• Graded • Dangerous Doors

28th of Cylus 718

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Dangerous Doors

28th Trial of Cylus, 718th Arc
Al’Angyryl Caverns, Marrow’s Lab

Neronin had discovered a subtle shift in himself concerning one of his sparks. It had been perhaps his most chaotic element of magic. The Rupturing spark. Neronin had meant to Blink across the lab space to unlock one of his Gaunts to use in an experiment when he felt it. He began to think of his old home which burned down. In the instance of trying to craft a Blink portal, his thoughts of home shifted the ether. He created, for a moment, a much stronger portal that seemed to pinch the distance between himself and the old home he left behind into the space of inches.

For a fleeting moment Neronin had looked out over the dark burnt logs, now a home for a small pack of stray dogs. Then the portal crashed closed with a wild thunderbolt and Neronin felt his heart racing. It had been a different form of the magic. He had the spark for arcs now and he was just discovering a new form of the power. rupturing had been the most foreign of magics for the necromancer. Gavrel had seen fit to initiate him to allow for more speedy recovery of corpses, but Neronin had never had the affinity for it that he had for necromancy. That was probably why the necrotic spark had become so strong within him.

So, in great Neronin tradition, he decided to conduct a few semi-dangerous experiments to expand his understanding. Neronin had hurried to craft a Marrow from the bones in the corner, a test subject. The thing stood next to him, eternally ready for whatever task its master gave it. The benefit of the undead, a lack of hesitancy. It was a perk of the dark craft that none but the necromancer really understood. The complete and total control of the undead under your preview.

Neronin slid into his chair and pulled out his quill from the inkwell. He began to write.

Found a new portal type today. Possibly another branch of rupturing as yet seen- Neronin paused. He hadn’t really received much instruction from Gavrel in the art. It had mostly been his own exploration after the season or so of lessons in Blinking. Truth be told, in the years since he hadn’t really built on those lessons much.

-by me. Neronin finished the sentence.

He stood again, setting the quill back in the inkwell eagerly. A small rivulet of ink leaked down the side and stained the table. Neronin did not care, he was too eager to make them attempt. Neronin had once before attempted to cast the Blink spell through a Linked Marrow. It hadn’t gone well. Now the mage would attempt to send a Marrow through another, as of yet unidentified, type of portal and hope for the best. That had been a larger portion of his success than Neronin cared to admit.

There was a crackling friction about the subtly changed Rupturing energy, as if it had a certain force to it that his other rupturing portals hadn’t had. It was as if the newer ether had a certain strength that made it harder to control, or else court more to maintain. He felt it ripping through him and sending his adrenaline rushing. He knew there was danger, it was inherent in unknown ether manipulation. Neronin decided that sending a thrall through the new portal would be suitable enough precaution.
Last edited by Neronin on Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:21 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 585
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            Neronin let the newly charged Rupturing ether explode out of him. He half expected the portal to open immediately but the crackling green ether built upon itself slowly in a way he had never witnessed. It seemed to drain him much more than normal as well. The new portal seemed to have come with an increase in ether cost. Neronin decided the experiment wasn’t worth the loss of his sanity so he would drop the spell if it began to cost too much. He was, however, used to high cost spells being of some skill and accomplishment in the arcane arts.

            And so the young Etzori mage funneled more ether into the portal. Eventually, whilst his vision began to pour from nearing overstepping, the portal was created. This time he hadn’t thought of his old home that Gavrel had burned down. Neronin thought of the clearing in which he had fled from Gavrel as a child. It was not far, but far enough that a single Blink could not cover the distance. The space had always been somewhat remote when he went there to let Gavrel cool off. It was one thing to have a father who beat you, it was another to have a mage. Gavrel could have inadvertently killed him on any occasion where his anger got the better of him.

            The ether rippled before him, static energy shooting out from the portal. It was larger then the Blink portals, but not by much. Neronin felt the subtle current of ether tugging from deep in his gut. The portal seemed to require a constant stream of the stuff. Neronin became worried about just how dangerous it was to keep the portal open for longer periods.

            The time was right, then, to conduct this first experiment. Neronin felt his will extend from him and urge the skeleton on. The marrow, silhouetted dark against the bright chaotic light of the portal, began to move forward. The bones ground against each other as it stepped through the portal. Neronin’s mind gave an odd jolt.

            The Thrall seemed to be pulled from his power. The marrow twisted and broke apart. It seemed to be jerked through the portal and out the other side. But instead of stepping out into the clearing Neronin had been imagining, the bones broke and shattered and were spit out violently from the other side of the portal in the lab. Bones shattered against the wall and a tibia embedded itself in the chest of a Gaunt. The thing paid no attention to it.

            The portal crackled, shooting fictive blasts and lightning across the space of the lab cavern. A wild green lightning blast ripped the arm off a second Gaunt. It tore a gouge in the ground. The green light sent bones flying from the large pile in the corner. Neronin dove behind the table, knocking the candle off of it. The portal gave a resounding CRACK! It closed and he could feel the absence of the ether draw that had meant the portal was kept alive.

            Neronin lay in the dusty cavern floor, panting. He rolled over and vomited. His body curled with the force of it. Neronin felt dirt under his fingernails as he gripped the ground in pain. He tried to breath but the vomiting returned and he began to break out in sweats. The mage groaned and gasped, collapsing again as the vomiting stopped.
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                      Dangerous Doors

                      “Paaaaain!” Someone said nearby. Neronin’s eyes shot open and he climbed to his knees. He banged his head on the corner of the table as he stood and toppled over again. Through the pain Neronin brought himself once again to his feet. Someone had been here. Someone had screamed.

                      “Death! Decay!” Another voice said, behind him. Neronin spun around, but there were only the three Gaunts, staring at him greedily. Their faces were impassive, unconcerned with the near explosion that had occurred only moments before. The one with the broken jaw dripped blood.

                      More voices began screaming and Neronin realized there was no one in the room. The voices were in his head. Their screaming and their pain was his own. He winced at their terror and could not help feeling his stomach lurch with their yells and moans.

                      “What is this?” Neronin mumbled.


                      “Stop yelling at me!” Neronin screamed.

                      “We-we didn’t yell at you, Sir.” Said the same voice. Neronin opened his eyes. Two pale looking thugs had walked a few steps inside the entrance and were looking around at the half-destroyed room. “Are you okay, Sir?”

                      Neronin stared at them and panted. His look seemed to make them second guess their entrance into the lab. Neronin held up his hand. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” Neronin gasped.

                      “You really did a number on this place, Sir.” One of them said, a hushed awe in his voice. Neronin was glad they seemed to think it had been some grand spell that had gotten away from him, as if he had planned it.

                      “Yes, it hasn’t destroyed my notes, not the table. Everything else is repairable or replaceable.” Neronin said, struggling to his feet. He leant against the table and stared at the cracked and blackened skull which had belonged to the fearless marrow. The thing had been ripped apart by the ether in the portal. It could have been Neronin that had been ripped apart.

                      “You need us to - ah - get some of the boys together.” One of the thugs asked.

                      “No, no. I can take care of this.” Neronin said, waving them off. “You can take off.” The mage watched the two leave and then collapsed into a chair. His hand shook as he reached for the quill.

                      Experiment failed. I do not know the reason, but it was very dangerous. Neronin wrote with a shaky hand.
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                                Dangerous Doors


                                Awarded Points

                                These points can/cannot be spent in magic

                                Awarded Knowledge

                                Rupturing: Compression Portals
                                Rupturing: Compression is longer range
                                Rupturing: Compression costs more than Chasing
                                Rupturing: Chasing Portals
                                Rupturing: Chasing is short range
                                Writing: Writing quickly to document

                                Magic: Overstepping: Ghost Call
                                Magic: Overstepping: Extreme Nausea

                                Awarded Extras

                                Loot & Losses Injuries
                                None Overstepping: Nausea for 2 Days
                                Overstepping: "Ghost Call" for 5 breaks
                                Fame Devotion
                                -2: Magic Use None
                                -5: Destruction of Property


                                I don't pretend to know much about most magics, so I admit to some of this going over my head...
                                and I'll even go as far as to say that a lot of magic bores me! But once again your writing is just to captivating that I cannot find myself bored in the slightest!

                                If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
                                Thank ye.
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