Practice Makes Polished

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Jonathan Burr
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Practice Makes Polished

30th of Ashan

Jonathan needed a few hours to himself. He was upset over the death of Daeva, still, and needed time to smooth out his rumpled feelings. In his view, enough horrific things went on that people did to one another, that Harvesters should be forgiven their needs. He wanted to truly understand Aberration but for the moment, that was stalled out. The only thing he had was Transmutation, so he vowed to become more competent in that skill. He needed to learn to defend himself. Daeva was a cruel lesson in that. Transmutation could be used for the arts, and to tear down a building, but could it also be used for combat skills? He'd attempted to make small stone daggers to fit between his fingers during the fight; that had been a crude weapon. They'd have shattered the second he'd punched someone. He wanted and needed something a little more elegant. Could ether be used to do such a thing? Of course he could just shape a blade and use that. He might even be able to refine a metal one and use it a little better than any mere soldier. Transmutation experts were experts in the natural, and manipulating the natural. His father was able to turn the lowest quality diamond into something women would strangle their grandmothers for. There had to be a way.

He'd have to go to ether for the answer. It was always the answer. Everything he needed to know lay in manipulation of his ether. So instead of picking up a rock to carve, he focused his attention. He tried to picture ether as something he could grasp. Something that could coalesce into something in his palm. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He tried to feel the ether flowing through his arms, pooling into his palm, twisting and shaping into something simple. A ball. He extended that energy out and tried to compact it inward a little bit. He felt something there, trying to wander off but with his strict discipline he tamed it and forced it to stay put.

Jon opened his eyes, and smiled. A small, glowing ball of energy settled in his palm. It was difficult to maintain, and he had to keep gently reforming it. It felt like holding water, something that wanted to wander off and bleed into nothing. He had to work to maintain it, and he kind of liked that. It glowed, and Jon could move his arm and shed light onto something. That was interesting. He hadn't had any idea that forming ether in this way would make it into light. It made an astounding amount of sense when he really put thought into it, and he smiled. He pushed it a little further, adding more ether to make it roughly the size of a large orange. The light intensified, pulsed and grew like a living thing. Jon's first instinct was to show Alistair. He wanted to show off to his teacher that he'd learned something new just by focusing his ether. He wanted Alistair to be proud of him.

He had to focus if he wanted to keep this little ball of light alive. He tried brightening it, making the light more intense. If he poured more ether into it, it would. It would shine as bright as a torch in a lit room, or he could gutter it down to a very light, soft glow that barely illuminated his palm. His first thought was to use it for reading. He could take this into any dark room and immediately be able to see details others might miss. He'd always hated using torches in a library because of the risk, and now he could use something completely and utterly safe. He was excited at the prospect.
word count: 646
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Jonathan Burr
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Practice Makes Polished

Jonathan carefully pulled his ether back from the ball of light in his hand. Slowly, the light dimmed and guttered. It was as if he was feeding it with his own ether, like a flame feeding on sticks. If he pulled back the stream of ether in his palm he could dim it or even extinguish it. Feeding it made it grow larger and brighter. Now, could it be reversed? Could something glow small and bright, to target light better? He slowly constricted more ether around the ball in his hand, while feeding into it. It compressed it, forcing the ether to shine brighter at a smaller size. It was slightly harder to control, and the ball wobbled a little, but after a few minutes of concentration he managed to get it stable again. Now for the opposite. Jon closed his eyes and let the ether in his hand expand, relieving it of its chains and letting it bleed into a much larger sphere. He was spreading the same amount of ether compressed and then thin again, and it took a little toying to get the ratio back.

He smiled. Alistair would be impressed with him. There was a relationship between size and how bright the Brilliance was, and he could both manipulate and balance it by pulling back or expanding the ether. It was delicate, but he also had a small bit of permanence somehow. He tried placing the ball on the ground, and was surprised to see that it stayed. Even though he still had to feed the little ether-fire, it was content to stay off of his palms. Now that was interesting. He got up and walked away from it, walking backwards. As long as he could feed ether into the tether the light persisted, but when he tried to sever the connection the little ball faded and died. He could light a house with these little balls as long as he was fine with having ten, or fifteen tethers to his ether and was capable of feeding them.

Now then, to mess with it just a little more before he rested. Could this light take other shapes? He smirked and decided to pull it in, toward himself, and let the light simmer along the surface of his skin. It was as if he was standing inside one of the little orbs he'd made, and spread it neatly along his skin. This time the light seemed to be coming from within him. His mouth, nose, fingernails, and eyes. Now this was interesting. He wasn't sure what purpose being a human candle could possibly serve. He walked around a little bit in it, focusing little bits in places. He could direct the ether gently toward his hands and make them marginally brighter than the rest of him. Or to his feet. Or, hilariously, to his genitals. He laughed at the last one and made it glow a little brighter. "Hey Alistair... want to blow on my torch?" he joked to the open air. He dimmed the light again and extended it out toward his hands, then into his fingers. He frowned, and an idea sparked in his head.

His ether brightened along his hands and focused onto his fingernails. He knelt and sifted a bit through the grass. His fingers picked over the tangled mass of grass fronds and moss, until he found a garden spider crawling through the dense jungle. With a little encouragement from his other hand he herded the creature onto his fingers and stood up, looking at it. The light shone under the spider's belly as it skittered around between his fingers, and he smiled. He could examine something this way! He could see every detail illuminated by the ether. Every little black and brown spot on the body of the spider. Every little joint in its legs and the movement of its chelicerae. He hovered a finger above the spider's face, expended a burst of light. The spider skittered back for a few moments and stared, stunned. Unfortunately Jon was blinking too, as he'd been looking just as directly into the small flash of light. Well that was stupid. He rubbed his eyes with his spare hand and lowered his hand to the ground, gently shooing off the traumatized arachnid.

The flash had been impulsive but had produced some fascinating results. He concentrated another burst of ether in his hand, letting it slither off of his skin, and expelled it quickly. A large flash consumed the area for a few seconds, and Jon saw every blade of grass. He saw it reflect off of the lights of the surgery and hoped he hadn't just blinded Alistair. He had directed it outward so he hadn't blinded himself this time...and it seemed like a decent enough non-lethal weapon. He could blind an enemy like this without really hurting them.

Jon slowly sat down. He had expended a lot of energy and ether doing this little training session. He closed his eyes to control the little bit of dizziness threatening in his head, and took a deep breath. He controlled his breathing. In and out. In and out. He had to re-center himself and let the ether in him recover. He wished he had Daeva with him. He missed her so deeply. She had always been willing to settle down with him and speak to him, even if they'd only known each other a few days. Jonathan wanted another Harvester.
word count: 928
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Practice Makes Polished

Jonathon Burr

Awarded Points

These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Transmutation - Brilliance: Focusing light in your hand.
Transmutation - Brilliance: Can be small or big, bright or dim.
Transmutation - Brilliance: Can produce a glow in any part of the body.
Transmutation - Brilliance: Produces a bright flash to blind enemies.
Transmutation - Brilliance: Exists for as long as it's been fed ether.
Discipline: Refocusing yourself after expending ether.

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Renown Devotion
None None


Another beautifully written piece. I must admit, I really don't like magic - writing or even sometimes reading about it. I feel sometimes it gets a little too involved and it's hard to follow, but you write it so well that I don't feel overwhelmed with unknown concepts, which is great!

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 162
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