• Solo • Review Request 2.2.1

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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Check up and Rumors
City/Area: Viden
Requested Rewards:
Business: The general worth of hay in Viden
Business: The general worth of meat in Viden
Business: People will attempt to shortchange, no matter the position
Business: Accepting bartering for what you want
Business: Trading bartered goods can potentially make profit
Detection: Using Ylfa to see pickpockets
Detection: Cities require attention to the crowd
Detection: Pickpockets typically weave in crowds
Detection: One should always look inside, before walking through a door
Discipline: Remaining calm in the face of being yelled at
Discipline: Knowing that someone is short changing you, and allowing it
Discipline: Keeping at work, despite decreasing rewards
Endurance: Working most of the day
Endurance: Shouting for a majority of a shift
Intelligence: Learning information while in lines
Intelligence: Sometimes people switch languages for privacy
Intelligence: Rumors are more valid when the gossiping party is involved
Intelligence: Rumor: Tanner Mantises out West
Intelligence: Place: Viden Outskirts
Meditation: Using mercantilism as a medium for meditation
Meditation: Remaining serene, despite the ill intent of others
Meditation: It's easier to remain serene when protected
Meditation: Imagining a protective force assists in serenity
Meditation: Entering a calm state of mind, despite Ylfa being present
Hunting: Horses are scared of Wolves
Animal Husbandry: Horses are scared of Wolves
Animal Training: Horses are scared of Wolves
Ranged Combat (Longbow): No need to hit a target for results
Ranged Combat (Longbow): Quick drawing of the bow
Unarmed (Wolven Wrestling): Subduing using your Weight
Unarmed (Wolven Wrestling): Drunks don't have good balance
Unarmed (Wolven Wrestling): No need to hurt some enemies
Endurance: Snow feels nice at times
Strength: Holding down a person
Discipline: Not hurting someone greatly
Detection: the smell of Alcohol
Navigation: the way to Viden
Navigation: the way to Viden Outsider's Market
Meditation: cooling off after nearly losing a leg
Resistance: Standing the smell of Alcohol
Animal Training: getting a wolf to do as told
Leadership: Distributing your forces
Leadership: Having someone do what you need them to
Leadership: assigning guard duty
Tactics: Assign a guard to weaker members
Tactics: Stealth is great for a guard
Tactics: Stealth is important for canine units
Acrobatics: getting up from the snow
Wald: Hay

Wealth Points:
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: ~~~ From the General to the Specifics~~~~~
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:

Intelligence: Use cells to keep people safe.
Intelligence: Focus your efforts.
Leadership: Listen to the people you are in charge of
Leadership: Use tactics, but keep a focus on the person
Tactics: Large numbers have to be broken down
Tactics: Don't be afraid to use people's talents.

As Per Aegis' modbomb.


Yes, please. War general to half a million people, and all. :P

Wealth Points:

Collaboration: Nope
Magic Experience?: No
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Why Does Yimden Feel Like Saun?
City/Area: Desnind
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: Musical Instrument; Pan Flute: Pipe on middle of lower lip
Musical Instrument; Pan Flute: Hold pipe against the chin
Musical Instrument; Pan Flute: Wiggle side to side for more sound (vibrato)
Musical Instrument; Pan Flute: Short, sharp breaths for staccato note
Musical Instrument; Pan Flute: Mouth posture; relax lips, widen mouth muscles almost like smiling
General: On hot days Wealth of the Land isn't a good place to busk
General: Fall of Emea has caused the iyo to die, all of them

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: maybe a couple just for being a busker at a well known area and being at the front of the crowd when everyone was around the fire
Wealth Points: viewtopic.php?f=217&t=18570 this is also my first wealth thread
Collaboration: n/a
Magic Experience?: n/a
Off Topic
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Last edited by Dula on Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 164

As Above; So Below

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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: ~~~ Order from Chaos 3: A single step ~~~~~
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:


As per Aegis' modnote


Very much yes please! The threads he requested are now complete too :)

Wealth Points: Please. If possible - this might bring in funds?

Collaboration: Nope
Magic Experience?: No
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Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Sybil Malach
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Student's Mistress IV
City/Area: Viden
Notes/Warnings: Long research notes surrounding possession, themes of hopelessness and radicalism.
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: (A list of knowledge)
Research: Orderly notes is key to understanding
Research: Proofreading materials is paramount
Research: Observable evidence is better than anecdote
Writing: Composition of a research document
Writing: Expressing professionalism through writing
Writing: Writing out notes on the Mistress
Loot: (If applicable)
+1 stack of collated data on the Mistress (Empties)
Injuries/Overstepping: Mental strain
Renown: NA
Wealth Points: NA
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No
Off Topic
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 124
"No mass graves."

-Vri 720, scolding Sybil for disposing of necromancers.

NPCs: Karlsson, Margaret
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A Meeting Among Tombstones
City/Area: Zuudaria
Notes/Warnings: No
Requested Rewards:
None requested by either PC

Loot: Two marks from Faith
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: No
Wealth Points: No
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Drug Trade
City/Area: Desnind and the Makubwa Lori to the south of it.
Notes/Warnings: I'm posting for a collab thread between Joran and Dula--the requests for that PC are on her behalf at her request.
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledge:
  • Endurance: Keeping up a full run through Desnind
  • Endurance: Resting after running to catch your breath
  • Field Craft: Syanan Okan: Gives the user “visions”
  • Field Craft: Syanan Okan: This purple flower blooms at night
  • Field Craft: Syanan Okan: Grows on vines high in the trees
  • Field Craft: Syanan Okan: Used by Tsabar for finding familiars
  • Socialization: Joran: Is a healer under Tey’droa
  • Socialization: Joran: Uses a zipper as a mount
  • Climbing: Larger branches as foot and hand holds
  • Climbing: Using rope as a pulley to get up a tree when the branches are too high
  • Climbing: Using the largest branches to hold your weight on a tree
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • General: Zipper: Give the beast a wide berth
Loot: Six Syanan Okan flowers
Injuries/Overstepping: Arm sprain that requires 40 trials to heal.
Renown: N/A
Wealth Points: N/A
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed: N/A
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
Requested Rewards:
  • Discipline: Collect yourself when surprised and carry on
  • Climbing: Using a rope-pulley system
  • Medicine: Treating a sprain
  • Medicine: Working out in the field
  • Medicine: Using a splint to stabilize an injured limb
  • Mount: Zipper: Zippers don't like being underground
  • Mount: Zipper: Zippers can hover and fly vertically
  • Mount: Zipper: Forcing a zipper to move at a slow pace
  • Mount: Zipper: Keeping a zipper moving in a straight line
  • Socialization: Social Contact - Dula: The clumsy alchemist
  • Socialization: Social Connection - Dula: Tey'droa's great-granddaughter
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Wealth Points: N/A
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed: N/A
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
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Reviewed by Strange
word count: 364
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: ~~~~ All Sins Come to Light ~~~~~~~
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: Tense? Us? Naaaah
Requested Rewards:
Maxine & Rey'na




If applicable

Wealth Points:

Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No

Rey'na: Dreamwalking Brand
Rey'na: Greater Servants Mark



If applicable

Wealth Points:

Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
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Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Sybil Malach
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Student's Mistress V
City/Area: Viden
Notes/Warnings: Threats of murder, dark mental subject matter, possession, demanding that a ghost comply with community service. Psychological torture.
The Student's Mistress I
The Student's Mistress II
The Student's Mistress III
The Student's Mistress IV
Requested Rewards:
Rhetoric: Ghosts must be punished by standards other than humans
Psychology: Identifying the Mistresses Weakness: The Teeth
Psychology: Motivation: Defiance of Death
Torture: Using fear as a blunt instrument
Torture: Going easy with intimidation
Torture: Physical pain must temper psychological pain
Loot: (If applicable)
+1 business arrangement w/ an unknown benefactor
Injuries/Overstepping: (If applicable)
Renown: (how much and for what?)
Wealth Points: NA
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: NA
Off Topic
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 129
"No mass graves."

-Vri 720, scolding Sybil for disposing of necromancers.

NPCs: Karlsson, Margaret
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Shattered Hope
City/Area: Emea...sort of. It's a rebuilding Emea thread.
Notes/Warnings: none
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: It's a dream thread, so none. But Ari'sora does have Dreamwalking, so it should count as earning 2 points for that skill as well (or instead of? I am not sure about this) the 10 skill points.
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Renown: none
Wealth Points: none
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: no
Off Topic
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 81
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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