Deoch Daire

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Deoch Daire

93rd of Ashan, Arc 718 -- recreating placeholder due to accidental mod deletion!

They hadn't gone back to Kaelserad, like Alistair promised. Instead, they went straight north, through Cycres and its sparse population... and onto Hyran, with thick forestry, rolling hills and long fields. The mage had led Jonathan to a small forest with no true permanent monster population - just a few skittering deer, rabbits and other small animals that could sustain themselves on the very plentiful amounts of food present for their uniquely strange bodies. The forest was east of Hailen, near to the coast but not entirely. And, in that forest, the mage had begun to set up camp. He had been using Transmutation to make the setting very picturesque - he'd built a firepit, and had sculpted each rock to be of a perfect oval shape. Tendrils of ether, like cutting appendages, extended from his wrists and did much of the work.

He had begun to expand his capability, in Transmutation, and had studied it intensively whilst the two of them set up their little... forest enclave. Jonathan was daft when it came to Fieldcraft and all things wildlife, anyhow; Alistair had the time, extra bits and moments, to study. He focused on the form of the rock, the shape of the oval. He focused on the smoothness, most of all, the texture that came in the face of a sheer, flat surface, even when curved. It came as a result of no ridges, no sudden or pointed ascent or descent, just a balanced flat shape or a smoothly transitioned slope.

Alistair had been immensely perplexed by this craft from the moment he'd acquired it, though once Jonathan had finished setting up his tent, he laid the rock back into its place among the triangular bundle of sticks and let shy the wonder away from his gaze.

"Jonathan," he called to his partner. Alistair rose, standing at his full height. He was wearing the same casual ensemble he always did, merely with a different pair. White, clean upper cloth much like a polo, and tan linen trousers that did not descend far past his knees. Now, unlike previously, he wore boots - protection from edged rocks and branches, snakes, and other unfortunate and tumultuous things.

For now, though, it didn't matter. The physical aspect of this trip was inconsequential - there was little to do in this small forest, save for linger by the pond, or walk in circles within the treeline, or hunt docile prey among the clearings. They had both, in truth, come for conversation and learning -- and without the aspect of Aberration to interfere. So, knowing this, Alistair came to the body of his lover and took him strongly into his warmth, breathing into his ear as he kissed along his jaw.

"How are you feeling, Jon?" he asked. They needed to learn of one another . . . and in that grand, vast conversation, there was always an easy start: compassion.
Last edited by Alistair on Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 495
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            Jonathan Burr
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            Deoch Daire

            Jon had followed Alistair to Hyran with stones in his heart. Both addictions were waging a war inside of him. Stress was making him ache for a needle and that feeling of weightlessness, even if he hadn't indulged in years. He'd explored Kaelserad enough to know exactly where the medicines were kept...and he'd avoided it like the plague thus far. His mind kept going back to that cabinet as much as he wanted to ignore it. It played over and over again like a twisted memory; walk through the door, around the desk, down the hall to the surgery, open the cabinet, snort yourself into oblivion. He hadn't expected Hob to dislike the idea so viciously. Frankly, he hadn't expected him to know much of human addiction. Looking back the assumption seemed silly given that the Harvester was the source of his own.

            He watched his lover set up their camp with trepidation. He didn't know how to feel about this. On one hand his heart leapt at the chance to get to know the man he loved. This was what he'd wanted. A small vacation with just the two of them, alone, no work or patients to distract Alistair. He watched the rocks smooth themselves. Transmutation. Somewhere along the line Alistair had picked up the spark. Jon settled on the other side of the pit and touched one of the rocks. His ether curled around it, feeling Alistair's signature engraved on the quality of the stone. Alistair didn't have the same connection with stone as he had, as far as he could tell, but he was learning. Jon found little imperfections here and there that he smoothed out himself. The glassy stone probably wasn't the best thing to have a fire near. There were other considerations. He set down the stone and settled his fingers into the soil. While Alistair worked, he slowly pitted the earth in neat circle under the fire, allowing for more oxygen to get under the flames and making it warmer.

            'Strangely enough I approve of him taking you out here. If you were back in Kaelserad your sobriety would be in smoking tatters.'Jon heard Hob's voice, gentle, in his head.'Where do you think he acquired the third spark?'

            Jon didn't quite know. Alistair could have learned it from anywhere. Some other mage must have initiated him. He got up and went to add a few improvements to their shelter. The wood was dead enough now that he could work with it. Living and green wood wouldn't respond to his touch. The dying tree limbs would stubbornly cling to life and refuse his touch, but now that they had succumbed he could work with them. The lean-to they'd made was stronger once Jonathan had married the pieces of wood together. Slowly, he used his ether to bring together the two parts of a whole, smoothing them out and making it seem like they'd just happened upon a bunch of perfectly connected branches. He widened the base of them to add a little more stability. There was enough room for them both to sit comfortably and lay against one another. He'd made a thick pad of mosses and pine boughs to cushion them from the hard ground. He had an idea as to what to lay their heads on.

            He found a somewhat flat stone and settled it to one side of the lean to. Jon could transmute stone faster than he could anything else, and this stone he wanted to be soft. He thought of the pillows in Kaelserad and pushed that idea into the stone. He let it dissolute just enough, and fluffed it up neatly with his ether like he would any other pillow. His ether made it fluffy, and yet strangely smooth feeling. It had an effect like a sponge, the way it depressed with enough pressure from a palm or finger, then rose back up slowly once the pressure was released. Jon slowly pulled away his ether. He firmed it, but not in the physical sense. He just needed to firm his will upon the object; he didn't want the stone to return to its normal shape.


            "I got the idea from your glade in Emea." Jon said softly, under his breath. "The weightlessness of the rocks there."

            'I'm guessing we're having a chat once you fall asleep. And not the fun kind.'

            Jon nodded ever so slightly, and made another rock 'pillow' to match the first. If they were going to stay here for any length of time he wanted some sort of creature comforts. The rock pillows were probably the strangest thing he'd tried but he found he liked them. Then Alistair's arms were around him and the man's lips were on his jaw. Jon leaned into his lover slightly, and considered the question. How was he feeling? How could he begin to answer that? He put a hand on one of the arms around him and sighed. What could he say? That he ached for an anesthetic more than life right now? That he hated Hob and Alistair fighting over him?

            His first instinct was to be honest even if that, so far, hadn't been working. "Alistair...I'm a drug addict. As...long as you've been clean, it's always there. That want. And right now? I want nothing more than to go back to Kaelserad, curl up in the corner with a pile of your anesthetics, and not feel anything for a little while." he said softly. "I'm...tired. I hurt, in more ways than one." He leaned his head back against Alistair and closed his eyes.
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                      Deoch Daire


                      A drug addict? Though he assumed to know what that meant, he had never heard it framed so... callously before. The assumption was, evidently, that a "drug addict" was one addicted to medicinal reagents and herbs meant to reduce pain, dilute stress or simply provoke the nerves and untamed portions of one's cognitive faculties. Buzz was, certainly, a drug. So Jonathan was addicted to such things? That didn't surprise him. He... seemed the type, to put it rather boldly, and perhaps coldly.

                      "I can help you with that, Jon. You forget my craft," he whispered. Though of course it was wildly displeasing to hear of such a volatile issue, he found it was more productive to speak on cures rather than to simply frown, and apologize. "I have... medicines that are not addictive, but replicate the sensation provided by others - lined with small touches of their addictive quantities, but not enough to reproduce that effect." One of the ways which he did this - often with mortar and pestle - was to batter small quantities of a drug into a healing powder, mixed with other cleansing reagents.

                      Alistair already thought of solutions. He was a doctor, and he wanted to cure the issue. He was little concerned with the context, nor truly judgmental. "It is... unfortunate that you didn't tell me sooner. Full healing can be... a patient thing," he stated, leaning into his partner and sighing. "Why else do you hurt?" he questioned. It was best to let it all out at once. Though he was certain he would not agree with Jon on many things, he... knew at least that they could begin to mend their disagreements if they both discussed them. Hob could be phased out. It could be... the two of them again. No cruel influence, nor maddened Harvester. Alistair just needed to become the triumphant figure in Jonathan's life. To do that, he needed to reconnect with him.

                      And to make their love truly unconditional. This time in the woods would be spent well. Alistair would begin to heal his partner, providing him therapy and rehabilitation. Jon... would come to understand why he acted the way he did. And Alistair would learn of how to truly understand him, unconditionally. Things would work. They only needed patience, and care, and love. They had their time for that. Thirty trials.
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                                Jonathan Burr
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                                Deoch Daire

                                "I don't." Jon said, leaning against Alistair. Becoming a little more comfortable with being embraced. He ran his fingers along Alistair's forearms, deep in thought. "It's just...I've spent two years clean. I want to keep doing it under my own power. I'm clean now, I haven't stolen anything. You can check your drugs when we're home. I...didn't tell you sooner because I was afraid you'd judge me. My past isn't as noble. I did a lot to try and escape what my parents wanted me to be and in Etzos, that usually means drugs. I know addicts probably better than I should. There are so many flashes of myself in my teens, on my back somewhere with someone between my legs and not caring because they'd given me something. It's nice to be able to practice magic without the pressure. My father only initiated me so I could take over the family business. He's a skilled gemcutter but he used Transmutation to get them perfect. Bought a bunch of emeralds no one else would touch, turned them into perfect specimens ladies would claw each others' eyes out for. He was proud of that. Wanted me to continue on...I didn't. I love the craft. It's just not my life. Magic is."

                                Jon lifted a hand and reached back to stroke Alistair's jaw idly. Running his fingers through his lover's facial hair. Thinking. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I figured after your reaction to Aberration you would react badly to any story of addiction. I didn't want you to think less of me. The things I did are all in the past. My past isn't my present." he said finally. He turned around and kissed Alistair, a soft, gentle pressure of his lips against his lover's. He was sure Alistair had similar things. A checkered past of his own that might be worse than whatever Jon had done to himself. He was willing to accept that. All of it. This was what he needed. Calmness and reassurance, none of the yelling matches and shouting. He nuzzled Alistair's nose with his own. "When did you become initiated into Transmutation? You've at least learned Corrosion, I can see that." he nodded to the fire pit.

                                He went to settle by the fire, warming himself. He patted the seat next to him for Alistair to join him. "Here, you've heard about the bullshit in my childhood. Tell me about where you grew up." he chuckled, trying to get off the subject of his indiscretions.
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                                          Deoch Daire

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                                          Points awarded: 15


                                          Alistair, I have found no review request for your PC, so I cannot award any knowledge. If you do put up a request, please send me a PM so I can edit this review right away.


                                          Points awarded: 15

                                          Fieldcraft: using a pit under a fire to help it gain oxygen.
                                          Fieldcraft: lining a fire pit with stones.
                                          Fieldcraft: A lean-to as a shelter.
                                          Fieldcraft: Construction of a lean-to
                                          Fieldcraft: A fire is necessary to keep warm.
                                          Fieldcraft: making your camp.

                                          This seemed like a thread that would have become rather interesting as a way to further develop the relationship between your PCs. It’s unfortunate that this one was abandoned.

                                          Your review request is here

                                          Did I miss anything or do you have a question regarding this review? Feel free to PM me.
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