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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved! I made some minor edits but this looks fantastic! Thank you so much for such a well thought out Flora.
Name: "Ywyngyll's Defense"

Appearance: Almost as tall as the trees themselves, and extremely wide with spikes pointing out from the entire flora, this fungi is very difficult to avoid. There isn't a set weight for the plant, seeing as some are larger and more mature than others, but a fully grown Defense can weight at least two hundred lbs. The entire Defense is purple, or a deep, sickening blue, and in some rare cases, a deceptive green or bright pink. Spikes support the entire plant from the ground up, and bulbous parts of the plant extend in multiple directions, with spikes attached to every part. At the very top of the plant are the hoods, which have far less spikes and are likely there for simple reproductive and survival reasons. Underneath the hood are clusters of seeds, which are stringed together in clumps through a mossy and sticky residue (which is harmless).

Description: It's rumored that the Ywyngyll Forest outside of Rharne is alive, filled with undocumented and lethal species of fauna and flora. Despite the lush habitat and impressive wood marking the forest, very few are brave enough to venture into it despite the potential rewards. The entire forest is a living, breathing entity, a collection of nature connected by the Unabor, and the five hearts of the forest are seen as it's lifeblood. Yet, there is little that stops aggressive researchers and woodcutters alike from venturing too deep within it's wood or near a heart. Many who explore the Ywyngyll are seeking to exploit it's ecosystem, and should someone explore the deep parts of the forest or venture near a heart, they will be met with the Ywyngyll's Defense.

These defensive fungi are extremely large and unable to be avoided, and they cling together closely. Each plant is perhaps 5 to 20 feet from each other, making some areas of the forest simply impossible to get through unless the plant is destroyed. If someone were to cut themselves on one of the many spikes, a toxin will be injected swiftly into the person. This toxin that the Defense produces is similar to the color of fungi, so either blue, purple, pink, or green, and it oozes out like blood from the plant, and can chew through and melt armor quickly. Despite the color, the effect remains the same: Any who gets the toxin merely on their bare skin will suffer from intense exhaustion, and they will faint usually shortly after being exposed. It is not lethal at all, but first paralyzes and exhausts the target, before forcing them into a dreamless sleep.

Yet, this is not the most terrifying part of the plant, for when something is cut on it, sometimes even the animals in the forest, the plant will emit an immediate and high pitched screeching. It serves as a defensive alarm for the entire forest, and it signals that something is near. The Ywyngyll's Heart and the animals alike will understand that an invader is near, likely with ill intent although not always, and so the animals drag the unconscious body of the person affected to the nearest heart. From there, the person will wake, and face judgement as to why they are there. Some may die, but few return if the heart decides that the person could benefit the forest. Those blessed by Moseke are most likely to be safe when traveling through the forest, as the hearts recognize they are normally kind souls.

If someone were to attempt to harvest the plant, they must do so in a specific way, they must harvest the sacs of seeds residing underneath the hood, however this is easier said than done seeing as large, poisonous spikes are in their way and the hoods can be up to 20 feet off the ground. If they were able to do this however,, they are able to plant the seeds collected and grow the plant for themselves or others. However the plant will only reach at maximum a quarter of the size outside of the forest, and it will no longer have any siren or 'alarm' abilities. The toxin however can be still secreted, but seeing as obtaining the plant is difficult and almost unheard of, the toxin is not sold on the public market usually and someone seeking to use it will need to find a highly specialized person, who will likely sell it at an outrageous price.

Frequency: Extremely Rare outside of Ywyngyll, uncommon in Ywyngyll (only found near hearts and in deeper parts of the forest)

Level of Danger: Low

Special Properties: This was described in more detail in the description section, but the plant produces a toxin which can chew through armor and then paralyze, exhaust, and eventually make those affected pass out or faint.

Additional Information: None.

Credit: Ministry
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
These are very very interesting and equally frightening. Great job! Approved!
Name: The Marauders
Appearance: The Marauders are not exactly easily described. Their height, weight, and entire appearance is dependant on the body that is being controlled. But one thing is for certain -- all Marauders will have moss, plants, and sometimes insects living on them, as if they were part of the forest. Logs and other Marauders that do not naturally have limbs will regrow them in the form of wood, and fungi will encompass parts of their body, usually around the chest or head area.
Description: Those who enter the Ywyngyll Forest and never return are expected to have been swallowed up alive by the living forest, but a fate far worse encompasses them. If someone were to stray within it's woods with any intention other than pure, the lush and violent forest will attempt to not only push away or kill the intruder, but to take their body and infuse it within itself. The nature found in the forest is far more vicious and brutal than most, and the Unabor that connects everything intends to keep it that way by setting up intense predators along it's borders. Should someone enter the wood, they would find beings - simple logs or trees, dead animals, or sometimes even other humanoid races completely devoid of emotion, or thoughts, with fungi growing out along their body. The fungi, referred to as The Marauders by the hearts, are another precaution of the forest. Along the border, these moving, dead creatures are almost completely invisible to the naked eye, camouflaging as simple logs or animals. Once someone falls deeper within the wood, and strays near a heart, The Marauders track and follow their prey, believing that they might turn back, or perhaps be friendly to the forest. Should someone aggravate them, by attacking the creatures there, going near a heart, cutting down too much wood from it's trees - The Marauders will lash out.

These creatures purely aim to kill, and although completely docile before they are activated, they should be approached cautiously. Should someone cut themselves on the defensive fungi found later in the forest, The Marauders are part of the creatures that will attempt to secure and kidnap the person and bring them towards the hearts, but this doesn't always happen, and The Marauders sometimes kill their target. They do this in any way necessary, logs will simply ram their target, animals will use claws and teeth, and humans will attempt to wrestle and beat their opponent. A single Marauder is not lethal usually to any competent person, but they are extremely dangerous in numbers, as dozens can overwhelm a single foe.

Should one of these creatures be captured, they will wilt and immediately die upon being taken out of the forest. A necromancer will not be able to revive it in any way, for The Marauder is not an entity, but a part of the forest, and an invasive fungi that attaches and redirects plants and animals to defend the forest. It has no purpose beyond this, and does not need food or water to survive, as it is not truly living.
Frequency: Uncommon (only in Ywyngyll Forest)
Level of Danger: Medium
Special Properties: The Marauder that attaches itself is able to control and pivot the body or tree to work in favor of the forest.
Additional Information: None
Credit: Ministry
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
Thank you for this awesome write up! Approved
Merchants' Guild: Guild's College
Merchants; Guild: Guild's College write up The Merchants' Guild Guild's College: Like the other Merchants Guild buildings, the Guild's College is located in the Glass Quarter. The College is Rharne's only official school and uses a classroom approach to teach a structured curriculum, with classes that tend to consist of about twenty students per subject. The College is open to any who can afford the fees and has a strong business focus. Merchant families often send their children to the Guild’s College to learn, socialize, and build strong networks. Members of the Merchants Guild may also attend free Business Management classes here.

Write up: here

Of all the buildings owned and run by the Merchants' Guild, this one is arguably the most impressive. In a prominent position in the Glass Quarter and occupying a large plot of land, the College has extensive gardens and sports fields. There are a number of buildings, each one housing one of the College's "Schools of Learning". This is not a place for children, the classes here are for advanced learners. With a focus on business and those aspects which benefit the Merchants' Guild, the Schools of Learning have a very clear hierarchy.

There is a long and curved stairway up to the main entrance, the massive doors of which stand open and ready to accept visitors. Those who travel up these steps into the building enter a reception area larger than most churches or temples. No expense has been spared, the massive domed ceiling soars upwards and the architecture seems to be designed to make the individual feel small.

In the reception area, classes can be signed up for. There is a discount for Merchants' Guild members and other groups within Rharne.

Classes & Pricing

Subjects Available:
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Costing per level
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Name Thad Braxton
Race: Human / Biqaj
DoB: Born Ymiden 12th 698
Title: Receptionist
Skills: Logistics: Socialization: Expert (60), Psychology: Expert (58), Logistics: Competent (48)

A friendly and slightly flirty young man, Thad knows everything there is to know about everyone in the Guild's College and he is the person to know if you want to find out the latest gossip. With piercing eyes and a quick smile, he's a favourite with staff and students alike.
Credit: Faith

Credit: Faith
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved, thanks for this lovely plant!
Name: Knight Bloom
Appearance: Blossoming plants, standing between 2 and 3 inches tall. Their white trumpet-like bloom is usually a pretty white but the plants glow in a comforting light when in the presence of someone marked by, or born of Ilaren. In the presence of the Immortal herself, they glow twice as brightly.

Description: These beautiful flowers are known to have originated in the Mistal Woods where they used to light the way for the Lightning Knights who had entered the forest to help others - hence their name. There, they literally have been known to light up a path for those who are lost or who seek to help innocents. In recent arcs they have become a more common sight around Rharne and some make beautiful displays in gardens around the Cathedral.

During the night, or throughout all of Cylus where no sun lights the sky, these beautiful blossoms give off a comforting glow in when someone who bears the mark of Ilaren is nearby. They also, whilst in the glowing state, emit a beautiful fragrance which is said to boost the powers and abilities of Ilaren's chosen, while harming those who would seek to do them harm. Thus, rather than being used as a detection system, those who would wish harm to Ilaren's faithful tend to avoid these. The more devout the follower - either in terms of the level of their mark or their role in Ilaren's factions in Rharne, the more powerful the effects of the bloom.

Frequency: Uncommon. Requires Expert Gardening to care for due to their extremely fragile nature.

Level of Danger: Depends on who you are. Potentially high.

Special Properties: For Ilaren's marked being in proximity of these blooms adds a single level bonus to combat skills (eg: Competent becomes Expert). The light does this. For those seeking to harm Ilaren's marked, the reverse is true, and they will lose a single level of skill in one skill, usually the one they are using to attack. This only works at night.

Additional Information: There are rumours about what these flowers do in the presence of one of Ilaren's children or the Immortal herself. These are, as yet, undiscovered.

Credit: Faith
word count: 381
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved! Thanks for this super cool slang!
I wanna submit a slang for the Rharne slang page if that's still allowed!

"Lightning Lad/Lass: Term used by the knights for squires that show great skill or promise."
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
Name: Xander Ahas
Race: Lotharro
Date of Birth: Cylus 1, 668
Title: Lightning Knight
Blessings: Palenon(Favored)
Skills: Endurance: Expert (76)
Strength: Competent (50)
Unarmed: Competent (40)
Greatsword: Competent (50)
Shield: Novice (10)
Linguistics: Novice (10)
Leadership: Novice (15)
Description: 6'5", 224lb, This man is a large imposing figure, scars covering most of his face and he rarely smiles. Xander is quite an accomplished warrior by the looks of the myriad of scars along his face and body. He has short black hair and a short beard, both cut cleanly and evenly, and his eyes are a shining yellow and his mouth seems to be in a perpetual scowl, always showing his pointed fangs. That is until he gets drinking, he rarely gets drunk in public places but if the few people he's friends with ask him to join in a drink, he never refuses and he is usually the life of the party in most cases.

He is a follower and protector of the city Rharne and the people in it, being born and raised here by a single mother and never meeting his father, he found to defend and protect to be his calling, and as soon as he was able, he joined the knights as a squire. The only problem was that the Lotharrian blood inside him saw how the people acted in Rharne, partying and working but always separated, rarely working together for the betterment of the city, so he took a stance of defiance, he is strong and loves the people of Rharne but he does not tolerate slackers or anyone who's not pulling their weight.

Credit: Aneka Tristal
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved, thank you!
Name: Blitznir
Appearance: Standing at 6ft tall, and weighing around 800lbs, this heavy breed of equine is reminiscent of what one would call a "Unicorn". Its coat is ivory, scales covering all over its body. There are cobalt blue stripes on its legs. Its eyes are red with the same cobalt striping around them. It has an ivory mane that encompasses its face, almost like a beard, and its hooves are gray. The same mane protrudes from its shoulders like a vest.

Description: Found in the Stormlands & Stormwastes, the Blitznir is a mysterious creature. The mystery comes from how these scaled horses deal with mortals. A proud and majestic beast they see most if not all mortals as beneath them and are cautious towards those they encounter. Taming them is far more difficult than one might imagine, as one doesn't choose a Blitznir, a Blitznir chooses its rider.

There are three tests these creatures put a prospective rider through, and to pass two of the three of them will grant the favor of the creature.
1} Perform an act of valor/courage/ or bravery in their presence
2} Fend off against an attack from a Blitznir
3} Endure riding them at top speed for as long as you can {15 minutes at minimum}

Once a prospect has proven worthy, they will be imprinted onto the Blitznir. This imprinting will create a fondness, a bond of some sort between the Blitznir and its rider.

Frequency: Uncommon
Level of Danger: Medium
Special Properties:
- Horn of Lightning: Blitzers can summon lightning bolts from their horn, using them to stun and/or severely burn their opponents even to the point of death. Unlike normal bolts of lightning, they could use them as mild concussive forces.

- Need for Speed: The Blitznir is a very agile horse. It runs at about 60 mph in short bursts, with a 20% reduction in travel time over land on average. It has a natural want for chasing anything it sees in hopes of outrunning it making it one of the fastest land mounts around. With incredible fast twitch muscle fibers & acceleration, it reaches its top speed in only 5 bits. At full gallop, its hooves release tiny thunderclaps.

Additional Information: In order to gain it as a mount, Mod Permission is required and must be done in three threads
Credit: Yavanna E.
Last edited by Yavanna on Mon Dec 17, 2018 6:03 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 399
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved - Making a note that these NPCs require mod permission to use
Lyndis Markos
Name Lyndis Markos
Race: Human
DoB: Cylus 7th, 688
Title: Sergeant, Guardian Branch of the Lightning Knights.
Skills: Axes and Bludgeons (Hammer) - 80, Shield (Tower) - 80, Endurance - 80, Strength - 80, Throwing Weapon (Throwing Axe) - 80, Hone - 80

Lyndis Markos is a Rharnian native, though a stranger might find that hard to believe. In contrast to the usual Rharnian easy going attitude, Lyndis is strict, harsh, and stern, though she does care for the people of Rharne and takes her duty as a Guardian very seriously.. She is known for having a hard time relating to other people, a fact that has severely crippled her leadership abilities as people find her hard to follow. She is, however, a skilled combatant and Runewright. She serves as one of the Runewrights that the Knights use to initiate new Guardians. Fitting her nature, Lyndis is a Lucis Runewright, known for using single Runes more often than Chained Runes, favoring power over versatility.

Credit: Vivian Shiryu
Stefan Harper
Name Stefan Harper
Race: Human
DoB: Saun 19th, 683
Title: Constable, Inquisitor Branch of the Lightning Knights
Skills: Blades (Dagger) - 80, Acrobatics - 80, Climbing - 80, Deception - 80, Disguise - 80, Hone - 80

Stefan is a mysterious figure to many of the lower ranked knights. Spending most of his time undercover in the Shadow Quarter and other secretive and criminal groups in Rharne, many of the knights have heard of Stefan, but very few of them can claim to have ever even seen the man, much less met him. What is known is that he is charming, suave, and very disarming. He is also known as an Umbral Runewright, using Runic Traps to disable criminals to bring them in for interrogation and trial. He also serves as one of the Runewrights that initiates lower ranked knights into the magic, which is about the only time he can be found at the Cathedral. He tends to prefer using Chained Runes for their versatility when setting traps.

Credit: Vivian Shiryu
Ekaterina Melvain
Name Ekaterina Melvain
Race: Naerrik
DoB: 50th of Vhalar, 693
Title: Marshal, Justicar Branch of the Lightning Knights
Skills: Ranged Combat (Longbow) - 80, Animal Husbandry - 80, Animal Training - 80, Hunting - 80, Trap Making - 80, Hone - 80

Ekaterina, unlike most Lightning Knights, is not a native of Rharne. Originally from Augiery, Ekaterina found herself at odds with the rest of her kind due to her kinder nature and claustrophobia. Going into exile at a young age, Ekaterina found her way to Rharne, where she quickly began to consider the city to be her true home. She joined the Justicars and found herself loving her work. Not always at home around other people, Ekaterina is primarily concerned with keeping the wildlife around Rharne in balance. She's found that this is made easier due to her skills as an Umbral Runewright, as a clever combination of Runic Traps can bring down a rampaging or wounded animal without hurting it. She also serves as one of the knights who initiates new mages into Hone, though she actually prefers to do this away from the Cathedral, unlike many knights. She tends to use single Runes for her traps, finding that one powerful Runic Trap is as effective in safely bringing down animal as a Chained Trap, and they can be drawn more quickly in the case of an emergency.

Credit: Vivian Shiryu
Rictor Grayson
Name Rictor Grayson
Race: Human
DoB: 10th of Ymiden, 678
Title: Disciple, Steward Branch of the Lightning Knights
Skills: Blades (Longsword) - 80, Medicine - 80, Woodworking - 80, Smithing - 80, Tailoring - 80, Hone - 80

Among the Stewards, Rictor is considered an exemplar of the branch. Kind and well mannered, if firm, and with a fairly wide range of diverse skills that make him a very skilled support knight, Rictor is generally considered as being an example of what a Steward should be. Capable of patching up a wide range of runes and repairing almost any damaged equipment he may encounter in the field, it's no surprise that Rictor can usually be found where the most troubled areas of Rharne's territory are. However, he also serves as a Hone initiator, and so spends a fair amount of time at the Cathedral during more peaceful times. Befitting a member of the supportive branch, Rictor is a Lucis Runewright, favoring Chained Runes for allowing him more versatility in how he applies them.

Credit: Vivian Shiryu
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

Name Lt. Commander Riorden Zy'Ihai
Race: Biqaj
DoB: 9th of Ashan, arc 674
Title: Former Lieutenant Commander of the Rharne Navy, Knight Comate, Steward of the Lightning Knights, Captain of The Salty Sling
Skills: 60 Seafaring, 30 Leadership, 30 Navigation, 26 Ranged Combat (Crossbow), 25 Detection, 10 Blades (Saber)

Riorden spent the majority of his young adulthood, and some of his childhood in the Rharne Navy. There he learned all that was necessary to run a ship, eventually working his way up to a first mate position. He served for another decade in that position before retiring from service. With the wages and gains he made, as well as some of the contacts among the Biqaj of Rharne, he managed to acquire a ship of his own, over which he assumed command. He dubbed it the Salty Sling. With it, and a capable crew, he became a privateer captain, hunting bounties up and down the river and around the lake.

He enjoyed the freebooter lifestyle for yet another decade, before fate would land him in the service role once more. He aided a Lightning Knight that was castaway in the lands north of Lake Lovalus, who was being hunted by a group of poachers who he was sent to arrest. Most of the Lightning Knight's retinue had been killed, and he was making his last stand when the crew of the Salty Sling happened by. With crossbows, sabers, and axes, the crew put the poachers down, and saved the knight.

The Knight, who was impressed greatly by Riorden and his crew, offered to recommend him to a Knighthood. Riorden, who was very drunk at the time on mead, and flush with the excitement of victory, hastily accepted the recommendation. He was drafted into the Lightning Knights, given an elevated position for his existing service in the Navy.

Riorden was happy enough in this position, as it didn't differ too greatly from the activity he was engaged in before. While he was reluctant to join another militaristic organisation, he wasn't too bitter for having been wrangled into it. No longer a freebooter, he's served the Lightning Knights for a good few arcs.

Credit: Rorom
 ! Message from: Oracle
Approved, thank you!
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Re: [Rharne] Development Thread

 ! Message from: Sceptre
Order of the Adunih:
Dust Quarter Clinic
Open at the end of 718, this clinic is a small satellite clinic of the main Order of the Adunih in Rharne. As the Dust Quarter had the greatest need, this clinic was built as a collaborative effort between the Order and Isonomia. It is small, in comparison to the main Order outpost here, but it is well stocked and very efficiently run. People may come here, day or night, and be treated for urgent and life threatening illnesses. Should they need longer term medical care then they will stay here as long as needs be until a place becomes available for them in the main Order outpost.

This clinic is always clean and is overseen by Faith Augustin, who has her office here and spends the majority of her working time here. As with the Order of the Adunih up and down Idalos, treatment at this clinic holds no set cost. No one is ever turned away. However, people are asked to give time, resources, or money should they be able to in payment.

As one enters the clinic, there is an open reception, from which branch off a number of rooms. Treatment and diagnosis rooms here, the back of the clinic is where the two large wards are; there are no private rooms here, but everything is clean and everyone is warm and well cared for. The food's not bad, either.


Anyone may get medical treatment here.
The expectation is that the treatment will be repaid in some way; though often not monetary because of the nature of the place.

Location Character List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.


Race: Human
DoB: 7th Ashan 674
Title: None
Skills: Medicine: 55, Surgery 50, Caregiving: 50, Intimidation: 45

Shanea is a friendly enough woman, although she can be a little too intense for most people's taste. She is determined to learn as much as she can and has something of a tendency to blurt out questions without really thinking things through, then she gets a little embarrassed. Her earnest nature and unblinking gaze means she is somewhat unnerving, but to the sick and injured, she has an excellent bedside manner.


Race: Human
DoB: 20th Cylus 690
Title: None
Skills: Medicine: 30, Surgery: 20, Caregiving: 40, Gardening: 60, Alchemy: 40

A quiet and reflective individual, Verity is more often seen in the small herb garden than anywhere else. She has a love for gardening and a very genuine talent for it. In terms of the main work of the Order, she is a competent healer although her natural shyness does tend to be something of a problem. However, she keeps calm in an emergency and is an excellent medical assistant.
Credit: Faith
word count: 477
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