Rewards Requested
City/Area: Rynmere, Venora
Notes/Warnings: none
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledge
Linguistics: Children pick up languages more easily than adults do
Linguistics: Being multilingual is very useful
Linguistics: a polyglot is someone who knows several languages, and learns them because they enjoy doing so rather than out of necessity
Mount; Horse: Long trials of riding are hard on those who aren't used to it
Mount; Horse: Sore leg muscles are a guarantee for inexperienced riders
Mount; Horse: See to your horse's needs before your own
Non Skill Knowledge
Language: Basa
Basa: spoken and written in Northern Idalos
Language: Cerke
Cerke: a written language of Northern Idalos
Common: numbers
Language: Haltunga
Haltunga: language of the Lotharro
Language: Murmasian
Murmasian: a spoken language of Northern Idalos
Language: Perwarshian
Perwarshian: spoken and written in Northern Idalos
Language: Pij'thak
Pij'thak: spoken and written in Northern Idalos
Language: Sulnysian
Sulnysian: spoken and written in Northern Idalos
Sulnysian: a rare language
Location: Venora
Location: The Little Garden
The Little Garden: an orphanage located in Venora
NPC: Atreyas
Atreyas: an orphan at The Little Garden
Atreyas: adopted by Lei'lira
Atreyas: Lil'ari's friend
Atreyas: doesn't want to be separated from Lil'ari
NPC: Evan
Evan: an orphan at The Little Garden
Evan: is a polyglot who speaks 8 languages, and can read a 9th written one
Evan: Kei'iru's friend
Evan: is a Lotharro
NPC: Kei'iru
Kei'iru: an orphan at The Little Garden
Kei'iru: adopted by Lei'lira
Kei'iru: Lil'ari's younger sister
NPC: Lil'ari
Lil'ari: an orphan at The Little Garden
Lil'ari: adopted by Lei'lira
Lil'ari: Kei'iru's older sister
Lil'ari: Atreyas's friend
Lil'ari: has an ose-bori
NPC: Maybella Dawson
Maybella Dawson: runs The Little Garden
Maybella Dawson: cares deeply about the kids she looks after
Loot: four kids adopted (all already approved personal NPCs)
Injuries/Overstepping: sore leg muscles from several long trials of riding
Renown: Maybe 15 because she made a sizable donation to the orphanage, and adopted 4 kids? As a noble, the donation might be expected of her, but it is still a good sized one, and she wouldn't be expected to adopt four kids.
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No