Settlement Progress Requests

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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Thread: Return
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Vhalar, Cold 723
Participants: Dandelion, Settlement NPCs
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Yes -- solo
Brief description of thread: Dan comes back with supplies, new settlers, and a story
Follows on from here, settlers previously approved/order docked here
Survival Skill Used (What Level if so): No
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers. (regular work) +1 order
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
+1 order approved!

Please make the change to your Settlement Profile.
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Thread: Blotmath 1 Blotmath 2
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Zi'da, Cold 723
Participants: Dandelion, Settlement NPCs
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Yes -- solo
Brief description of thread: Slaughter time
Previous threads: Sheep acquired, lambs born, sheep tended
Pigs acquired, pigs tended, slaughter planned
Survival Skill Used (What Level if so): Yes (gm)
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many): 3
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Sheep
  • Pigs
  • Named NPCs
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers x2. (regular work) +2 order
  • -2 pigs
  • New primary resource (sheepskins) (core herd was not affected and will produce more lambs next year)
  • Blotmath 1 is the Cold Cycle 723 Survival thread (leader, gm, 3 knowledges) +7 order
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Hi Dandelion, we only grade one requested thread at a time, even if they're connected. So I'll be doing blotmath 1 here:

+1 Order
New Primary Resource: Sheepskins
Survival thread for Cold Cycle 723: +7 order.

Please submit a separate one for the Pigs!
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Havardr
Thread: Capstone:
Fish Out of Waters ~ Through his long practice of following schools of fish through the water, and even individual aquatic species, he's able to find aquatic creatures in places where they're not normally found. With this capstone, freshwater fish can be discovered and caught in salt water. Ice water fish will be found in warmer climates, and generally aquatic species may be found in places where they are not known to be found.

Participants: Rorom's Capstone
Brief description: A fishing capstone that may benefit Havardr
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Any fish in the world?
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • "With the use of Rorom's "Fish Out of Waters" capstone, the settlement may claim as a primary automatic resource, any singular, mundane aquatic species of animal in Idalos that is not already native to the area. Once a cycle, in a survival-based thread where Rorom uses the Hunting skill (survival skill of Havardr), where he guides any number of settler npcs in the hunting, he may change the aquatic species currently selected to another. The allowance of, magical species is not permitted and the allowance of rare species are still at the discretion of the moderator and reviewer of a given claim."
 ! Message from: Winston
Approved! :-)

Please feel free to update your settlement's profile with this new advantage (note that you need to thread going out and 'finding' your first choice of fish before the resource can actually be listed).
Last edited by Rorom on Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 248
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Havardr
Thread: Skill: Defiance Expert
Kin of Water ~ Rorom has water as a kin, and is a expert defier.

Participants: Rorom's magic skill
Brief description: Rorom's special relationship with water may have an impact on Havardr, as a coastal settlement.
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Just Rorom I think
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • Rorom's relationship with water, and adeptness at the technique of calling, grants him special insight into the movements of the tides and weather. The movements of the water will tend to warn him of dangerous weather patterns and watery threats as they come, giving the village (so long as Rorom is present) advanced warning and ability to move to safety as necessary.

    Systematically: This means that outside truly exceptional circumstances, the settlement never suffers losses of ships or life as a result of being caught off guard by natural watery hazards (storms, creatures, anything in or of the water).

    Note: Water does not know if a ship floating on the water is full of pirates or easter-eggs, but a fleet would not likely approach without Rorom getting a short 'heads-up', assuming he's awake and around the water.
 ! Message from: Winston

Please feel free to add this new advantage to your settlement's profile! :-D
Last edited by Rorom on Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 213
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Havardr
Thread: Skill: Becoming Expert
Breachfang's Mantle ~ Rorom has assumed the mantle of Havardr's former enemy, Breachfang, turning it into a protector of the settlement where before it had been a scourge.

Participants: Rorom's magic skill
Brief description: Rorom's having tamed the shape of Breachfang, and turning it into a positive influence for Havardr may have an inspirational effect on the settlers.
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Just Rorom I think/list]
    Intended Changes:See this guide.
    • When Rorom transforms into Breachfang to benefit the settlers of Havardr, whether hunting or just protecting them from dangerous enemies, it will result in an additional 1% in order when his actions would result in a grant of order.
     ! Message from: Wraith

    Please feel free to update your settlement profile with this new advantage!

    Just for the record, the Breachfang thing can be looked up here.
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

NPC Request. I'm spending 200 point bank for a point bank npc here. Thanks!
Name: Aurek
Race: Biqaj
DoB: 704, Zi'da
Title/Village Status: Village Steward and Camp Coordinator


Leadership: 56
Logistics: 51
Fieldcraft: 51
Combat: Polearms: 26
Strength: 26

Complexion: Swarthy
Hair: Black
Eyes: Variable, but black when neutral mood.
Height: 6'
Build: Wiry and athletic.

History: One of more than a dozen survivors of the attack by the pirates in the Rebirth Cycle 722. He's considered by many native Havardreens to have been responsible for those who did survive, by leading a few stragglers away while the other men fit for combat engaged the surprise attack by the pirates.

Still bearing some lingering survivor's guilt, he tries hard in the aftermath to keep the Havardreen's together. When Rorom returned to Havardr, he was one of the first to greet him, and accept him as a leader.

It's rumored that he's the illegitimate soon of Linca and a Almundian smuggler. Aurek is mum about the rumor and will frown at anyone who speaks on it. His parentage doesn't matter to him. He only wishes what's best for the village.

 ! Message from: Winston

All checks out and I can see the PB in your ledger crossed off, thanks.

Please feel free to add this NPC to your settlement's profile.
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Blotmath 2
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Zi'da, Cold 723
Participants: Dandelion, Settlement NPCs
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Yes -- solo
Brief description of thread: Slaughtered Pigs
Previous threads: Pigs acquired, pigs tended, slaughter planned
Survival Skill Used (What Level if so): No
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Pigs
  • Named NPCs
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers. (regular work) +1 order
  • -2 pigs
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Approved +1 order and -2 pigs.

Please make the changes to your settlement profile.
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Thread: Repotting
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Cylus, Rebirth 724
Participants: Dandelion, named NPCs
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Yes, solo
Brief description of thread: Cold weather gardening
Previous Threads: Fernfern previously acquired here, workshop set up here
Survival Skill Used (Fieldcraft) (What Level if so): Yes, GM
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many): 2
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Named NPC
  • Gardening workshop
  • Stables
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers. (regular work) +1 order
  • Possible new Primary resource of Fernfern
  • This is Rosebay's Survival thread for Rebirth 724 (Fieldcraft used by leader, gm level, 2 knowledge) +7 order
 ! Message from: Winston
  • +8 order
  • Established source of Fernfern seeds
Notes: A primary resource needs to be something well established enough for most of the settlement to use without depleting th e supply. At the moment, it seems that Dan has a few saplings established in pots, which I can totally see could be further developer into a larger growing programme, etc. but it's also seasonal, requiring cold (of whihc thre is none during saun, etc.).

If you can progress these potted plants into a larger production, wild growing, farmed resources, or similar, then we can review adding this as a seasonal resource, available during outside the cold seasons, until stockpiles are established etc.
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Thread: On the Roof
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Ashan, Rebirth 724
Participants: Dandelion
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Yes, solo
Brief description of thread: Roof inspection and marking out new buildings
Survival Skill Used (Fieldcraft) (What Level if so): No
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
  • The Hall
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers. (regular work) +1 order
  • WP paid for an inn (current stage, marked out on ground) (Tier 6, 30 wp)
  • WP paid for dairy and milking parlour (Milk has already been established as a settlement resource, this will be for processing it) (current stage, marked out on ground) (as small stables plus large workshop, 12 wp)
 ! Message from: Winston
+1 Order
The groundwork for these new locations in Roseby are established and assumed to be being built. Please produce some threads establishign their completion.
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Sweetsong
Thread: Three Ships

Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • +2 to Order (the problem was "we've got all these ships and people" and Vega solved that.
  • +10 WP for "The player creates or acquires resources that will help their settlers gather a primary resource." (fishing, trading etc).
Resources approved here . Just want to have them formally "stamped"
  • The Unforgiven - Masterwork ship. Tallship - Partial complement of working canons / ranged / siege weapons. (have taken the option to repair, not take the WP
  • 23 WP in general coin, trophies, top-end fancy clothes that belonged to him.
  • Many maps.
  • The Hopeless Dirge - Masterwork ship - Galleon - Full complement of working canons / ranged / siege weapons.
    • U'frek's Astrolabe:
      This magical device, when used aboard a ship by a Competent Navigator, means that a ship will always remain perpendicular upon the water on which it sails. Furthermore, the crew and cargo aboard the ship will also ignore the affect of being thrown around on the waves or even being sideways (that might usually cause them to fall from the ship in accordance with gravity). This means that unless it fills with water, it will not sink as a result of rough waters. It will sail sideways and even upside down, over waves as long as the navigator focuses on the device and the course they must hold.

      Be aware however that this does not protect the ship from the effects of the flow of water, wind or the obstacles these might pose. You could sail off a waterfall and find the ship happily rock over the edge, towards the ground below, however it might still be smashed to smithereens at the bottom, as if running full pelt into a cliff. This device does not allow the ships to sail against the current, simply survive it.

      Uses: Twice a Season, lasting 2 breaks with each activation.
    • Chrien’s Storm dice
      : These dice offer Protection from any and all natural lightening or up to the equivalent of Expert level magical lightening a ship might sail through. The dice must be hung (from the chain to which they are attached) in the highest of the Crows Nests and will attract, absorb and completely negate the affects of lightning that might otherwise have struck the ship or its crew.

      If Vega talks about the dice with the crew, a very disturbing rumor of their origins would be uncovered. It is fabled that Chrien took the testicles from someone she hates and turned them into dice. When they absorb the shock... the previous owner feels the discomfort. How much truth there is in this fable may not be clear, though the crew certainly believe ti to take it as a lesson to all that happen to attract Chriens spite.
    • Cage of shackles:
      From the outside, the cage appears to be designed to hold a single human, just. But if unlocked and entered, then the individual(s) entering would seem to vanish as they entered a small sub-space of containment.

When a person enters the cage, unless they have the key in their hand, they are incapable of committing an act of violence without finding themselves shackled to the floor where they stand.

The shackles require a Competence of Expert in some relevant skill to escape/resist (Strength to pull against, Larceny to Pick the Lock, etc.). The same applies for the door to the cage, which can by picked from the inside.

The room provides the most basic of comforts, including grool-like food and sheets adequate to keep the occupants from starvation only (nothing prevents people from bringing in additional supplies).

The cage can contain up to 50 people + the key-holder (the key-holder may always enter, but the cage will stop accepting other people at 50). When full, the occupants are cramped and not usually comfortable. The intention of this item is to contain slaves in a way that is efficient and not likely to kill them in transit and so comfort has been sacrificed for occupancy.

From the outside, the cage seems to be empty and is non-descript.
    • 3 x Tar Barrels:
      Three barrels of tar were found, one for each ship. These unique items slowly fill themselves with thick black tar, which seeps from the inner lining of the barrel until full. It takes a full trial to fill the barrel completely.

Once full, it can be activated to restore hull integrity of any one ship on which it is situated. The tar always seeks out the damage most likely to cause the ship to sink and fixes that first.

For Minor or Moderate repairs, this repairs can be considered permanent. For Major repairs, they should be considered to be a temporary fix that would let the ships sail to a dry tock within a week or two before needing attention.

The tar will fill and make water tight:
      • Any one Major/Critical leak/damage. This can literally be a hole the size of a person and the tar will make-shift the broken shards of wood back into a patch over the damaged area.
      • Up to half a dozen moderate leaks/damage.
      • Any amount of minor, distributed leaks/damage across the entire vessel.
     ! Message from: Winston
    Due to the ships being battleship and not fishing boats and there being no mention of establishing them as fishing boats, I cannot awared the +10 WP right now. Please come back with a thread where these battleshiprs are repurposed and established as fishign as I'll be more then hapy to review that for you.

    Also, the items listed are yours to add to your Ships cargo/equipment list as you see fit, but presently offer no 'Settlement Affect' in an of themselves.

    • +2 to Order
    • 23 WP in general coin, trophies, top-end fancy clothes that belonged to him.
    • To be added to your fleet:
      • The Hopeless Dirge - Masterwork ship - Galleon - Full complement of working canons / ranged / siege weapons.
      • The Unforgiven - Masterwork ship. Tallship - Partial complement of working canons / ranged / siege weapons. (have taken the option to repair, not take the WP
word count: 1021

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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