The Old Player Development and Wishlist

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Tio Silver
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Posts: 1274
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:04 pm
Race: Immortal
Profession: God of Curses
Renown: 665
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Re: Player Development and Wishlist

Name: Master Long
Race: Sev'ryn
Age: 24th of Saun, arc 610
Title: - Grandmaster of the Da'riya Desnid Standard.
Master of the House of Rivers.
Moderation Type: Self.
Able/Willing to Mentor?: Yes
Skills able/willing to Mentor in:
  • Unarmed Combat: Da'riya, Desnid Standard
  • Blades
  • Polearms and Staves
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acrobatics
  • Meditation
  • Discipline
  • Tactics

Description: One of the most famous martial artists in the world, Master Long is the Grandmaster of the House of Rivers and considered to be the most skilled Da'riya practitioner in the world. Despite being over a hundred arcs old he is known to be spirited and graceful in his movements, and still remains unbeaten at fighting any regular human. He works hard to keep up the persona of being old, strict and grouchy around the students of the House of Rivers as he believes this attitude best helps them to learn, but it doesn't take much to see the kind and empathetic individual underneath. Despite being a practitioner of the Desnid Standard he is credited with the unwitting creation of the Idalos Self Defense Standard.

Long was born and raised in the House of Rivers himself. Whilst he was a natural fighter he was known to be brash and reckless, and perhaps because of this his Ose-bori never appeared to him during his early years. Realising that he would need to travel in order to met his familiar, Long left Desnid and set out to travel on foot aimlessly across Idalos in search of a deeper understanding of himself. However travelling the world alone is a dangerous thing to do, and many times on his journey Long cross paths with bandits, monsters and whole hordes of other beings who wished him harm, all of who he defeated with the Da'riya style. Because of this legends of a wandering Sev'ryn who could defeat anyone with just his bare hands spread across the world. Da'riya was fairly unheard of outside of Desnid back then, but tales of a man who could turn their enemies every strength against them and defeat legions of warriors without drawing a drop of blood captured the imagination of many young men and women of every race and culture. Aspiring students went to great expense to track him down and learn from him, and in recognition of their dedication Long taught them the basics of the Desnid style: setting the groundwork for what would become the Idalos Self Defence Standard.

After years of traveling Long finally met his equal in an unnamed assassin from Etzos who had mastered the Ki'enaq style. Neither of them were able to defeat the other, and although it was technically a draw Long, who had never been defeated, personally felt as though he had lost. This prompted him to finally search within himself for answers and connect to his Ose-bori: a tiger spirit named Rahn. With his journey complete Long returned to Desnid to continue teaching at the House of Rivers, where he has been ever since.

Credit: Tio Silver
word count: 512
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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