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Keep Calm And Carry On

12th Day of Ashan
718th Arc
People said many things about Kata. Most frequently, these things would be related to just how very unhinged she was. In such cases, they would not be wrong in their assessment. She was forgetful, impulsive, irritable and, even at times, aggressive. The aggression was rare, granted. In point of fact, there was only one time in recorded history that the Immortal had been actively aware and consciously making a decision to be aggressive. Remarkably, it had also been a time she had not been forgetful (who could forget such an important, core, way of life). Nor had she been impulsive (you could never take risks with such a serious venture). Kata hadn’t even been irritable (who could retain such negativity when faces with something so pure and untainted).

But this serenity was short lived when a cup of lukewarm, pale Originals only know what shite was placed in front of her by Mastes.

Yes. Her fury was brought about by a cup of tea.

Mastes, with wisdom beyond his normal sensibilities, had stood silently, shoulders hunched, as he listened to his incensed charge. She was not stable at the best of times, and when she had demanded a cuppa, Mastes had practically sighed in relief and scuttled off to create the brew. He had thought it was alright. Evidently not.

You put the milk in first again didn’t you? I… but it’s what? Eight parts milk, two parts water? The tea bag needs time to infuse the water,” she ranted, her anger causing her voice to reach new decibels, “that means the water cannot be fecking tepid. How do you expect me to be okay with this? I cannot - you cannot - why would you do this to me? In what world - no wonder - no, stop laughing!

Look at it, you savage, Delana will return before we see any more change in colour to this piss. Do you hate me?” She stood up and, cup in hand, hurled it across the table aiming at the other Immortal’s head. Mastes ducked and the cup soared clear over his head, creamy liquid falling free. There was no sound of it clattering to the ground - instead it seemed to float endlessly until being enveloped by the white fog surrounding them. The droplets of tea disappearing first (that was how white the liquid was).

The pair of Immortals remained silent for a long moment, and all that could be heard was Kata’s harsh breathing as her stomach knotted with rage. “I just… I can’t… I can’t trust you anymore,” she finally whispered. “Please leave.

While the two Immortals raged in a different domain, countless mortals would find themselves unwittingly invited into one of the many battles in this on-going war. Wherever they were, whatever they were doing, they would receive their invitations. These invitations were not words on paper, though. Perhaps unsurprisingly to the reader - if very surprisingly to the mortals themselves - the invitations would consist of all the implements needed to make the perfect cup of tea: a teabag, water, cream or milk; a kettle, a teapot, a cup and saucer, a spoon, and a choice of sweeteners. Even the kindling and fuel were supplied by the erratic Immortal.

It was a challenge as well as an invitation, should the mortals accept it. If they made the cup of tea - and made it well - when they drank it, they would be transported to join her. But it wasn’t as simple as merely dunking a teabag in water and drinking. This was sacred, and anyone flouting the cardinal rules of this venerated drink would not only be disinvited from her tea party… they would be at the mercy of her homicidal wrath.
word count: 632
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Keep Calm And Carry On

The 12th of Ashan was something of a special trial all across Idalos. On this day every mortal, unmarked or otherwise, had the ability to catch brief glimpses of the spirit world that usually lay beyond their perception if they were lucky, and those who worshipped the fallen Immortal Daia claimed that this was connected to her somehow and proclaimed it to be a holy day. It was fairly common to find some sort of festival going on somewhere in every large city, and to those few who worshipped the spirits the religious significance of this event made it a very important trial for them.

For Tio however this trial had a different kind of significance: it was his birth trial. Exactly twenty two arcs ago he'd been brought into this world, and his mother had often said that his free-spirited nature was a result of this coincidence. And although work had called him out to sea on this particular trial, Tio saw no reason why he and his crew couldn't party just as hard as the rest of the people in Almund, and so had ordered that just for today all forms of work be suspended, the barrels of rum brought up on deck, and that the rest of the trial should be spend, boozing, gambling and dancing until they passed out. His crew, never the kind of people to miss out on a change to party, hadn't needed much convincing.

It was late afternoon by the time that the last of his crew drank themselves into unconsciousness. Even the normally reserved Grace hadn't been able to resist a glass, which had soon turned into two, then three, at which point it became apparent to all that the reason why the Eidisi rarely touched alcohol was because she had no talent for holding her liquor. Only Tio, whose biology made him unable to get drunk even if he wanted too, was left standing.

With nothing else to do, Tio decided to return to his captain's cabin and relax for a while. To his surprise however when he opened the door he discovered that somebody had apparently snuck in and left a present for him on his desk; a small but elegant set of everything he needed to brew himself a proper cup of afternoon tea. Although he never told anyone for fear of ruining the roguish image he'd spent his life building, Tio was actually a huge fan of tea; it was perhaps the only thing he'd enjoyed about all those thrice-damned etiquette lessons he'd been forced into as a child. Who had this been a gift from? Teddie or Grace? They were the only ones both on this ship and sharp enough to notice his secret love for the beverage. Too bad they were both passed out right now, he'd have to ask when they woke up.

First Tio boiled the water until it was just hot enough to start bubbling around the edges, and poured it gently into the teapot so that there was enough to fill two cups. He placed the teabag into the water, slid the lid on, and counted exactly six bits to himself while he waited for the tea to infuse into the water. It could be considered cheating by some, but he used the power of his defiance spark and asked the water inside the pot to gently spin around for him to give the flavour that extra edge to it, and asked the potential for fire resting within the heat of the water to keep the tea nice and hot. Magic made the best tea, despite what most people thought.

Once he reached six Tio poured the tea into his cup, and added a tiny, tiny pinch of mixed ground spices into the blend. Some people used milk, sugar, or other sweeteners, but as far as Tio was concerned these things were for the weak. A little bit of a spicy undertone was far more preferable, even if it was considered weird. He then sat back and took a long, deep sip of the drink, relishing the refreshing heat that brushed his pallet.

Now this was how tea was supposed to be!
word count: 713
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Keep Calm And Carry On

She looked down at the twins, fast asleep finally and Faith was simply delighted. They lay there together, wrapped up and sleeping the way that they always had to, arms around each other and she felt such an overwhelming sensation of love that she would be hard pressed to describe it. But by Famula, Moseke and Vri, she was glad they were both asleep!

Being a mother was overwhelming, all-encompassing and she loved it. She adored the babies and every single about them was perfect, but by all the Immortals, they were a lot of work. She'd get Madison sorted and Noah would be cranky - and they never slept separately. So if Madison was ready to sleep but Noah was cranky, Madison couldn't sleep and got cranky and so it went around. She loved them, but Faith would have to admit that they exhausted her. And on a trial like this one where she had them both all of the day through, it was good to have a half break where she could tidy around and get the house to a semblance of order.

Or, she could make a cup of tea.

Oh, the thought of it, that opportunity to sit and maybe even put her feet up, whilst cradling the warm china cup and sipping the wonders of a good, a really good cup of tea. Looking at the chaos that was their living room, Faith moved to go and make the drink. Padraig, or someone had put some things out for her but they were simply not acceptable. Faith, after all, was a connoisseur and she had no intention of using a tea bag. Famula forbid! No, she warmed the teapot and got the tea cosy out, ready. That, she placed on the shelf just above the stove for, even though it was made with the technique she'd picked up for fabric keeping things and people warm, she still thought it added an extra touch of nice.

Teapot warming, teacosy too, Faith put the tea leaves into the small cup, just checking it through while the kettle went onto the stove. The tea, too, she put atop the stove, just so that it wasn't shocked when it went into the water. Nearly boiling was the way to go, of course, and just as the kettle started the pre-whistle stage, she took it off and poured it into the teapot. In went the warmed tea leaves and a good stir to really release the flavour. Then, on with the lid and the teacosy and Faith placed the teapot on the hot iron skillet to keep it warm. The cup, of course, was equally important and she chose her favourite china cup and saucer, turning the handle out just so. Once the tea had seeped a sufficient amount of time, she put the strainer to rest on the cup and carefully poured the tea, ensuring that the teapot was just at the right height.

Placing the teapot down, it was just a splash of milk and then Faith sat back, lifted her legs and sipped the delicious drink. Closing her eyes she had to admit, it was good. Why anyone would ever use a teabag was beyond her.

Bloody peasants.

This? There was only one word for this. "I say, old boy," Faith said to the dog, "If one does say so oneself, this particular cup of char is absolutely spiffing." With a smile at such nonsense, she sipped it and savoured the moment.
word count: 590
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Keep Calm And Carry On

A dark red haze filled the sky, cloudless and warm, but with a cooling breeze that made his chest swell. Perfect flying weather, but Traveller had taken off in the middle of his shift at the Skye Verath Lodge and he was loathe to try and call him back now, even as he returned from a long day of work with Greyhide in tow, the ever-vigilant grey wolf refusing to leave his side even through his day-to-day activities now, much to the amusement of his employers, who seemed to enjoy teasing Nir'wei about his new "bodyguard" as much as Archailist did. There's nothing worse than a shouting match happening entirely within your own head. At least Greyhide obeyed when he told him to shut up, though. The squirrel-spirit now seemed to take active delight in giving him a headache at every possible convenience, but even now he felt no desire to open that can of festering maggots. The days were quickly growing hot and humid; he'd almost forgotten how horrid Volareon shit smelled, but there it was, as if the arcs had only let them pile up higher than ever before.

His half-formed campsite was still standing when he finally made it back to the little land-patch he called home for now. No Sohr Khal, and of his coterie, only Jasper was still hanging around when he returned, the river otter happily playing with a sheathed dagger that he'd stolen from one of his bags. He gave a loud squeak of protest when Nir'wei wrestled it away, but given the emptied canvas bag as a substitute, he was soon rolling through the grass inside of it, bouncing with all the energy of an excitable puppy. Had Jasper been a Sohr Khal in a previous life? Suddenly, he noticed something. "Where's Sinnamyn?"

"Must've left a while ago," Greyhide replied with an odd mental shrug as he pushed his head between the flaps of his tent, "there's no sign." Strange; she must have found some other way to get around than by constantly hitch-hiking on his shoulder. "But looks like she left something for you." There was a tone of faint amusement in his voice that piqued his curiosity just a little too much. Stashed comfortably atop his bedroll was a whole assortment of oddly familiar items. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were intended for, but by Karem, he'd not had the option to truly enjoy one in a very long time. All the travel made conserving space a necessity. He'd sacrificed it for so long that he'd almost forgotten the taste, but as his hands roamed over the tight little packages of leaves, milk, sugar... it was like reawakening himself to it all over again.

He didn't have a true kitchen to make it in, but he didn't need one. With a little hard grinding he lit the firepit and threw a few of his supply-logs in to bring it to a good burn. The kettle half-filled with water and balanced atop a folding tripod until it whistled softly, a soft boil."Ahhh, I used to make this back in Desnind," he muttered as he worked, Greyhide's spiritual representative smirking with a knowing look. "Used to pick the leaves off the shrub myself and brew a cup in a proper porcelain mug." It was a slightly more rustic blend, he knew, but it was in many ways the same for food as it was for tea; the best results came when you did everything yourself, start to finish. Since he planned to offer Sinnamyn a cup when she arrived, he added the leaves directly to the pot, leaving them to infuse for a perfect four bits before slowly straining it into the mug with a dash of milk stirred in well. It had that healthy brown colour, dark and rich... just the smell was enough to bring a smile to his face.

It didn't do justice to the taste though, as he lifted it to his lips and took a sip. "The taste of home." There was only one thing that could make it better, he thought to himself... before being interrupted by a sudden nudge at his side. "Hmm?" Greyhide had something in his mouth, a well-wrapped package that he must have missed among all the other pieces. "Oh... ohohoh, well then." Now, he thought to himself as he picked up one of the round biscuits and dunked it into the mug... now his night was well and truly complete.
word count: 781
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Keep Calm And Carry On

And so it was that Kata, the Immortal of Insanity and Injustice, was joined by the few mortals who could comprehend how foul it was to suffer trial after trial among uncouth sodomites who thought it was acceptable to destroy the sanctity of a cup of tea. “Welcome, friends!” the lively Immortal greeted with a firm shake of the hand as each of her guests arrived. “I had hoped my call would be heard! Alas, I have struggled for many an arc to find a like-minded companion to share a cup of tea, but now I have three!

She buried herself conjuring more seats out of nothingness. “Please, sit!” They began as plain wooden chairs but, when each of her guests would sit, the chairs would each transform into the individual’s idea seat. Cushioned, armed, with pillows, hard-backed, patterned, solid colour, whatever the mortal so desired, so they would have. Only the best for people drinking tea.

Now, I must confess something to you all...” the redhead’s tone became all the more somber and serious, her smile dropping and her head ducking, as if in embarrassment. “I don’t really know how to make tea. My butler always helps me, but I think he is aged, perhaps senile. He produced pish that even Edasha would have mistaken for snow. I never had an pay idea there was something wrong with him until just this trial.” of course, there was no butler, nor was he in any way close to insane (though it really was a matter of opinion and if you asked other Immortals or mortals, they might agree with Kata’s estimation).

The simple fact was that the unhinged Immortal was so far detached from reality that she didn’t know which way was up. Masters, for all of his faults and manipulations, did care about his charge - how else could they have bonded to the extent that he controlled her domains? He was her caretaker, and now that she had banished him from her domain, the unstable girl appeared beyond confused. “Will you help me?

Glancing between the cups of tea now rested in front of each mortal joining her at her table, the Immortal of Insanity frowned, unable to decide which she liked the look of more. The struggling Immortal suddenly appeared to look much younger, much more green and innocent and lost, than the hundreds, of not thousands, of arcs that she had walked the earth.

When (or if) they offered to help and got on with it, Kata sat at one of the seats and sighed, a small smile transforming her face into the beautiful creature she could be. “I don’t think I have you folk... have I?” The unspoken question was plain for them to understand, politely requesting more information, but also allowing for nothing to be said if they preferred.
 ! Message from: Whisper
Deepest apologies for the delay, I wanted to leave time for others to join and then life has been incredibly busy - it still is, but here’s a reply! I have many ideas for this thread but if you guys have any British things you want to honour (or make fun of) fling me a PM! I know some from Faith already! This is for all of us after all!
word count: 554
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Keep Calm And Carry On

Tio brought the spiced tea up to his lips and savoured the warm rush that slid down his throat, closing his eyes in a silent, contented sigh. Yet when he opened his eyes Tio nearly spat the remaining tea out, as the cabin of his beautiful ship had vanished into... actually where on Idalos was he? This place definitely wasn't the ocean, nor was it like any place Tio had seen before. There was definitely some sort of landscape around him, but for some reason Tio couldn't quite focus on what it was. It was like his mind was refusing to pay attention to it, or couldn't wrap itself around what he was seeing. How had he gotten here? Had the tea teleported him? Had he just discovered the recipe for teleporting tea?!

Before he could contemplate the magnitude of his discovery any further Tio felt a hand grasp around his own, and he looked around to find a woman with dishevelled red hair shaking it enthusiastically and shooting him a peculiar smile. Once again Tio found that he couldn't quite understand why her smile seemed so peculiar to him, he just had this feeling that something about it wasn't quite right. She was the one who had brought him to this place then? And because she wanted to discuss the intricacies of tea? He'd never imagined a mage (which he assumed this woman must be) would whisk him away for a discussion about tea, but he wasn't going to complain about it either.

He looked around when Kata mentioned having three guests, and was glad to see a pair of familiar faces next to him. Faith, who'd solved a murderer mystery with him, and Nir'wei, who'd dispatched the experiments that'd escaped from his necromancy lab. He hadn't realised they were tea fans as well! What a small world Idalos was!

"Faith! Nir'wei! How merry 'tis to see thee! From whence did thou come from?" He beamed with a wide, goofy grin across his face. The two of them didn't take kindly to magicians, so he'd have to stay on guard to not give himself away, but other than that he was happy to see the two of them. "Hark, had I known thou too were fellows of refined tastes I would have thrown a tea party anon! Alas, good taste ne'er was easy to spy upon the visage."

As Tio made to join the mysterious redhead at the table a plain wooden chair appeared out of thin air behind him, and as he sat on it the wood twisted and turned, growing to three times its original size and morphing into solid gold. By the time the transformation was complete Tio was sat upon a ridiculously gaudy throne of shining white gold, inlaid with precious gems and with a back rest shaped like a pair of enormous wings. It was the sort of throne one would expect a particularly vain king to sit on, and indeed Tio seemed very pleased as he reclined back into it; admiring how the wings looked like they were coming out of his back. Maybe the lady would let him keep it afterwards? He'd always wanted his very own throne.

"Indeed I shall help thee my lady. Prithee tell me what tastes thou prefers, and my wit and wiles art thou's to command." He replied to Kata's question, raising an eyebrow as her age seemed to regress before his eyes but deciding that pointing it out may not be a good idea. "I am Tio Silver, o' the tarnished silver crown. Pray tell, what is thy name, fair maid?"
word count: 625
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: Keep Calm And Carry On

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Points: 15 May not be used for Magic

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Points: 15 May not be used for Magic, As you are Immortal now, and your sparks are gone from your sheet.

This had a chance to be a fun tea party, it is a bit sad it died off so soon. A good boy, an old slave, and a man of party. How would the immortal react to such a group being gathered. Each one of you gave a nice peak into your day to day life, just before the tea was finished. I wish there was more to chew on here.

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word count: 162
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