Terrible Ingenuity (Technology)

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Terrible Ingenuity (Technology)

Quacia was once the epitome of technological refinement and advancement, and was renowned for their melding of magic and technology together into the creation of some of the most formidable inventions seen in the modern age. What was devised by once bright minds has long since faded into relative obscurity, and whilst some of these ancient machines are still actively used, they are in a constant state of dwindling, their numbers limited to only those which were created pre-Cataclysm
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Terrible Ingenuity (Technology)

Quantity - Uncommon
Usage - Dragoons

There is little doubt that the Purifier devices were built for the purpose of war. Some question whether or not their creation and subsequent stockpiling was an attempt by the Quacian government to prepare themselves for a conquest across the seas, or whether the devices were meant to be used in a purely defensive manner. Nevertheless, the violence inherently possible from a Purifier cannot be disregarded.

The Purifier is a simple device in design. It takes the appearance of a nozzle, a pair of handles for gripping, one located at the base of the weapon, and the other directly below and behind the nozzle, and an empty space where a Well can be loaded. Through unknown means, the Purifier extracts the energy of an inserted Well, and begins to drain from it, using it as a sort of magical power source. Activation of a trigger located upon the grip at the base of the weapon opens the nozzle, and begins the draining process.

A wave of fire is promptly shot through the nozzle at one's enemy, turning them into little more than an unrecognizable crisp of burnt meat and cloth. The relative heat and range of a wave appears to derive directly from the power of the inserted Well. The device appears to have been designed with usage of relatively weaker Wells in mind, as frequent use of stronger Wells has a tendency to melt the nozzle, or to out-right detonate the device in a blazing inferno of accidental malfunction.
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Terrible Ingenuity (Technology)


Quantity - Six
Usage - The King, Theocratum, Dragoons, Cult of Puppets

Easily one of the most, if not the most advanced creation of the Quacian people. Even the most simplistic functions of the Puppets have long since been forgotten in the annals of history, and it is a well-known fact that absolutely no one has a clue how they even manage to function, especially after not receiving any sort of charge or repair after centuries of use.

Puppets take on the form of humanoid beings, though they tend to tower over them, rising upwards to roughly ten foot in height, and weighing nearly seven-hundred pounds. There are minor differences between each of the six remaining Puppets, though their physical dimensions tend to be quite similar, likely indicating that they were all created by the same enigmatic individual or organization. Perhaps the most adept comparison with any other creation is that a Puppet is quite similar to a golem, such as the ones created by Necromancers. They lack any proper flesh, and instead appear to be hewn of either stone or metal, though it is uncertain which constitutes the majority of their physicality.

Attempts by the Quacian Government to enact control over Puppets using necromantic means have led, without fail, in the immediate extermination of whichever mage was assigned to the project by the Puppet. In fact, it is surmised that Puppets have an anti-magical property about them which dispels any Spark-based ability which comes into contact with them. Despite their apparent inability to be controlled, however, Puppets seem to follow the orders of the King of Quacia as though it is inherent within whatever constitutes as their directive. There are currently five known Puppets, as well as one which was considered to be lost within the confines of the Underway when it collapsed, likely trapped within the dirt alongside the remainder of the Arkenstone family when they attempted to flee.

Two Puppets keep a constant watch over the King of Quacia, preventing any attempts of assassination with an uncanny strength and speed for their massive size. One Puppet is assigned to protect the Voice of the Theocratum, and simultaneously keeps watch over The Caller. One Puppet has been granted to the Dragoons for use in their operations and in ensuring the security of Quacia, though it is rarely called into action for fear that it will annihilate dozens at a time. The final known Puppet was secreted away by the Cult of Puppets, known heretics who worship their captive entity as a portion of the divine Wounded God.

Indeed, whilst it borders on the heretical, it is not uncommon to find those who sympathize with the idea that the Puppets are at the least the servants of their God, incapable of being corrupted, always in service to Quacia and its people.

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Terrible Ingenuity (Technology)

The Caller
Quantity - One
Usage - Theocratum - The Voice

Located atop the Citadel of Truth, The Caller is a massive connection of pipes, horns, and amplifiers which allow for the Voice of the Theocratum to make grand announcements to the entirety of the city. The Caller itself is typically reserved only for emergency usage due to the potential for disruption, though, in times of distress it has been used to broadcast the sermons of the Voice across the city, and at least once to denote the presence of a large band of heretics for the faithful to hunt down.

The only distinction from this rule of emergency-only announcements is the daily reminder to worship, and the once a season iteration of the laws of the Theocratum. The vast and booming voice of The Caller is known to catch the attention of a great many persons, and whilst it is likely able to be replicated due to its rather simplistic nature, it is a project that would require significant manpower and resources in order to prepare, and subsequent presence of enforcers to ensure that it was not abused in order to cast venomous heresies to the city.
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Terrible Ingenuity (Technology)

Quantity - Two
Usage - No one

Once the possession of the Quacian Navy, these two vessels have long since become little more than dormant points of interest. Driven upon sandbars found near Majesty Dockyards, and stripped of nearly all of their military equipment, the two vessels have since been abandoned, and it has been discovered by intrepid explorers that they are far too much effort to re-equip without the support of the local government. Nevertheless, the vessels are of an intricate and uncanny design.

Both of the vessels were clearly designed for war in mind, and have assorted slots built into their vessel for the placement of what can only be assumed to be gunpowder based weaponry such as cannons. The most prominent feature of the ships, however, is the thick layer of iron which has been cast across their wooden interior, providing a significant protection against both fire, and also weaker variants of cannon. It is assumed that these mere two vessels, dubbed Steelskins, were more than enough to combat any number of piratical vessels making their home in Quacia's water.

Given recent events... they may yet see action anew.

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