Designation: Torturer and Information-Gatherer of the Theocratum

Inquisitor carries the appearance of a far more arachnid entity than its compatriots. While its core is shaped like that of a man, it possesses eight distinct limbs. Its primary limbs are humanoid in appearance, though its secondary limbs are far more spindly and end in small grasping claws which allow it to wield a variety of items at once.
These spindly limbs are capable of lifting Inquisitor upwards off of the ground so that its primary feet do not touch, but are undoubtedly somewhat more fragile than its humanoid limbs, as shown by the way that it will lose balance if stricken particularly harshly, though, its additional limbs allow it to catch itself with ease when this occurs.
Instead of possessing a vast multitude of eyes, Inquisitor possesses only a trio which are placed centrally upon its head. It is completely lacking in other facial features, giving it a far more inhumane appearance that its fellows. Despite the lack of a mouth, Inquisitor is capable of synthesizing speech and questions, its voice mechanical and cold in quality with little inflection. While it was not part of its original package, it is not uncommon to find Inquisitor with a variety of cutting implements, poisons, and tools of its trade attached to its back, within easy grasping range of its secondary appendages.
At times, it becomes necessary to perform inhumane and dreadful activities in order to ensure the security of both Quacia, and its denizen’s souls. When such needs arise, the Theocratum calls upon Inquisitor to perform its terrible activity. Whereas a mortal may flinch when inflicting atrocious pain upon its fellows, Inquisitor suffers no such moral qualms.
Inquisitor is an expert in inciting assorted forms of pain and terror, and is quite capable of tearing away secrets and hidden falsehoods from those in its dreadful care. Most persons never have an opportunity to perceive the terrorizer of the Theocratum, but its presence is known in the gentle clicking and clacking of inhuman steps below the Cathedral floors.