How Do These Things Work Again?

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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How Do These Things Work Again?

Vhalar 35 718

Location: The Four in Hand

Travel supplies, extra clothing, practically whatever could've been baggage at this point; all of it somehow seemed to magically fit within the confines of his new bag. Every since the trip up to the mountains of Scalvoris ended with a bit of a bust, he'd considered it time to perhaps head on home for once. Home. Rharne was merely a few heel clicks away, or so he believed when he looked at the pair of boots at the foot of his bed. The occasion felt peculiar due to the fact he learned these boots were special, in that they'd take him home shortly after putting them on and using them somehow. Though the instruction wasn't clear cut he found it enough to give the damnable things a try, and so with the last few things taken care of earlier that trial; Patrick finished the last bit of packing needed to finally make that last step.


Almost nearly an Arc ago he promised two things before returning home, one which he'd managed to accomplish while the other... still a feat he steadily worked towards to the best of his ability. Hopefully the sailor he sought out might've found her way to Rharne, if such was the case then hopefully he'd pull a few strings after reconnecting with everyone. Fishing for information wasn't hard back home when he knew who to go to, it would only be the matter of actually re-establishing trusty favors shortly after arrival. So much to do already... He pulled the locket he'd kept in his pocket out and sure enough, Dominek's ghost slowly manifested for Patrick to see close by.

The older brother stood at the window of the room, arms crossed as he looked from the window to Patrick with a faint smile. "You're all set?" Patrick nodded at first but couldn't help but look down at his things, the bag and the boots the only actual material items he had to carry now. It was so strange how he'd be home in what he perceived to be a blink of an eye, then again he had no clue how it'd work nor what to expect when he'd arrive back. "You... look like you're having second thoughts little bro."

"Probably because he is." Ri'ku seemed to chime between them.


"It's... overwhelming. I thought I'd be going home after I accomplished both of my promises." He answered as he clutched the locket a little tighter. "It'd be easier with you there with me every step of the way."

"You know I am." Dominek reminded him with a somber look.

"We both are!" The flying entity reminded him as she fluttered in close to him. As hard as it was to swallow it Patrick had to remember that it wasn't without purpose, that going back was to essentially fulfill his other promise to the older brother. Somehow that alone encouraged him enough to move again, the boots dragged over so that they rested beneath him. With the locket pocketed and the bag thrown over his shoulder, Patrick eagerly slipped a foot into each boot as to avoid further hesitation. If he was going to do this then he didn't want to allow doubt to hold him back any longer. His eyebrows slightly furrowed as he rose onto his feet however, as the boots were somehow a bit more comfier than he expected them to be. For something that looked old and raggedy they were really nice, still not something he'd consider wearing constantly though when you considered their magical.

"Okay..." He stood up and turned to face the wall Dom 'leaned' against. "Now I'm suppose to... think of home I think?" He flipped open the Domain Bag at his side and dipped a hand within, thinking for the note he found on the body when he came across the items. Sure enough just a second after he reached inside, a parchment seemed to await his grasp when he pulled his hand back out. "Faldrun's shit that's weird."

"But useful!" Ri'ku seemed to assure him with enthusiasm.

"Right..." Skimming the part where the previous owner entrusted these new items to whoever found his body, essentially Patrick, he read back through the section of the boots and how they supposedly worked. So in essence... Patrick had to think of home and.... hop a few times? Jeez did they require a jig or something also? As vague or simple as the instructions were they served purpose enough, thus Patrick looked down at the floor and slowly bent his knees. Was he really about to do this.... Really? One hop followed as his feet left the surface of the floor, and tapped the wood with a 'thunk' sound as it creaked from his weighted impact. This was clearly a practical joke... A terrible joke that made some wretched asshole laugh in his afterlife somewhere...

"That's one!" Ri'ku encouraged as Patrick could've swore he heard Dominek chuckle a little. The Rharnian ignored it and with a pause in his breathing, he made another sheepish hop to see if they'd react this time around. Nothing... "That's...two." Her confidence was somehow staggering.

"This is ridiculous." Patrick argued with a disappointed expression, clearly embarrassed for even trying out this wretched joke of a ritual. "Completely outrageous, clearly a horrible joke."

"One more! Let's go!!" Patrick sighed and once more attempted the hop that was expected to whisk him away.

"Pretty sure it is just a joke now." Dominek couldn't help but laugh at that point, and Patrick growled as he sat back down on the bed with arms crossed.

"You're not even trying!" Ri'ku accused as she fluttered before him in angry circles. "All you're thinking about is how stupid they are, and not about the fact that you want to go back to Rharne!" She did have a point there naturally... Patrick was too disconcerted with the fact whoever left them behind... actually 'hopped' his way back to wherever home was. Dominek seemed to find it hilarious now.

"Alright, alright." Patrick muttered as he leaned back some and closed his eyes, more or less to focus on the idea of home while he bounced a knee in consideration. Home. He knew exactly how he left it too. The table bare and the shelves somewhat organized, likely a few empty bottles of alcohol in them. The bed half assedly made because he never really made it all the time, by now it all probably collected dust since he'd been gone so long. The more he thought of it though the more he could actually relive the memory though, somehow the faint musky smell a sudden recollection his senses became aware of. Then out of nowhere he felt the air around him whirl on it's own, his eyes opened just in time to find that the room around him dissolved before his very eyes.

Just as Patrick opened to see his room dissipate, his form seemed to vanish in that very instant as well. Ri'ku and Dominek did so as well in turn, and suddenly the presence of the room became quite vacant for the first time; in the seasons Patrick spent there during his visit to the far away island of Scalvoris.
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Notes for the Reviewer/Mod!

The Portal Boots and Domain Bag items have been purchased, and the thread detailing their acquisition will be written soon!
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Re: How Do These Things Work Again?




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Comments: Aww, it's good to read Patrick again. A very funny and adorable thread and I like how you took purchasing PB items and made it into such a fun thing. Enjoy your rewards!


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