• Solo • [Treth] A New Arc

1st of Cylus 718

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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] A New Arc


1st Cylus, 718

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Tei'serin cringed inwardly at the two happily chanting voices. Her injuries from Thorin's last punishment were still healing, so sleep was hard to come by for her. Finding a comfortable position to sleep in was all but impossible, and until she did, sleep eluded her. It didn't help matters that she was very, very pregnant. It had been an entire arc since Ziell had visited her. The healer in her knew that was far past overdue. A normal pregnancy was two hundred and seventy trials, after all. Not four hundred and ninety two trials. She could only guess that the father of her unborn child had something to do with it. He was the strongest in the cold seasons, after all...and Cylus was the coldest season of all. Perhaps that meant that she would give birth soon...she could only hope that she would.

"Ms. Nji'ryn!"

Tei'serin felt the bed shift as two small bodies pounced on it. Clearly she wasn't waking up fast enough for her sisters' tastes. She opened her eyes.

"Yes?" she asked blearily.

She knew that nothing was wrong. If it was, she would be able to tell from the tones of her sisters' voices.

"Guess what trial it is!"

She was a teacher. She was patient with kids. Loved them, in fact. She counted to ten slowly in her head before she could focus on answering her sisters' question without snapping at them. Then she added up the trials in her head.

"It's the first of Cylus. Why?"

Then it dawned on her.

"...Oh. It's New Arc's Trial."

Silence. She opened her eyes and looked at her younger sisters. They were watching her with wide, uncertain eyes. It took Tei'serin's sleep fogged mind a few trills to figure out why they were upset; she hadn't sounded as excited as they thought she should be. Excitement was too much ask for this early in the morning. If the sun came up in Cylus, this would be well before that was supposed to happen. She had managed politeness though. It would have to do.

"Aren't you excited, Tei'serin?"

"I'm too tired to be excited. I didn't sleep well last night." she admitted.

"Is it cause of the baby?" Meiarin wanted to know.

Tei'serin nodded.

"That's right. She's so big that it's hard for me to find a comfortable position to sleep in."

It was one of the reasons, anyway. The girls didn't need a reminder of how cruel their father could be.

"Why do you call her a she? The baby isn't here yet, so how can you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Keiaris wanted to know.

"Well...I hope that I will have a little girl who is just as cute as my two sisters are, so I often call her a she. She is better than it, right?"

Her sisters nodded. Sorin popped his head into the doorway.

"Breakfast is ready, Tei'serin. Mom was hoping that we could eat early so we could all celebrate the new arc together before we have to go to school."

Sorin eyed her critically.

"Are we going to school? You really don't look so good..."

Tei'serin shook her head.

"Not until the bruises are gone. You know the rules. Thorin..."

Tei'serin shuddered to think of what he might do to her if she dared show herself in the village before the bruises covering her body and face had faded completely.

"I'll ride into Treth and let them know after we eat, then. Should I tell then you'll be out "sick" for several more trials?" he asked solemnly.

Tei'serin nodded.

"I think that would be best. Thank you."

Sorin ushered his younger sisters out of the room so that Tei'serin could change out of her nightgown in peace. Once she was dressed, she followed the smell of food into the kitchen. Her mother and siblings were already seated at the table, waiting for her. When Sorin saw her, he jumped up, and helped Tei'serin into the empty chair. She thanked him again with a smile, then began to eat.

As they ate, they took turns telling stories about what they had done the arc before. Funny stories. Sad stories. All the highlights of the arc both good and bad were shared. Tei'serin told them a little about the trial when she met Ziell. When the meal was over, Sorin left to tell the villagers that school would be canceled for several more trials while the girls started work on an assignment that Tei'serin set for them. Tei'serin started to help her mother with the dishes, but quickly found herself being shooed off to rest. She obeyed, but not without telling her mother how happy she was to have her back in her life.

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Bonus experience approved by Harpy, to be given to the following character(s) involved in this thread, only upon the completion of the review, where the character(s) demonstrated celebration of the holiday, New Arc's Day on 1st of Cylus, Arc 718.

Bonus Experience Upon Review Completion:
Ne'haer Holiday: New Arc's Day
+2 Bonus Skill Points
Free Item: A smooth black stone which glows each New Arc's Day. It emits heat for the entirety of the trial, warming up those who celebrate in the cool Cylus weather.

word count: 937
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Re: [Treth] A New Arc


Tei'serin really wasn't in the mood to "waste" her trial by doing nothing but resting, so she decided to spend the time studying instead. To that end, she quickly found the book she wanted to read, grabbed some paper so she could take notes, and got down to work.

Essential oils, and infused oils are important remedies in the arsenal of a skilled herbalist, but as they are more difficult to make than teas, infusions, and tinctures, they are best avoided by the novice. Both remedies are similar in that they involve infusing the healing qualities of herbs into oils. But each type of remedy has its own specific uses. Essential oils are very concentrated, and as such are so powerful that they should not come into contact with the skin directly. They need to be diluted with a carrier oil before they can be used effectively. Infused oils, on the other hand, are much milder. They are gentle enough to be used on bare skin. Essential oils can be damaged by the sun, so they much be stored in dark glass containers. This is not the case with infused oils, so they can be stored in any kind of glass container.

Tei'serin carefully noted the differences between the two. It wouldn't be good if she were to get them mixed up, and hurt a patient because of it.

Carrier oils are mainly oils extracted from the nuts, seeds or kernels of plants. When it comes to scent, they are fairly neutral, so they can be used to compliment essential oils, and are an excellent choice for diluting essential oils for skin and hair products such as massage oils, scrubs, salves, lotions and balms as well as herbal remedies. And since many of these oils are edible, some can be infused with herbs to add flavor to salad dressings, cooking oils, and the like.

Olive oil is a perfect example of this. Herb infused olive oil makes a great salad dressing. It can also be drizzled over pasta, or used as a dip for fine breads. Some of the more popular herbs to infuse into olive oils are garlic, rosemary, basil, and sage. Fruits such as lemons and other spices can be used as well.

Tei'serin was more interested in the herbal remedy aspects of infused oils, but she made note of the cooking applications as well. The infused olive oils sounded interesting, so she planned to take a closer look at them later. The basic recipe looked easy enough. Wash the ingredients you wanted to infuse into the oil, and allow them to dry overnight. Bruise the herbs gently before putting them into the oil in order to expose their own oils and begin the infusion process. Spices could be lightly toasted and crushed in a mortar, and fruits could be thinly sliced to achieve the same effects. Then add the ingredients to the olive oil, and let it sit in a cool, dark place for seven to fourteen trials. Finally, strain out the solids, and put the oil in a new bottle. Heating the oil would cause the infusion process to happen more quickly, but wasn't necessary.

Tei'serin jotted down a few ideas of herbs she wanted to infuse into olive oils for dressings, then went back to her reading.

There are many ways to infuse the properties of herbs into oils, but the easiest is to allow the sun to do it naturally. It is best to use dried herbs when you are doing this, but if you are using fresh herbs, allow them to wilt for twelve breaks first in order to get as much moisture out of them as possible. Too much moisture will cause the oil to go rancid.

The herbs you wish to use must be cut into small pieces and crushed with a mortar and pestle before you use them. Once this has been done, put the herbs into a clean, dry quart jar. You will need to leave at least one to three inches of open space above your herbs to cover with oil. The remaining space in the jar should be filled with oil of your choice. When you do this, make sure to cover your herbs by at least an inch or more. If the herbs emerge above the surface of the oil at any point while infusing, pour more oil on top to ensure the herbs remain covered. Put the lid on the jar tightly, and shake well. Then place it in a warm, sunny windowsill where it will sit for fourteen to twenty one trials. During this time, it is important to shake the jar well at least once a trial. When the oil is ready, strain the herbs out, pour it into glass jars, and label them with the type of oil, the herbs used, and the date it was made. Store it in a cool, dark place. Your infused oil should keep for at least an arc.

The process of infusing oils for herbal remedies seemed similar to the process for infusing olive oils with herbs to create flavored dressings. Tei'serin jotted down a special note to that effect before she returned to her studying.

It is possible to cut down on the time it takes to infuse the oils by heating them. Opinions vary on how long the oils need to be heated. Some say that heating the herbs over very low heat for one to five breaks, until the oil takes on the color and scent of the herb is sufficient. Others say that the oil needs to be heated for forty eight to seventy two breaks before they will be ready. Whichever method you use, it is fairly common to have some pieces of your herbs floating in the oil after saturation. If they float to the top and start to mold or decay, simply skim them off and discard them. Herbs that natural dyes may be infused in oil for the specific use of adding color to soaps and other body care products. It is also important to keep in mind that you can infuse a mixture of herbs into an oil of your choice rather than just one type of herb. One example of this is to infuse hops flowers, lavender flowers, and chamomile flowers in jojoba oil. This will make a wonderful relaxing blend for massage oils.

Tei'serin reread her notes, and decided that she had gotten all of the important details about infusing oils written down. So after checking one more time, she moved on to learning about essential oils.

There are two methods of making essential oils. One of them uses vodka, and the other uses olive oil. Both methods are similar in the making of the oil. And they both require the use of a ceramic crock. Glass containers will work if you do not have ceramic ones, but metal will react badly with the process of making essential oils.

In both methods, you start by pouring your vodka or olive oil over your chosen herbs until the herbs are completely covered by the liquid. If they are not, the oils within the herbs will not be extracted completely. Once this has been done, set the container aside, and wait for twenty four to forty eight breaks. Covering the container with a cheesecloth will prevent bugs getting into your essential oils.

After the required time has elapsed, gently strain the used herbs out of the oil or vodka. You will want to press on the herbs to squeeze as much of their oils out as possible before discarding them and adding more. Then add more oil or vodka to be certain that the new herbs are completely covered. Let the mixture sit for another twenty four to forty eight breaks. After your oil or vodka has had two sets of fresh herbs added to the process, you need to smell your oil and see if it is strong enough for your taste. If the scent or potency isn't strong enough for your needs, keep repeating the process until it is. You will likely have to repeat the process more times if you are using vodka than if you are using olive oil. If you are using vodka, once it has reached the desired potency, you will need to freeze it. As a result, you must either have access to an ice box, or place the container outside during Zi'da or Cylus until it freezes. The oil will congeal on top of the alcohol. When this happens, if off, and it is done. Once the oil is ready, you will want to store it in a dark glass container that can be sealed as the sun can damage essential oils. Keep the essential oils in a dark, cool place so they will stay fresh longer.

A sharp pain tore through Tei'serin's abdomen, making her gasp at its intensity. When fifteen bits passed without another pain coming, she realized that she wasn't going into labor yet. She had been having these false contractions for several trials now. The doctor had explained that this was normal; a sign that her body was getting ready to give birth. But that didn't make the pains ant less startling or more bearable when they came. Each time they did, she couldn't help but hope that this time was really the time.

Tei'serin felt restless, so she stood and went for a walk around the cottage.

word count: 1600
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Re: [Treth] A New Arc


After a short break, Tei'serin was ready to buckle down and study some more.

Catnip is a perennial herb that is particularly appealing to cats, who love to roll in its leaves. Under the influence of catnip, cats will often act as though they are drunk, something that many cat owners find amusing to watch.

Tei'serin couldn't help but smile and agree with what had been written.

Catnip is also known as catmint, catswort, and field balm. The medicinal components of the plant are its dried leaves and white flowering tops. When dried, the herb can be used as a tea, sachet, or tincture. And when fresh, it can be used as an essential oil, or tincture.

Catnip has a sedative influence on the nerves. This makes it useful for treating anxiety, and insomnia. It can be used to help ease headaches, and migraines. The herb is effective in treating
as a cold and flu remedy. Catnip combines well with the pleasant taste of mint and sage for a pleasant herbal remedy for fever as well.

It can be used as either a tea, or a salve to treat a variety of conditions such as dandruff, hives, diarrhea, upset stomach, stomach cramps, and gas. When used as a tonic, it is good for for increasing urination, and for starting menstrual periods in girls who are of an age to be having them but are not. The herb can be applied to the skin directly to help with arthritis, hemorrhoids, and as a compress to relieve swelling. Catnip can be used to reduce the swelling of insect bites, and makes a good insect repellent. Pregnant women should not take catnip as it may cause a miscarriage. And since catnip can cause menstruation, it might make heavy menstrual periods worse.

Tei'serin paused in her reading when the door slammed open. Startled, Tei'serin rushed to the door as quickly as she could manage. Her mother and siblings were already there by the time she got to the door. Thorin was standing in the doorway, staring at them expectantly.

The children rushed to get their father something to eat while Tei'serin and her mother ushered him inside in silence. It was clear that he had had a long hard trip to get there, and neither of them wanted to do anything that might anger him. Once he was sitting down with a good meal, Tei'serin and her mother retreated into their own rooms while Thorin spoke to his children about their trial.

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Re: [Treth] A New Arc

Here's your stuff!



Skill Knowledges

Cooking; Ingredient: Infused Olive Oils for fancy flavors
Medicine: how to make and store essential oils; they must be stored in dark glass bottles because the sun can damage them
Medicine: how to make and store infused oils
Medicine: essential oils are highly concentrated and are so powerful that they should never be applied directly to the skin, while infused oils are much milder, and are gentle enough to be used on bare skin.
Medicine: Carrier oils are mainly oils extracted from the nuts, seeds or kernels of plants; they are fairly neutral, so they can be used to compliment essential oils and are an excellent choice for diluting essential oils for skin and hair products such as massage oils, scrubs, salves, lotions and balms as well as herbal remedies
Medicine: uses for catnip as an herb

Non Skill Knowledges

Infused oils: herbs with natural dyes may be infused in oil for use in adding color to soaps and other body care products
Infused oils: you can infuse a mixture of herbs into an oil of your choice rather than just one type of herb; one example of this is to infuse hops flowers, lavender flowers, and chamomile flowers in jojoba oil for use as a massage oil

Nehaer Holiday: New Arc's Day
New Arc's Day: is on the 1st of Cylus

Catnip: is also called catmint, catswort, and field balm

Loot: +2 Bonus Skill Points, and Free Item: A smooth black stone which glows each New Arc's Day. It emits heat for the entirety of the trial, warming up those who celebrate in the cool Cylus weather
Injuries: none
Renown: none
Magic XP: none

Points: 10
- - -
Comments: A well-written peaceful thread. The writing flowed well. I found your style both relaxing and educational. I may use some of these knowledges for herbalist characters in the future, when I get around to making the. I didn''t realize catnip was a sedative.

For the item and benefit gained, be sure to link to the thread where you acquired approval for these things in your inventory/ledger, rather than this thread.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!

word count: 388

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