20th Cylus 718
Faith had discovered many things about herself since she had left Athart. Even when she had first arrived in Andaris, owned by Jamal Kash'deel, a man she now understood to be sadistic and cruel, she had been taught a lot of lessons. At the time she would have said that the lessons were one thing but now, she understood them to be something else. He had taught her that he could not break her, could not stop her from being fundamentally herself. Sitting in the living room of the house she shared with her husband, Faith wondered at the distance she had travelled. From Athart to Jamal and from him to Tristan. Passed around, one to the other. Each place a step on the journey and that journey had led her here.
And here, in the warmth of her home, surrounded by her family, Faith learned another lesson. It was a strange one, that lesson, for it was one she had never considered before she met Padraig and one which she knew would please him enormously. She didn't want to work, didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. In fact, she wanted to be entirely selfish. In this circumstance, selfish was to sit on the sofa and cuddle her babies. That was what she wanted to do, to breathe in scent of them and feel her skin against theirs as she held them. Faith Augustin, who was always busy, always doing, always learning something had learned since the trial that these children were born that sometimes the most rewarding thing to do could be to stay still.
Which led to something of a problem, as she had things to do. Jo'get, Trudi, Taylor and Paul were on their way here and yet, Faith wanted to simply sit here all trial and be with the babies. Selfish was not something which Faith normally managed or even considered, but selfish was how she was feeling. Still, she'd put the babies down in their crib and gone and washed. Padraig had been with them then but he was popping out to buy some things they needed while the others were here. Faith knew that he didn't like leaving her alone and so he waited for visitors to run the errands that he insisted on running.
So, she got together the papers and books, the meticulous records so carefully kept and she put them in the living room, on the table. Then, she got back to simply sitting and looking at the children until there was a quiet tap on the door. Standing, she moved over and smiled as her four most long-serving employees made their way in. Each of them had been, since the twins were born, in their own right and to bring gifts and such. Faith smiled and ushered them in. Always polite, she took coats and hats and put out hot drinks and then looked around at them as they sat in her living room and Faith smiled. "Alright, well, lets get started?"
And here, in the warmth of her home, surrounded by her family, Faith learned another lesson. It was a strange one, that lesson, for it was one she had never considered before she met Padraig and one which she knew would please him enormously. She didn't want to work, didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. In fact, she wanted to be entirely selfish. In this circumstance, selfish was to sit on the sofa and cuddle her babies. That was what she wanted to do, to breathe in scent of them and feel her skin against theirs as she held them. Faith Augustin, who was always busy, always doing, always learning something had learned since the trial that these children were born that sometimes the most rewarding thing to do could be to stay still.
Which led to something of a problem, as she had things to do. Jo'get, Trudi, Taylor and Paul were on their way here and yet, Faith wanted to simply sit here all trial and be with the babies. Selfish was not something which Faith normally managed or even considered, but selfish was how she was feeling. Still, she'd put the babies down in their crib and gone and washed. Padraig had been with them then but he was popping out to buy some things they needed while the others were here. Faith knew that he didn't like leaving her alone and so he waited for visitors to run the errands that he insisted on running.
So, she got together the papers and books, the meticulous records so carefully kept and she put them in the living room, on the table. Then, she got back to simply sitting and looking at the children until there was a quiet tap on the door. Standing, she moved over and smiled as her four most long-serving employees made their way in. Each of them had been, since the twins were born, in their own right and to bring gifts and such. Faith smiled and ushered them in. Always polite, she took coats and hats and put out hot drinks and then looked around at them as they sat in her living room and Faith smiled. "Alright, well, lets get started?"
504 words
Business Management: Holding meetings in informal settings to put everyone at their ease
Discipline: Overcoming selfish desires.
Business Management: Holding meetings in informal settings to put everyone at their ease
Discipline: Overcoming selfish desires.