Man Of Steel

Xander meets Varlum

6th of Ymiden 718

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Man Of Steel

6th Ymiden, Arc 718
Xander browsed the shelves around him, eyes looking over the many different arms and armour. None of it was particularly appealing in truth, he supposed he would rather commission anything he owned, not wishing to settle for second best. Besides, he had once been told that if armour didn't fit right it was more of a hindrance than anything else. Swords, however, were something that was easier to come across but still none of them seemed to be exactly what he was looking for. They were nearly all simple steel swords, no unique features or differences truly from what he really wanted.

He wanted something that would be worthy of cutting down the vast web that spanned over all of Idalos, a sword worthy of the name Arachnid's Bane. This was something he felt fairly certain would need to be specially made, forged from something both stronger and lighter than steel and something that brought light to those dark places of the world. The Shieldbearer would need to find a smith worthy of the task too, his mind moved to Ethelm, the talented son of Ethelynda. There was no doubt in his mind that the man would be worthy of such a job but whether he would take it on for him was another story.

Shaking his head he moved on from the current shelf and walked along, stopping by a rack of swords. Each one varying in size and shape, each carrying with it its own advantages. Reaching forward he drew one from the stand, feeling the grip between his fingers. Holding it up he looked along its spine, it was heavily tapered from centre to edge. In many ways it was more of a long spike than anything else, Xander considered for a moment, most likely optimised for thrusts as he moved it around and tested its flexibility. Placing it back into the rack he sighed, somewhat unimpressed with the choice.

The wolf continued to browse, hunting for something that may be of use to him. As he walked he noticed the smell of smoke becoming stronger and the heat rising a small amount. He must have been close to the forge itself and this became certain as he rounded a stack of shelves and it came into sight. Xander watched as it was worked, hot coals being fed by a large air pump as long pieces of metal were thrust into it and left to heat. The sound of hammering echoed around as removed pieces were hammered against an anvil. It was interesting to observe the craftsmen at work, creating their masterpieces of war.
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Man Of Steel

"That's it, easy boy" the shorter but older Ithecal spoke to Varlum as he hammered out the metal, shaping it in to a blade for a sword. Marcius, the Paltharnum Ithecal, was Varlum's boss in the smith, and was the best in the city - or so he told himself time and time again. There was no denying that the man was talented, though, and he treated Varlum with a lot of respect. Perhaps that came from the foot of size difference, however.
Trying to get the shape just right, Varlum hit down with the hammer. But the pressure of Marcius watching always proved to be a problem, causing him to make small mistakes. As if on queue, the hammer came down at a bad angle, hitting one edge of the blade further out than was intended. With a slight growl of frustration, the man put the hammer down, taking a trill to breathe.

"Well that's fucking perfect" he growled, his low voice grumbling through the area. Marcius found himself chuckling at the sight, picking up the hammer to continue the mans work. With a clawed hand, he gestured for Varlum to look at the work he was doing, the tall man coming over after taking the time to calm down. It was always frustrating when a stupid mistake was made, and now had been no exception. But, as he always did, Marcius would teach him something.
"When you hit, you do it with power. Gentle hits work too, Varlum. Gentle hits make for finer, more precise blades. See?" the man spoke, as the hammer light shaped the blade. Varlum nodded, watching intently, seeing how the hammer hit the metal and how the man handled it. After all, there was more to Smithing than just hitting metal with hammers. Varlum knew that well enough. Half the work was done with the tools, but the other half was done with the Smith.

With a small sigh, the man took back the hammer, trying the lighter movements for himself. Of course, a man of his size would find some struggle with it. But very quickly he grew used to it. "See? Those movements take less energy, and are less risky to the quality of the metal" his boss explained as the man lightly hammered at it. It wasn't anywhere near as good as the work that he'd seen Marcius do, but it was an improvement. That was what Varlum was here to do, after all - improve.
With a pleased nod, Marcius went back around the forge, looking at the others work and criticizing them much more than he criticized Varlum. To some, he was harsh and brutal. Yet he took a liking to the man. Varlum wasn't going to complain about it, either. Being liked was never a bad thing, especially by the Ithecal that was in charge of his payments. Carefully, the man put the blade aside to cool, the finished project decent - but not as good as he would have liked.

Varlum then glanced up, noticing a man browsing the forge. Dusting the soot off himself, Varlum made his way to the counter. "Afternoon" his low voice spoke, with a small smile on his face. "How can I be of help?"
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Man Of Steel

Xander observed the lesson in front of him as the massive Ithecal beat against the steel with his hammer, it was a soothing repetitive clang that continued a few times before he watched one glance at the wrong angle. There was a deep grumble that he couldn't quite decipher from the workman as his tutor seemed to tell him what he was doing wrong before taking over himself. It was often easiest to learn by watching after all, he much preferred to learn practically like that. Nothing quite compared to seeing what you needed to do physically before you.

Quietly the Shieldbearer watched as the giant once again took over from his teacher, taking up his hammer and working with smaller and more controlled swings. Even he could see that this was working better, he had no doubt it would improver the fine tuning of the blade. He clearly still had a fair way to go though, much like Xander when he first started to learn to fight. You had to learn to walk well before you ran, especially if you wanted to avoid falling on your own sword. A smile crept into his lips and he stifled a chuckle at his own humorous thoughts. Xander didn't exactly wish to look insane in that moment.

Watching as the huge man finished with his work for the moment and began to approach him Xander unbuckled the two blades from either side of his waist. His own Krome blade and the Warrick blade of Rafael, holding their scabbards he stood opposite the giant and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Afternoon." The Ithecal must have been over 9 feet tall, it was impressive really but Xander focused on what was at hand. "If possible I would like for these to be sharpened." He placed the two longswords on the counter, each unique in its own way. "There edges are a little dull unfortunately, nothing that can't be fixed though." His marked hand rested on the counter, the silvery shield open to be seen.

The Shieldbearer felt comfortable having the mark on show within Ivorian, this was her Empire in a way and so surely it was accepted. For the first time he wondered how many marked there were like him out there, was it as rare as he first though? "Feel free to examine them is you like, not too much chance of them cutting you at this point." He smirked slightly but shook his head. "In all seriousness it is important they get the care they need, they are meant to keep me alive after all." The last thing he wanted was to be stopped from cutting down a webspinner by a blunt sword.
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Man Of Steel

Varlum glanced to the man as he came over, his eyes immediately looking to the same place they always did - his hand. Of course, there it was. That same shield from the same men that had helped him before. If Ethelynda had blessed this man, then two things were clear to Varlum. One, he deserved some level of respect, perhaps more than most in the big Ithecal's eyes. Two, the man had to be a priority customer. Chances were he had important work to do, after all.
"We can sort that out, no worries" Varlum spoke in a polite but deep voice. His eyes met the mans as he slouched down over the table, trying to keep their height as close together as possible. It was always difficult when a human entered the store, it made looking them in the face much harder. Though nothing would be more challenging than when a Tunawa had come in asking for a dagger, and had demanded that Varlum look him in the eyes.

Breaking his thought, the Ithecal unsheathed the sword, glancing down to them and checking them out. Blunt, as expected, though nothing he hadn't seen before. While looking at the sword, Varlum figured he might as well try for some conversation. His day thus far had been fairly dull. Placing one sword down, Varlum glanced to the mans hand again, before picking up the other sword.
"So, blessed by Ethelynda. Must have done something pretty impressive for that one" he nodded, his tone genuine. Most in the Ivorian Empire respected a Shieldbearer, and this Ithecal was no exception. Carefully, his scaled hand ran over the blade. Again, blunt, as he had expected. It would be a miracle if the man could kill anyone with this, and if he did then it would be a similar result to using a bludgeoning weapon. With a small glance back, Varlum saw his boss come over, picking up both swords.

"Just need to sharpen 'em up" Varlum told the smaller Ithecal, before glancing back to the customer. While they were here, he often found it nice to make conversation. Everyone had their own, interesting story. "My boss will sort that one out for ya, I can't imagine it'll take too long with him working on it. He's the best in the trade, so he says."
After a trill of pause, Varlum couldn't help but ask. "If ya don't mind me asking, how did you get her blessing?"
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Man Of Steel

Xander watched as the swords were taken, by the smaller Ithecal. He wasn't much surprised that the job had been handed off to the more experienced smith, in truth Xander was a little relieved. While he wanted people to be able to learn their trades, he preferred it not be on his own blades. "I don't know about that." Xander's words were honest because they were true, it was more what he had failed to do effectively that had lead to his being marked for while he tried his best he was often unable to succeed in protecting his wife.

"Well I very much doubt he would claim the title of being worst in his trade, I imagine that would be bad for business." Xander smirked, apparently in a better mood than usual this trial. He couldn't exactly explain why but he felt good about this trial, like it was going to be a worth while having left the Inn. Of course that was just a feeling and one that could quickly be changed, it was rare Xander could ever get a truly good day not since his wedding at least. "How much will that be?" Xander asked reaching down to his coin purse at his side.

Xander's answer was simple as the Ithecal inquired after how he had gained the mark. "I asked for it." He shrugged slightly as he considered how much the Ithecal really wanted to know. "I am from Rynmere, once a noble even and my wife has a tendency to get targetted by those who would cause her harm." The Shieldbearer rubbed his hand and sighed, remembering the many times he had succeeded and the many times he had failed to protect her. "I wasn't always able to offer her the protection I wanted but it wasn't just her, it was the people of my home too, I couldn't protect those that needed it because I was just a man with a sword." He tapped the counter and bit his lip for a moment.

"So I asked Ethelynda to help me and so she did, granting me this." He gestured to his hand and smiled, realising how in the end it had not been enough to protect her from his own recklessness. "It is a gift that I fight to deserve and will for the rest of my trials." Slapping his hand against the hard surface he shook his head. "That is enough about that though, that is quite a scar." He gestured to the eye, having a few of his own scars, none visible like that though.

Looking at the giant he second guessed approaching the subject but from what he had seen most Ithecal were proud of their war wounds, bearing them fro all to see proudly as mementos of their great deeds. "I honestly wouldn't want to see the other guy." He commented, curious who in their right mind would attack the hulk before him.
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Man Of Steel

Varlum glanced to Xander when he said he wasn't sure about earning his blessing, but he made no further questions. As curious as he could be, the Ithecal knew when it was enough. Perhaps, should they cross paths again, he would learn more of the mans story. After all, there was plenty more for him to learn of Varlum too. Both, it seemed to the Ithecal, had more to them than most could see.
"Aye, it wouldn't help him with sales, that's for sure" Varlum chuckled, a low and boisterous laugh. Despite how most could find someone of his size intimidating, he was a pleasant enough man if you were nice enough to him. It was rare he would hurt someone, and if he did there was good reason behind it. Though, he had to admit there was something nice about his size and the intimidation factor it brought, seeing men who would try and act strong cower when someone near twice there size approached.

"Not too much damage to them, so for something like that just ten gold should cover it" the man nodded, grabbing a large coin purse from under the counter to put Xanders money in. As he did, Varlum listened to his story of how he got his blessing by asking for it - or so he said. Varlum saw more than that though, and smiled as he sorted the coins in to the purse, before putting the pouch down and looking back up at the man.
"Sounds to me like more than just asking for it, sounds like you earned it" Varlum shrugged. After all, he'd wanted to protect people. There was no greater purpose than that, caring for the people around you. If anything would earn an Immortals attention, that would do it, or so Varlum would think. "Sounds to me like taking care of people that matter is doing a hell of a lot more than most people do" he smiled honestly.

"Oh, the scar? It wasn't much. Got assaulted by some guy, took a knife wound to the eye" he chuckled, as if it didn't phase him. While it had hurt, truth be told it wasn't something he remembered poorly. If anything it taught him how to defend himself, somewhat better than he already had been able to. "Guess I'd done something that he didn't like by coming here, or something" he shrugged, though he new better than that. It was, after all, more than what the Ithecal described - intentionally leaving out the detail of a bounty hunter being who attacked him and why.

"As for the other guy? You'd have a hard time seeing him."
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Man Of Steel

Xander nodded, fairly certain that the ithecal was withholding something but that was fine by Xander. The Smith had not questioned him further and so neither would he but still he was a little curious as to what he was keeping from him. Still he nodded. "There is nothing wrong with defending yourself, people can be unpredictable." The wolf allowed the other his privacy.

"I am sure that is true, I'm sure people who get in the wrong side of someone as big as you tend not to maintain much bodily structure in the end." It was a grim thought but likely accurate, he seemed like he would be able to rip off a man's arm with his bare hands. It wasn't something Xander would like to see but it was certainly a possibility. "I'll make sure not to miff you off."

Xander looked over to the forge and watched as Varlum's tutor sharpened the blades. They had both seen a lot of use clearly, hence their bluntness and damaged edges. "Who is I am talking too then, what's your name sir?" Xander seemed to move into the question on a whim as he enquired after more information on the Ithecal. "Assuming you don't mind my asking?" He raised an eyebrow slightly intrigued to see if he was hiding anything about his name even.

"I'm Xander," he paused for a moment and finished, "Xander Lupine." The new name felt a little odd in his mouth but it held fewer negative memories and a lot less danger if the wrong ears were around. Then again he supposed they knew his face either way, it was a bit futile but still a better choice. "Glad to meet you."
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Man Of Steel

As Xander spoke, telling him that there was nothing wrong with defending himself, Varlum gave a small nod of agreement. Whatever the bounty hunters wanted, it had nothing to do with him. Fortunately, none had come after him in a long time, so he assumed their pursuit was over. But the man could never be too careful. Whether he could fight or not, just two well-skilled men could take down even the tallest Ithecal.
When Xander said to be sure not to miff him off, Varlum couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. "I wouldn't worry about getting on my bad side, I'm calmer than I might look" he chuckled, amused. "I'm not that great in a fight, but the size helps. I'm still in training for the actual fighting part. I like to use what I make. But as of right now, I'm not so dangerous."

"Varlum. Varlum Onarmus, and I don't mind at all" he smiled back, glancing up at the man who called himself Xander. Interesting name, though not one he'd heard before. A few Ithecal had similar names, they liked names that sounded formal or fancy, and in Varlum's eyes this man had a name just like that. But it still wasn't common. Then again, neither was the name Varlum, even among his people.
"The pleasure is mine, Xander" the man said, offering his hand to the man across the counter. Despite working in a popular forge, there wasn't many times someone would have such an intricate conversation with the man. Most were busy enough that they would come in, make an order and leave, coming back when the job was due to be done. But it seemed, as of now at least, Xander wasn't leaving. Or had at the very least stayed long enough to introduce himself.

"So your swords, they go blunt from protecting people to?" Varlum asked, glancing back at the blades with curiosity. What more was there to the man in front of him, Varlum wondered. After all, most people used shields to protect others. Swords, however. Those were for just the opposite.
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Man Of Steel

Xander chuckled and shrugged slightly. "We all have to start somewhere, you will get there with time." Xander looked around and then leaned forward across the counter. "When I first started I would go into the forest and hit a tree, I was only a kid, but if you ever see me fight you will see how far I have come." He smiled and rocked back off the counter, looking at the shelves again, nothing catching his eye in the moment. "What do you fight with?" The Shieldbearer raised his hand to halt the Ithecal. "No let me guess." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe a hammer?" It was big heavy and would crumple armour swung by someone his size, plus he was used to the feeling of one in the forge so that was his guess.

The giant told Xander his name and he nodded, knowing little of the names of the Ithecal it could have been as common as any other to him. Still he nodded and took the massive clawed hand and shook it. "Yes, they have seen a lot of use in the past couple of seasons, I had meant to get them sharpened earlier but I never had chance." The ex-noble leaned his side against the counter and sighed. "I have needed to fight a lot recently, many thing have been at risk and I have done my best to protect them." Picking at a loose splinter of wood Xander turned his head to Varlum.

"Say, have you ever heard of the Webspinners Varlum? The wolf wondered if they were even vaguely common knowledge, then again he was certain the giant wouldn't have. Few had, with all his intelligence back in Rynmere even he had been unaware of their existence and they had been right under his nose. "They're a nasty bunch, a danger to us all so I will ask you one thing." Looking up into the eyes of the Ithecal, Xander spoke clearly. "If you ever see anything suspicious or hear of anyone acting out of the ordinary for their job or lifestyle, please find me here and tell me." He handed him a piece of paper with an address on it, somewhere located just outside of the city.

Looked now at him with a serious face he made sure the Ithecal understood this was important. "And if you ever hear the word webspinner uttered then come running because I need to know everything I can." Raising an eyebrow at the giant the wolf spoke again. "Can I trust you to watch out for those things for me, it truly is beyond important." Not just for him but for everyone, the Webspinners effected more than just the Shieldbearer himself.
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Man Of Steel

"Chances are I spend too much time Smithing to get amazing at a weapon, but I've got no issues with that. Like you said, it'll take some time" he chuckled. Despite wanting to be a good fighter the man knew that with the amount of time spent in a forge or preparing for a new job, it would be hard to do. Most spent their lives working on fighting to get as good as they were, while Varlum did the same but with an anvil and a hammer. "And you'd be surprised the kind of Tunawa I've seen, trees are dangerous" the man smirked.
"Close, but a hammer isn't my thing. Good in battle, admittedly. But I'm an axe guy, the bigger the better" he admitted, gesturing to the back of the forge where his axe was poorly wrapped, the double-sided head on show. It wasn't the most beautiful of axes, but the blade was admittedly sharp and effective. That was what mattered. "I wouldn't mind using a hammer some time though."

When Xander explained why he used the swords, Varlum kept his eyes on the man. Lot of things at risk? Sounded to him like Xander was one of two things, a mercenary with an inflated ego or a hero of some kind. While the former was more common, this man was anything but common. That meant he was a hero of some kind, or wanted to be. Varlum had met a fair few people that wanted to be a hero, and most of them ended up dead or famous. Varlum could only hope this man would be sung about for Arcs to come.
"Heard the name a few times, know nothing of them" he admitted with a quieter and somewhat colder tone. Just the name of the Webspinners brought some discomfort. Bedtime stories were told to children of them, creatures of darkness that would abduct you in your sleep, spiders watching you until they would turn to humans and feast on your flesh were all common stories when Varlum had been growing up. Yet it was when he grew older that he feared the claims more, after what he had seen. Spiders turning to humans seemed tame.

"I'll be sure to let you know" he muttered, his eyes looking to the now serious man in front of him. This was personal, it wasn't hard to see. More so than most let the Webspinners bother them. This man had heard more than stories, seen more than plays and performances. It wasn't like Varlum to immediately trust a man, and he made no mistake - he didn't. But this man had been kind enough, and Ethelynda deemed him mark worthy. That meant more to Varlum than character did.

"I'll try to find them for you. On one condition though" he spoke, quietly. "Tell me why, even if it's vague. What is so special about the Webspinners?"
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