.

                      There was a sound, grinding and half-drowned, that spewed into the mud and turned it into froth. The corpse was laughing. He counted four such wounds on his body, and he was so concerned about one? He was drowned, pierced, had trailed blood every yard of his journey, and now he was worried about such liquid loss? For a moment his crawling flight was forgotten, and he lay there, unrecognizable as human, save for his grasping hands and shaggy head, and the parody of laughter rattling from his lungs.

                      Keep. Moving.

                      Reluctantly, the corpse obeyed. The world had shrunk to the dozen or so yards around him, as if he were god of a world turning in confusion and chaos and every expanse to be measured was nothing but a muddy plain stretching into infinity. That and the sky. Grey like lead and promising rain to come. Even as h thought the word, a patter of droplets started to fall on him. They were... soothing. Cooling. He stopped and half-turned, ceasing his stubborn crawl towards... what, exactly?

                      What's the plan, old man? Gonna shake it off and get marching, hmm?

                      Kasoria didn't even have the strength to shut his own mind up. All he could do was lay there and pant shallowly, fearing to breath too deep, lest his wounds tear open anew. He tried to blink away the exhaustion but nothing fresher or brighter floated into view. He could just about make out... carts. Horses. The road. The road by the river. And no buildings. No smell of smoke. No cobbles under his feet. The air was too fresh, too clean, so he was-

                      Stop it. Stop trying. What does it matter?

                      You're dying, old man. You're done.

                      "F... Fuh..."

                      He couldn't silence the voice, couldn't spit a curse. Couldn't prove it wrong. He lay there and his limbs wouldn't listen, his muscles wouldn't obey him. So tired. So weak. The rain felt good, though. Refreshing. He decided to lie there a while. Let it wash over him. Thought of his son and the thought made his lips twitch. Then his whole world was the roaring river and he was lost to it. Sinking down into a hole and here was where he would die...

                      Until the voices found him.

                      They crept into his mind like wraiths would a child's bedroom. They invaded his mind as jerked him from a sleep that should have been the start of his death. Kasoria awoke without opening his eyes, listening to them approach. First the footsteps. Then the curses. The sensation of his body being turned over, and him being too battered to resist, then-


                      Angry words clashed with confused ones. He listened to it all and didn't know what to make of it. Had he been rescued? The Corp... military term. Soldiers? Guardsmen? Fates, that would have been fucking hilarious. His chest sucked in a breath and seemed to resent him for trying to do so. But it was still air, still life, and Kasoria started to open his eyes.

                      "Well, fuck me. You weren't kiddin'."

                      "C-Course not, Corp. I mean... fuck, it's him, ain't it?"

                      "Hard to forget that face, son. Lot more hair, though."

                      That voice. He knew it. Harsh and grating, like a whetstone over dull steel. Fitting, considering what the purpose of its owner had been. Kasoria tried to focus on the blobs surrounding him. These wraiths, these vulturous things that were picking over him, fingers and hands moving across his body. One hand squirmed its way into his purse and he summoned all the strength he had left to grab at the wrist, other hand reaching back for a blow-


                      -until the pommel of a sword struck him across the forehead and what fragile vision he had was shattered like glass. Shards and wreckage dug into his eyes and once again, he embraced the pain. Fates, he was fucking alive. That was what mattered. Then he started laughing again, an ugly, hissing thing, a death rattle with mirth. The blobs exchanged curious looks and worried words... save for the older one. The voice he recognized.

                      "Fuck's he laughing at."

                      "I had t'guess? Probably the fact he ain't dead."

                      Then the blobs stopped talking, and listened. Words were coming from that soaking face. Sliding from split lips carelessly, coming with a half-mad smile and no sense of where he was. Watkins glared at the halfway-corpse and fingered the dirk at the small of his back. Better to end the little cunt now. Let him know who and why, and do it. He couldn't think of many worse places to die than here, but The Corp... he probably had different ideas.

                      "What's he-"

                      "Gimme the kit."

                      The Corp worked on Kasoria without a word. Skilled, practiced, experienced hands staunched the blood from his stomach, the most telling. Serious wound. A fresh wave of shivering, biting agony gnawed at his skin as something foul and acidic cauterized the wound. Then a dressing was shoved inside him, soaked within trill blood and fluids pumping out of him... but there was enough of it to staunch the wound. Kasoria was aware of the penetration, the violation. but he couldn't... well, he could feel it. But it was just one more shade of opain, overlaid across a tapestry that his body had become. He was starting to slide away from himself. Barely able to grunt and hiss as pain set him shuddering one more time.

                      A final dressing was slapped over his stomach and the voice he knew and yet didn't know grunted with grim satisfaction.

                      "A'right. That'll get him to the Combs, then we'll get the others out. Dun' want this traitor bastard dyin' before time. You two? Geddim in the wagon."

                      The blob, the commanding blob, looked down as the man started raving again. Eerie, choking, wheezing laughter dribbling from his mouth along with the mud.

                      "Hell... m'in hell... gotta be... yer... yer dead... n'I'm in hell..."

                      The blob came closer to Kasoria. He saw the features, plain as day, just before the dancing darkness claimed him and the pain threw him into deep, dreamless sleep once more. He saw the lack of hair, from his bald dome of a skull to the absence of eyebrows and whiskers. The callused, leathery skin. The flinty eyes that had watched and judged him long ago, when The Raggedy Man was still a myth yet not whispered.

                      "No, Cadet," growled Corporal Drix, formerly of the Blackguard Cadet Academy. "But it's comin', boy. Oh, it's fuckin' comin'..."

                      not even close to
                      THE END
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                                Re: III. Styx

                                Thread Rewards

                                Styx. The river between the realms of life and death. It’s amazing how your titles set the scenes of the threads in few words.

                                Kasoria is brought away by the river, powerless now, blindly tumbling between life and death, going where fate takes him, stripped of all his “insignia” eg his weapons the gladius and the karambit, stripped of everything except one thing: will-power. Under the pressure of death, will-power finally stands out as the one strongest core trait of his personality. Everything else, all skills and talents are secondary to this, his will. It's very well written.

                                I will not lie. I breathed out when the blackguards found Kasoira washed up on the riverbank, still alive, and saved him by giving him first aid. This is to say, I breathed out because the story will continue, but I seeing the nature of Etzos and it’s authorities I bet Kasoria just got out of the ashes and into the fire.

                                The guardsmen are as emotionally numbed as the criminals, vultures in uniforms, looting the corpses they find on the bank. Despite this the guards are in first hand guardsmen doing their duty. One more example of what I have seen in your writing numerous times before: the characters are well rounded, never flat.

                                All in all a great, a thrilling and well written story of three threads about the end of Kasoria’s servitude to Vorund and the beginning of ... you are terribly good at cliffhangers ^^

                                Please use the image code below to stamp your request !

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