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It's not over until one party falls unconscious.

Almund is a thriving township with a dark side. With houses made from the wooden bodies of decommissioned ships, there are many opportunities here, coupled with many dangers.

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Rumble in the Dark

10 Cylus 718

The brawl turned deadly had ended in a decisive stalemate. While it wasn't a loss, it was unacceptable to the proud ex-Hound tired of the near daily disrespect dished out by her old coworkers. Her odds of success had been greatly increased when she reluctantly chose to bring along a heavy-hitter into the Buckle and Chain for the inevitable showdown. As decent a fighter as Lavana was, not even her help had been enough to bring the beef to a close. The only thing Max hated more than loose ends was failure. Failure for the Rusalka, especially in this endeavor, was not an option at all.

The sound of a deep, smooth inhale filled the small alleyway across from the Buckle and Chain tavern. Silence followed for a few trills. Then came the expected exhale of smoke that swirled in a thin plume about Maxine, who was slouched down against an adjacent wall. She leaned her head back and stared up toward the black sky above. She took another long drag upon the joint before extending it outward for Lavana to take if she so wished.

"It's not the best I've ever smoked," Max admitted, more smoke drifting from her nostrils and her lips when she spoke. "Bug berries. Not the worst I've smoked either." After a few trills her body seemed to visibly relax. With the bit of alcohol still left in her system, the belligerent woman was apparently put in a relatively tranquil state for now. At least the dull ache in her body was beginning to subside thanks to the illegal drugs.

The blonde acquaintance she'd snagged before he ventured into the tavern had indeed done what she'd requested. Rich wandered out into the dark in his signature old beanie, nervous gaze bouncing all about before he hurried into the alleyway he'd been told he could find her. With Lavana's earlier nel she traded up for the joint and Rich went back out on his way. Only the occasional drunk or shivering traveler passed their hiding place. None seemed to care, and so Max went to lighting the joint with the lantern her friend had almost used to set the Buckle and Chain ablaze. Placated with a new vice, they needed now only wait for their enemies to stumble out the doors across the street to bring this all to a violent, conclusive end.

"What you did back there with the tequila and the lantern?" Max's voice rose again, eyes steadying on the imperial. "That was fucking crazy. If you're lucky, one of the bards in there has already penned a ballad on it. Knowing the bards though it's probably shit." She smirked at the thought of the endless possibilities of butchered, drunken lyrics telling the story. It wouldn't be a song Tilda would be all that fond of. Perhaps in time, however, the proprietor would see the humor in the tense exchange. After all, it had been that thick-headed idiot Hound that started it all. If he hadn't put the knife to her throat like a coward, Lavana might not have been so quick to one-up him with a threat of her own.
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Rumble in the Dark

Lavana was quick to retrieve the bug berry rollie and partook as lips purposefully dry wrapped around the paper and breathed In in that flood of earthen noted smoke as the cherry smoldered with every length of breath drawn.

As she exhaled it was a capricious loom of thick haze that nonchalantly lofted and enveloped her form like a lazy inconsequential cloud. She felt great as the cannabinoid hit her endorphins and she could just relax and forget, wasn't hardcore drugs it was easy going.

Unless of course you'd pop a handful and trip sack literally. Bugging Out wasn't Lavanas preferred method, she enjoyed smoking and adjusting her buzz."This is good for me, I don't need anything wild. But I heard if you eat a bunch like an idiot you trip out." the mortal born would know when she had too much. A few shots more and shed be sloppy, to many hits of decent smoke and shed be glazed over in stupidity for a bit. It's what she wanted though just enough to numb her physical pain and feelings, suppress her inhibitions.

It felt like shed hit that sweet spot where she floated on air buzzed and intoxicated where it felt just right. High enough to not give a fuck and drunk enough to be socially lubricated. As she handed the hand rolled bug berry cigarette back to Max.

"Yea your right, it was crazy. Fuck the bards, I just saw that dagger on your neck and reacted. I'd of lit the bitch on fire and watched the place burn with everyone in it with a bolt in my chest had he the balls to see it through.

Maybe it's the smoke and the alcohol, but...

I adore you...

I've lost so much, and I just can't bring myself to lose you too."
Lavanas cheeks were flushed and her amber eyes glossy with a tinge of red, a black eye that still stung anf swelling and a bloody nose that had all but crusted over smeared on her cheek. As she stared up at the sky not looking, or caring she was at peace with her feelings.

There was just something so pure about the Rusalka, not like some saintly do gooder shit but more like a wave length in tune with hers a whole life times had passed her and shed met few like this an exemplar of her immortal birthright. Like high proof liquer and fire combined, they made a potent molotov cocktail. And there was a part of her that was absolutely enthralled by her presence it was like the ex mercenary was the gold standard of what she aspired to become, and when she rose to the occasion of savage mayhem and carnage it was like artistry as red hit the canvas of the ground.

"Lost everything, my home, my life if it could be called as much. My sister killed my father and adopted father in one fell swoop and my mother disowns me, and you know what when I finally meet her she waves a broad sword in my face and claims it has more discipline then I.

Of course it has more discipline it was forged by masters.

Oh, oh... And get this

That I'm her greatest failure, gee thanks it's only been a life time not even so much as an I'm glad to see you.

And I find myself without the heart to seek revenge on my sister, how am I suppose to do that? No thank you, I'm not doing that shes my twin star I'll save her from herself or die trying.

My mom can keep her empire, I never wanted to be a princess anyway.

Im Tired Max, tired of losing at life let's fuck these bitches up and be done with it."

She sat with her knees tucked Into her chest as she started to dabble in more alcohol taking a swig of the tequila finding her tongue loosening with every tilt of the bottle.
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Rumble in the Dark

Max shook her head and rolled her eyes with mirth. Her friend wasn't wrong about the dangers of overdoing it with bug berries. She herself had learned first hand what eating too many with no tolerance to the stuff could do.

"So they say," she'd confirmed without detail of her own mishap. Her hand reached out to grasp the joint sent back her way, eyes watching the hypnotic haze that trickled upward from its burning end. It was beautiful in a way. Constant. Fragile. All it took to send the earthy-smelling smoke off its course was a bit of wind or a hand gesture from its wielder. She was still staring until Lavana's confession brought her eyes back up to look upon the imperial. Confusion briefly crossed her expression with furrowed brow. They'd only known each other for a few trials after all. She'd done so very little to merit anyone's care. She turned her gaze outward to peer into the main street instead, focusing on the shadows that swallowed everything whole.

Maxine's silence persisted while she listened to Lavana's tragic backstory. She brought the joint back up to her lips and took a thoughtful drag. Most orphans like her had gone through the phase of desperately wishing for a family. Some dared to be princesses of faraway lands like this woman apparently had once been. Others were content with the humble, wholesome daydream of a farm in some countryside. Stories like Lavana's made Max relieved she hadn't stayed in that stage of wishful thinking long during her childhood.

"Families are overrated," the Rusalka voiced the lie she'd told herself time and again over the arcs. "Sounds like your mother and your sister are real bitches. Sorry." Another drag and more smoke lofted upward into the sky. Her dark gaze settled on Lavana. "If I were you, I'd raise an army. Mercenaries. A navy even. Lay siege to their precious kingdom and everyone in it. Make them watch it all burn before they went down with it." Maxine handed the short joint back to Lavana, offering up the last few puffs before it was dead. "I think it'd be worth it just to rule over its ashes. Then be done with it."

Boisterous laughter filled the night as the door to the Buckle and Chain burst open. Her anxious heart quickly sank. It wasn't the bruisers that they'd just squared off with a couple breaks ago. Yet before the door slammed shut again, she swore she could spy the giant's silhouette by the bar. Loaded, injured, and growing tired, it wouldn't be long at all before the lot came bursting out into the two women's ambush.
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Rumble in the Dark

But Lavana couldn't blame Max for not believing her, it was wild even for a tall tale and she sincerely doubted anyone would. It came off shallow and pathetic like a cry for attention, and the mortal born knew exactly what it sounded like; bullshit. All she had to say was she was something like a hundred and thirty to top the whole thing off, and shed be deemed so high she was in the clouds. Even when Lavana said it to herself shed find herself skeptical; like she was breaching with reality.

It wasn't until she met the Imperial Owl at bow point and her mother Raskalarn that she firmly believed it.

At least the ex mercenary hadn't abandoned her like Vega, left her with sickly sweet courtesy as she politely excused Lavana in the cold with nothing but a tah tah. At the very least the Rusalka told her to man up, to find the resolve to do her own thing. But it was never that easy, she wanted her mother and she wanted her older sister the whole thing was a cruel joke.

"Yea my mom and sister are bitches. Your a bitch too but I still care about you, look at me I know for sure I'm a bitch but you never abandoned me.

Know what I'm saying?

Yea fuck it they are bitches your right! But there my bitches, feel me. I just can't ya know, I mean I'm a crazy bitch Maxine but I'm not a cunt.

I have to draw a line, that's where I draw it."

Lavana hit that bottle again so hard the liquid began trickling from the side of her lips dribbling down her chin before she used her sleeve to wipe her face.

Lavana offering an even exchange; the bottle for the bug berry dubie snack.


She let the alcohol burn roll off her tongue and out her throat with an exhale. As she held the rolled paper between her fingers, just puffing away at it. Dulling her senses and letting herself drift away by going a bit overboard, but she was damn proud of her adamant stance on the subject; her unflinching loyalty to her family. Felt like poetry being sung by a bard as she spewed the words like verbal diahrea, as she satiated her mindless self indulgence with another few puffs.

"Hey... Max hold up, here breath in before it's gone." as she tried to get the the Rusalkas attention off the door for a trill.

Just a little bit left one last good hit off the bug berry, as she was quick to suck it down. Shed lean in with her hand to shield from the wind and act as a barrier as she got in close but not close enough for lips to touch as the cloudy mist swirled in her mouth before exhaling the steady stream of thick heavy smoke to Max If shed allow it, as Lavana attempted to hook Max up with what was left as she blew her an expression she just coined a jacadon kiss.

But after that Lavana was blitzed, her form was haphazard as she felt a little wobble in her in her step but not as severe as spins or slurring her speech, shed hit her tolerance and overstepped just a little. Amber eyes glazed a glossy red as she smiled stupidly.

Shed have the discipline to see this through, shit faced if need be. But the imperial princess was ready for anything, she felt utterly invincible as her ego inflated through liquid courage.
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Rumble in the Dark

Max's eyes narrowed slightly as she looked upon Lavana. She'd been deciding whether to take offense to the woman calling her a bitch until she conceded its merit, shrugging. For some reason her friend seemed to place a lot of value upon her. While it might've been true she hadn't abandoned the supposed princess, the pair were also yet to find themselves quite literally fighting for survival. Maxine rarely passed that sort of loyalty test. When the chips were down she tended to have little qualms about throwing allies to the wolves should it suit her survival. Watching a friendly face fall never really wounded her the way it should've before. She shoved the hypothetical situation out of her mind. It wasn't as though such a trial was likely to come.

"Whatever you say," Maxine stated with utter indifference once Lavana had finished explaining her limits. "It's your blood." Why such allegiance would be wasted on foul company, even family, was beyond her comprehension. She'd sooner see such people bleed for their sins against her than suggest she'd die for those worthy only of her sword's edge. Max accepted the exchange of joint for bottle. While her partner in crime set to finishing off the bug berries, she took a small swig of liquor before settling the bottle back down between them. Time had begun to dim the effects of the prior alcohol consumption, and the bug berries seemed to even her out. If she wasn't preparing to go fisticuffs again so soon, she might've been itching for more of the two. It was getting late. Any trill now their targets would emerge from hiding.

Max tore her stare from the Buckle and Chain at the call of her name with risen brow. Her eyes dropped to the burning end of the near-dead joint, watching it burn bright as Lavana took a heavy drag to finish it off. She couldn't help but internally kick herself for not taking the last hit for herself. The jealousy and desire for more brought her to mirror her companion's body language, leaning forward with parted lips to draw in the stream of smoke into her lungs. She inhaled deeply and fell back against the wall again with a neutral expression. When her lungs had their fill and the smoke slipped back out her mouth, a wild grin spread across her face. A body high of good vibrations began to settle upon her.

"I sure as shit hope they're as on one as we are right now," Max said with a slow shake of her head. Bug berries weren't exactly the kind of drug one took when aiming to undertake violence. It had calmed her aggressive inclinations considerably for the moment. Her mind had been made up though. This night was the night that it all came to a decisive end one way or another. She wouldn't let any feel good effects of smoking ruin that. "Right on time." Max nodded her head toward the Buckle and Chain tavern. With the help of the giant, the Hound with the injuries leg hobbled out the door. The rest of their entourage followed suit though the blonde Hound looked by far the worst of the bunch. The Rusalka's high grin widened at the sight. "Let's get this over with."

Maxine stood and began to pace out from the dark, concealing shadows of the alleyway after the pack. She followed them a block or so down the street before they started to realize someone was gaining on them. She paused as a single shadow in the middle of the path when they each turned with dark expressions.
"What's up, assholes?" The dancing firelight of nearby torches lit up half her face. "Thanks for picking up our tab. That top shelf liquor was gonna be pricey...almost as pricey as the patch-up job The Kennel will be footing after all our fun at the Buckle and Chain earlier."
"The wee box we'll be puttin' ya in'll be cheaper," the blonde Hound slurred through her split lip, eyes hardly focusing on the Rusalka.
"Unless one of you plans on being a little bitch again with weapons, why don't we finish this now?"
The Hounds looked to one another and smirked. Bags and weapon belts were cast aside in the next instant. Max's fingers curled to fists at her sides. It seemed they'd have the fight they'd been looking for that night after all.
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Rumble in the Dark

"Ya me to, I'm so fucked up" as she smiled back. "It is my blood your right but id bleed for you if I had too." the mortal born wasn't kidding, as shed made up her mind on the matter.

Things seemed to be going as planned as Lavana sort of took a few real awkward moments to adjust before she followed the Rusalka into the darkness with haphazard steps. Feeling the liquer and bug berry swirling blissful lulls that came in waves. Shed try and handle it, but Amber eyes while drunk and stoned drifted wandering astray as she started bugging out from the potent chemical cocktail flooding her system. What am I doing again? Lavana shook her head at the momentary laps in judgment as she remembered when Max confronted those weapon wielding bitchesOh Yea! Fucking shit up "Yea, what Max said! I like the nose job you cunt!"

The female hound was royally pissed at Max for the extreme makeover and simply brushed Lavanas comment off and was the first to react at Max as she made this particularly fleet footed rush at the baroness of scarlet sunsets. "Lets get this classless bitch"It seemed the man shed stabbed in the leg though drunk and dim witted like never before hadnt exactly forgotten the justly deserved sleight against him in the form of a steak knife in the thigh as he shouted"Time to hand out another ass whooping". He too joined the fray as he also wanted to break a piece off the ex mercenary, as he rushed behind the female hound. They'd be sloppy it was certain, but they'd work together well to even the odds; weapons or not they were dirty dogs that wouldn't commit to an even exchange.

"There's that skank that bit me" He waved his hand at her as salty as the oceans tide. Lavana being drunk and high looked around. Who's he yelling at? Oh right that's me, I bit him good didn't I she mused while pointing a finger at herself in momentary confusion before snapping back at reality with a snarky smile."You taste like shit!" that's all it took before fists started flying at the mortal born. As shed be locked in the tide of combat, though wrecked Raskalarns Greatest Failure was fighting back with well timed foot movement despite her intoxication as he threw a big cross like last time, but this time he was in for a surprise as Lavana had adapted her strategy with a tighter guard taking the punch in the forearm. Drunk disoriented and sloppy, he let his fist hang out there after he struck at her with virtually no guard; as his other hand hung low exposing his chin allowing the mortal born to throw a ripping left hook on his lower jaw as the side of his chin blew back cranking his whole face to the side turbulently.

The bear of a man strode forward with everyone's favorite crossbow wielding pussy from the last encounter, no crossbow this time but he was the kind of guy that went to the bar and held his liquer with the skill and knowledge to cut back and drink water to flush it out of him when he felt like hed been going to deep on the bottle.

As Lavana was in rare form shed dropped her guard to see how Max was fairing with her situation about to slurr out a quaint remark. It was a stupid mistake but could not have been avoided as shed drank like a fish and would suffer the consequences of her actions. The big boy was already upon her as shed tried to voice it, but words never left her lips as his meaty fist collided into her stomach Lavana grimaced in surprise as she tried to tense her abs on impact only to find his punch to the gut and the weight behind it had done little to nothing as shed been sent reeling back into the stone walls as she hunched over holding herself from that dismantling power.

With the bear of a man, and the mercenary archer slowly in tow towards Lavana that was still trying to recover she wondered how Max was fairing in all of this.
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Rumble in the Dark

Good vibrations continued to reverberate through her muscles, but Lavana's toxic combination was teetering the imperial toward a very dangerous ledge. For a trill Max pondered over whether her tag-along was about to turn from asset to liability. Time would tell and the bits before violence broke out again were quickly passing. The Rusalka only hoped that if either of them had to bleed it wouldn't be more than necessary.

The female Hound looked bad. Real bad. Between Max feeding her knees to the face and the alcohol pounded to ease the subsequent pain from the incident, she very well could've been trampled by a pack of horses by her appearance. Drunk and nursing a wounded ego made her easy to bait. The Hound charged, no, staggered forward with her yellow teeth bared. Her one-legged partner was quick at her furious heels. Max gave her shoulders a shake, grinning broadly between the easy work ahead of her and the effect of the bug berries. She didn't wait for the pair more inebriated than she to arrive. She happily strode forth to meet them halfway. This crew was about to be the second thing she smoked that night.

The female Hound threw a wild, sloppy punch that Max could see coming long before it arrived. Max stopped it with a forearm raised to protect her head and threw a solid front kick into her chest. The woman fell back into her wounded partner, saving her from a nasty fall but sending him painfully down into the dirt. He clutched at his leg and cursed viciously. Nerves dulled by copious ale consumption, the female was quick to get up for more punishment. She rushed Max with a full-on tackle. If the Rusalka's focus had been a bit more on point she would've easily broken the attempt, but alas she failed to thwart the attack that took her to the ground. The Hound mounted her and immediately began to rain down fists while her partner struggled to his feet. Max lifted her arms to cover her face, understanding the timing of the strikes before she made her move.

Maxine lifted her hips to throw the Hound over her shoulder, hands shooting out to grip her enemy to follow the momentum as the tables turned. All she wanted to do was stay in the female guard and return the favor. Her knuckles already knew the sensation of softening the woman's face, and every muscle in her body twitched in favor of doing just that. Her limping partner was closing in though, and so she resigned to escape to her feet instead after a quick one-two.

When Max turned to face him her expression was one of indignation. He was unfit to face her. The leg she'd knifed could withstand almost no weight even with his dulled senses. Standing there with fists raised to challenge her like he had a shot was insulting more than anything else. She looked the man up and down. Then, if only to exhibit just how ridiculous he was, she threw her shin into the side of his one good leg. The man let out a cry and dropped instantly. It only took a full on kick directly to the head to ensure he stayed quiet for the next couple breaks. She all but stomped back to handle the particularly irksome female Hound once and for all.

Is this the lot I was no longer worthy to join, Dana?

With grit yellow teeth lined in blood, the mercenary woman faced Maxine with unsteady feet. She raised her guard, anticipating more attacks designed to further rearrange her face. It didn't do her much good. When a test jab didn't break through, Max sent a hook into the side of the woman's temple. The woman stumbled but the Rusalka only kept coming to deliver more. An uppercut followed by a right hook put the Hound to sleep where she stood. Legs buckled and the woman hit the ground like a ton of bricks a short distance from the first man put out. Max spat upon her unconscious face before her hunt continued.

Her somewhat unfocused vision searched for the rest of the remaining pack members. When she found them, it was just in time for her to meet Lavana's gaze before the largest man's fist drove into her friend's center. Maxine's brow dropped and her eyes darkened. She could tell just by the way the archer stalked toward his quarry that he was indeed an all around killjoy. Had ale even touched his lips?

"Hey!" she attempted to buy the imperial precious moments for recovery by demanding the attention of her attackers. "Is this all you pricks have for me?" She gestured over her shoulder at the downed Hounds as she moved closer."Gibney must be getting fucking senile if you're his hires now. You're an embarrassment just like your bosses."
"Funny," the mercenary archer spat. "Yet we're still the ones with a fuckin' job in this town, bitch." Her fists curled tight and her lip curled. Threats to her pride always got under her skin and she could feel her control slipping. At least she'd steered them away from beating on Lavana for a bit. "I reckon I'll get me a nice promotion for teachin' ya a proper lesson! Might even drag ya back to The Kennel to show ya off."
"I'm a slow learner, but please. Come over here and give it your best fucking shot."
"My pleasure." The mercenary archer abandoned his large ally in favor of the Rusalka, leaving him with Lavana to finish their earlier disagreement.
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Rumble in the Dark

Lavana could not help but crack a smile as she heard Maxines voice off in the distance. Her stomach throbbed in pain as she clenched herself in shock trying to overcome the savage blow to her solaplexus. It was a crippling strike that deprived her of air, and temporarily wounding her spirit. But it also also robbed her of maneuverability as she was stuck there.

Thankfully the Rusalka had managed to catch the killjoys attention and lead him astray. But where the Rusalka was sharp and crisp in the application of her techniques that assured authentic knockouts. Lavana was not and while trying to emulate her partners skills was a lackluster imitation at best, her wild haymaker in the form of an unrefined hook had indeed hit the button and put him on the stone canvas, and while hed been put down he was not out as Lavana had been denied the Luxury to finish it and lay him out with certainty.

But the the mercenary archer was quick to use this to his advantage as he picked up the bewildered buffoon by the scruff and propped him on his feet pointing him in the direction of Maxine.

He was the kind of sparring partner that half assed the training letting those around him tire out. The kind of guy that when everyone was tired in class would take a time out to have a rest and have a breather while those around them put on leather. The type that bided his time while others tired out, and after the first or second rotation be ready to step in and play. The real measure of talent vs cowardice, how many times had this game been played with the Rusalka? Time and time again, she put in the effort and the work only to be beaten down by a fresh set of hands.

The man he pushed in front of Maxine was nothing but fodder she wanted her to keep swinging, he hadn't done a thing all night and was ready to cash in and take all the credit and glory.

Lavana still gritting her teeth couldn't help but feel assurance as Max had prevented an all out beat down.

Lavana had her own fight to deal with while being drunk and stupid high, it was a different kind battle against the behemoth man that slowly approached her drunkenly. Thanks to Max's verbal interjections the monologue had bought her enough time to recover just enough as the the big guy reared his fist back for another wind up shot that was so telegraphed you could see it miles away. The mortal born reacted using what she had just received and applied it to arsenal as her foot up off the ground chambering it as the knee came up and then letting it go using the wall to brace her impact into the bigger guys solaplex as her heel kept driving in deeper and deeper as her leg came to a full extension driving the air and fighting spirit out of him as his fist whiffed air, stopped in its tracks. It was all about keeping measurements and distance angles and leverage, acrobatic flexibility was proving time and time again to be a real asset.

As she took rhythmic steps to pivot off the wall while hed taken a knee, as he was getting up Lavana was waiting. As she tucked her chin into her shoulder and raised her guard ready to square up in the exchange. The whole time she couldn't get over being a failure in her mother's eyes, she should have had the discipline to stop with the booze and drugs before the ambush. It was a lesson learned never let your guard down, as she focused on her adversary she couldn't see what was going on and it unnerved her a great deal so shed try and fire a question to see what was going on.

"Having fun back there?"

But shed remain focused as she set a serious gaze on the guy, the drugs and alcohol had given her the ability to keep moving as it numbed the physical battering enough to forget about it in the heat of the moment.

That resonance of suffering she thrived on it, as the bruises and aches mildly wailed shed never felt so alive so true to her purpose.
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Rumble in the Dark

Eyes dancing between a doubled over Lavana and the Hounds, a temporary relief washed over her. Her taunting had worked well enough to bait a pair to seek revenge but it wasn't a total success. The giant mercenary had remained to punish her friend further. His stubbornness was rather irksome. The two approaching threats awarded her little time to meditate on her frustrations. The imperial would have to hang in there and hold her own for a while.

The man steered her way was clearly still recovering from Lavana's strike when he stumbled at Maxine. His gaze was unfocused, gait uneven. He seemed to be powered solely by sheer force of will. At the very least he was determined to go down swinging. Literally. The mercenary dramatically brought his fist all the way back before shooting it forward toward Max's face. It was barely on target, and the Rusalka needed only to lean back a bit to leave his range. His commitment to his own strike left him staggering forward right into her counter punch. Her knuckles struck his chin. Instantly his hands lowered, body wavering gently in place. A follow-up punch to the same area dropped him like a sack of potatoes at her feet. The archer fumed, cursing at the knocked-out Hound that was little more than an obstacle in his path where he laid. His partner's fall had meant that none but he remained to oppose her now.

The ebbing buzz of the alcohol in her veins had helped her take hits, but it couldn't ward off the feeling of fatigue forever. Soon the muscles in her arms and legs would grow heavy. She could feel the tiredness creeping up on her already. No amount of bug berries could've reversed the inevitable. The archer had been banking on this fact all along. He was a coward but he was also shrewd, and it was that shrewdness that no doubt had made him an asset to The Kennel. The mission needed to be completed at any and all costs. Tonight the costs had apparently been his fellow Hounds. It would not all be for nothing. The time had finally come for him to come and try to reap his own rewards.

"Look at that," Max observed darkly. "There's no one left for you to hide behind."
"I was never hiding," the archer returned defensively as he stepped over his unconscious buddy.
"Well, if you get nervous I'm sure I'll be seeing you cop out with that crossbow in your hands again."
The Hound grit his teeth and stormed forward. Max took a couple steps back but it was no retreat. Her eyes roved his frame, searching for any sort of tell that would reveal his first move.

His fists looked clenched tight. Real tight. Maybe he'll go for the obvious.

Her mind began to choreograph basic answers to his most likely attacks. It was probable he'd do something similar to what he had in the past when they brawled. She was still buzzing, but she felt prepared. At least she thought she was until she took the bait when he feigned a straight punch for her face. The trill she reacted, he dove low and wrapped his arms about her waist. The next thing she knew, she was lifted up and slammed down upon the ground. She wheezed, her lungs desperately trying to regain the air that had been forced from them on impact. The shock of the whole thing made her too slow to block the first two punches that bounced her head off the ground. That uniquely motivating pain brought her hands back up in time to block the elbow that came next. Her forearms rebounded from her face and it was still the better alternative. Suddenly his weight on her was gone. She peered through her guard only to spy his foot rising over her head.


Maxine managed to lean out of the way before she was crushed under his heel. Quickly she rolled back, grasping his ankle and pushing her forearm against his upper shin. He collapsed onto his back with an angry shout. She hadn't done him any damage but she had bought herself a bit of time. She shoved herself back to her feet with a grimace, perking up a bit at the sound of Lavana's voice. If nothing else it was an indication the imperial was alright for the time being.

"Oh yeah," Max called back to her sarcastically. "Real fucking fun." By then the archer had found his feet as well. He hardly had a new scratch on him since he'd left the Buckle and Chain. Her expression darkened at the sight of his advance. "How about you, Lavana? You alright?"
word count: 808
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Lavana Tharn
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Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:09 pm
Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 20
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Rumble in the Dark

Even if Lavana was having her problems with the drunken bear of a man, Amber eyes drifted towards the Rusalka catching her swift maneuvers as she pull countered the almost put out hound and dimed his lights with certainty. Finishing what Lavana had started and it caused the mortal born to crack a thoughtful smile while amber eyes gleaming in endearment of the elegance and grace of her unarmed form as the ex mercenary threw hands like no one else she ever saw before. It didn't matter if she drank and smoked, her rhythm was beautiful and natural in a way that was humbling. Lavana knew the Rusalka was on another level, she couldn't even begin to fathom herself an equal. Not with hands and form like that it was something she could aspire to but felt woefully inadequate when put against the measure.

As her attention turned back to the man that stayed to handle her, with drugs and booze in her system she was in a lost haze battling with herself. Her memories a-flutter like pictures breathing to life, moments there coming together. Even if this barrel chested guy was drunk as a fish, Lavana was still in a world of trouble. It came easy last time, Lavana got him from behind but now this was different. She was faced off against a foe stronger then her, this wasn't a fight to win but a fight for survival as she was losing faith in herself to get the job done with doubt residing in her heart to forget beating him and hang in there. As her spirit was still wounded, casting doubt from the body blow that had been delivered.

The the Rusalka had given the mortal born the gift of time, but even if the mercenarys arms were tired Lavana was in worse shape. Her mouth was open gasping for air in heavy breaths while sweat began to bead down her form as she could feel it trickling from her face and dampening the cloths of her body. Lavana was gassing out a bit mostly from lack of breathing as being hit like that shook her, but Raskalarns Greatest Failure managed to smarten up and stayed focused on breathing making the adjustment of closing her lips and breathing deep through her nose and out her mouth steadily keeping her guard high despite the muscle fatigue in her form as she buried her chin into her shoulder for good measure.

His first shot nothing more then an arm punch collided into her guard with enough force to rock a bitch like a rag doll. Her guard was tight but he could easily move her. But Lavana would resist and dig her heels in as she held her ground, while his fists let go. She found herself dipping and swaying avoiding some of those windmill punches, but each impact rocked her left and right, each one bruising her through her leather and making her stagger as there was enough force to still clip her face by driving her hand into her face by the force of impact alone. But through her guard her eyes stayed open disciplined to not to close as the typhoon of fury raged as

Hed do what he did best as Lavana began measuring distance judging his range as he telegraphed his intentions as he focused on purely just power sacrificing form, for he too was drunk and sloppy . And Lavana would continue using acrobatic footwork to defend herself crouching down while rolling her right shoulder inwards to slip his flying right cross as it blew past her. Lavana might have been intoxicated but there was little doubt in her mind that such a shot would have launched her into next season and left her on the floor.

But there was a light at the end of the tunnel exposing an opening to take advantage of as Lavana let elastic recoil take effect as shed let her shoulder locked and loaded just go in a ripping left hook towards the liver. Of course she was drunk and high and missed her intended target but all was not lost as her knuckles dug into those low hanging ribs and she had good strength and form and felt those floaters flex buckle and pop.

The daughter of devastations smile went wild as eyes widened in excitement ready to follow up, but booze and bug berries had caused her to slip up and stumble blocking herself from lining up another left hook. So shed regain her balance by back peddling away.

The big guy had keeled over and taken a knee, allowing Lavana to avert to her gaze as amber eyes fixated on the ex mercenary. And once again she saw Max for what she was; bravely gallant. As she witnessed the back and forth exchange between the two.

That's right you fucking tell him Bitch, it's your day!

Lavana said to herself as she turned back to finish what she started, seeing Maxine winning and shit talking was boosting her spirit and confidence. It filled her mind with gloria fortis miles as she set her sights past winning and losing, shed hold the line as the odds were stacked against her as Lavana was alone and scared knowing her tank was dangerously close to empty but shed rage on and push forward.

Then it came crashing down around her as she saw the killjoy shoot for a takedown, air lift her and drop her to the ground. It was unexpected, and Lavanas eyes were frenzied as her heart had been filled with dread as she could only spectator the Rusalka being bounced off the pavement. She tried to regain control of her feelings, struggling to maintain control as she saw him get up. It subsided however as his foot hit the pavement, and the ex mercenary found herself on even footing once again.

Her eyes darting to the mercenary gear In the corner, then back to Max, then back to the gear. If Max gave her that get the weapon look, shed go for it while shed bought herself a hard earned reprieve. It went without saying as Lavanas eyes said it all.

Just say the word.

Using the the time shed bought herself to rest, while her opponent was working through the pain of a broken rib shed let her hands drop to her knees gasping for breath.

"Good to hear, I'm in rough shape though." Lavana panted, worn and exhausted. "Got enough in me for one last push, I'm burning up and the cold air isn't helping."

As Amber eyes still swaying between Max and her own adversary, watching him. She was capable of slowing him down, but Lavana was in deep water treading into deep trouble now.
word count: 1143
Credit To Pig Boy For The Posting Templet!
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