OOC William Dovecraft's Plot Notes

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William Dovecraft
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William Dovecraft's Plot Notes

The Ultimate Goal

In the end, William will be someone who sees the world as a set of stories and looks for a way to insert himself. Morality is not important so much as the journey. The spiritual journey. The exception would be his story, and finds where to insert himself. Like Ashan, he will feel mages are blasphemous to the soul, and will seek to champion stories where they are unmarked in exchange for some kind of reward, even if he is aiding them towards their goals as a spiritual guide. He will intentionally limit himself, to make the story more interesting - wielding a weapon he is not skilled at, or refusing to use certain abilities or tactics that give him an edge over the characters he interacts with. Some form of Illusion where he changes what he looks like to blend in with the world at large, so his fame does not precede him - perhaps with alter egos. This is the character I want William to become.

The marks that ultimately make most sense for William are Cassion's, Ashan's, Jesine's, and possibly Aeva's. Will will see being Cassion's champion as something that robs him of the capability to truly weave his stories without limitation, and will prefer to be Ashan or Aeva's champion, unless Aeva is foregone for another.
Last edited by William Dovecraft on Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:16 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 227
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William Dovecraft
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Re: William Dovecraft's Plot Notes

Plot Goals
  • Teach Hwyn to Human!
  • Become more spiritual!
  • Find all the adventures!
  • Duel or fight many people!
  • Get revenge on Cervantez!
  • Become a Dreamwalker!
  • Become marked by Ashan! ( #1 Priority )
  • Become marked by Jesine
  • Become marked by Aeva

    Memento Thoughts
    Will takes a memento from every major story he experiences, usually a small one that he can carry like clutter, or weave into his garb, or wear in his hair. Thus he has a hard choice from those he wishes to dedicate whenever he decides to do so, choosing a new one that fits his greatest adventure yet possibly. The greatest of his mementos will help him die without truly dying, instead leaving his mark and the story, and subsequently exiting it. Some of these, William makes himself in honor of stories that did not truly possess mementos.

    Capstone Thoughts
  • Storytelling Capstones
    -> Seeing or manipulating stories in slight ways, and having his stories impact lots of people, and/or feeding Anak
  • Meditation Capstones
    -> Manipulating or marging with his Ose Bori familiar, and spirit-based abilities.
  • Smithing, Alchemy, Ensorcelling, or Dreamwalking-related Capstones
    -> As I think of them/flesh William out.

-> Hot & Cold Cycle, 718
Some but not all of these. Targets, not expectations.
  • Greatsword \ Expert \ 20 Knowledges
  • Strength \ Expert \ 20 Knowledges
  • Meditation \ Expert \ 20 Knowledges
  • Storytelling \ Expert \ 20 Knowledges
  • Smithing \ Expert \ 20 Knowledges
Last edited by William Dovecraft on Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:56 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 225
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William Dovecraft
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:27 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Mercenary / Smith
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Re: William Dovecraft's Plot Notes

The Anatomy of a Story

Story Starters

Story Twists

Interesting Stories

word count: 11
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