Review Requests 2.1.4

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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Weary/Wandered
City/Area: Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: Nah
Requested Rewards:
Detection: Spotting visible signs of those you're looking for
Endurance: Maintaining focus after a restless night
Storytelling: Colouring a story with minor details

Slake: Those lusting for adventure know you
Slake: Feeds the thirst for adventure
Loot: -2gn for drinks
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: Probably not.
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No.
ImageDoran Cooney
word count: 69
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Sound of Nature
City/Area: Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: Trevor is still up for approval, so I'm just putting my request in!

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: 11 Knowledges Each

Running: Sprinting from a crowd of vicious children
Running: Breathing evenly while angry
Running: Running through tall, rural grass
Running: Remaining balanced despite emotions
Running: Running through unadulterated areas can be dangerous
Endurance: Being stoned by children and surviving
Caregiving: Children might need to be beaten
Discipline: Maintaining relative composure under gang bullying
Tactics: Capturing an enemy to reduce enemy morale

Personal: I Look Like a Lotharro?

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: Maybe slight with those kids LOL
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Yes for Trevor once he gets approved!
ImageDoran Cooney
word count: 127
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: To Trouble Their Fathers: Part II
City/Area: Westguard, West of Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Foul Language

For Doran, if possible, since he graded Part I and would have the best understanding of this one.

Requested Rewards:
Deception: Lying to a Child
Detection: Noting Careful Use of Language
Discipline: Teaching a Hard, Cruel Lesson
Intimidation: Threaten That Which They Love
Persuasion: Offering Compensation to Avoid the Authorities Getting Involved
Tactics: Know When to Fight, and When to Talk

Non-Skill Knowledge:
NPC Martyn: Watchful and Not Stupid (Like his Father)
NPC Martyn: Budding Thief
NPC Jessye: Not Afraid to Stand Up to Kasoria
NPC Tony: Westguard Blacksmith

Loot: Nope
Injuries/Overstepping: Nah
Renown: No
Collaboration: Nuh-uh
Magic EXP: Neeeeeewwwwp
Last edited by Kasoria on Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 124
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Promises and Lies
City/Area: Emea
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:

All Participants

None tis a dream.

Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown: Nope
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No

word count: 34
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: To Sing as One
City/Area: Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: N/A

Requested Rewards:
Transmutation: Corrosion can be delicate
Transmutation: Corrosion requires strict control
Transmutation: Weakening parts of a whole to make a shape
Transmutation: Corrosion is an art
Transmutation: Pushing with your ether and your fingers together to influence a shape
Intelligence: Mulling over your actions before you make a decision

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: No
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: Yes
ImageDoran Cooney
Last edited by Jonathan Burr on Thu May 31, 2018 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 81
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A Lust for Power
City/Area: Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: N/A

Requested Rewards:
Abberation: Don't think, act
Abberation: The bond between man and harvester is instinctual
Abberation: The addiction grows deeper with skill
Abberation: It takes concentration to hold a sphere
Abberation: basic destruction inside of a sphere
Discipline: practicing in the heat

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: No
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: Yes
ImageDoran Cooney
word count: 74
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Down the pickaxe came
City/Area: Yurrova/Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledge: (A list of knowledge)
Mining: Working in a three-team mining crew
Mining: Exhausting working conditions
Mining: Identifying a cache of Ametrine crystal
Mining: A punishment for prisoners
Mining: Can get repetitive
Politics: What is best for Ne’haer is not what is best for Yurrova

Non-skill knowledge:
Yurrova: A region of divided loyalties
Yurrova: Tensions rising
Yurrova: Of interest to Ironridge and Ne’haer
Yurrova: Rumors say more troops are coming

(x1) Ametrine Crystal

Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: No
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
Last edited by Zafir on Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:23 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 109
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Looking for Mercy
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Requested Rewards:
Climbing: Climbing up a house
Climbing: Harder in the snow
Deception: Tio the Trustworthy
Deception: Claiming to be Harmless
Deception: Definitely not a criminal
Deception: A false reason for investigating
Lockpicking: Breaking into a drug laboratory
Lockpicking: Whistle while you work
Stealth: Creeping around a crime scene
Stealth: Sneaking in through the window

Attunement: Using Attunement to inspect a crime scene
Attunement: Note - Confusion
Attunement: Using Frequencies to locate a hidden room
Persuasion: Convincing the guard to leave his post
Discipline: Remaining in in control of a chaotic situation with civilians.
Discipline: Staying cool while the Elements are criticized
Detection: Noticing a chemical odor in the room
Investigation: Don't disturb the evidence!
Investigation: Directing the search of a crime scene
Leadership: Giving instructions to your team

Non Skill
Tio: Likely a thief
Tio:Handy with least he's useful
Tio: Way too talkative

Vega: An excellent tracker
Vega: Tio calls her firefly
Vega: Follows the Immortal Xiur

Detection: Spotting when someone is familiar, but out of context
Investigation: Look at the big picture
Investigation: Investigate simultaneously in different places
Investigation: Identify relevant aspects of your environment.
Investigation: Considering motivations by movements in tracks
Investigation: Safety equipment can mean a dangerous environment.
Leadership: Telling people what you're good at and what you can do
Leadership: Informing people how long you're going to take
Leadership: Give people jobs to do.

Nothing. If she returns please review separately.

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: Medium - For providing the Elements with evidence of a new illegal drug hitting the streets and uncovering the truth behind a murder.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
 ! Message from: Ghoul
word count: 296
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Spring's Garden
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Gardening, yay
Requested Rewards:
Gardening: Having the right tools
Gardening: Pruning
Gardening: Fast growing mint plants
Gardening: blackberries are extremely stubborn
Meditation: Tea can help the mind and body relax
Meditation: The uses of mint tea

Loot: 3 bushels of mint leaves
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Collaboration: N/A
Magic EXP: N/A
ImageDoran Cooney
Last edited by Nightshade Eld on Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 71
Common ~ Ith'Ession ~ Lorien
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
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Review Requests 2.1.4

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: I for one, Want to find out! (part 2)
City/Area: Scalvtown
Notes/Warnings: Disease talk
Requested Rewards:

Knowledge: 8(collab)+2=10 knowledges
Intimidation: Do not be intimidated by threats.
Intimidation: Be prepared to back up your words with actions
Medicine: Ink Bloom
Medicine: Putting together facts about Ink Bloom
Persuasion: State the consequences of behaviour clearly
Research: Understanding the links between heredity and medical conditions
Research: An eidetic memory helps
Research: Gather primary and secondary data
Research: When researching a disease, gather observations over numerous occasions

Nalin: Sister called Lavender
Nalin: Has Ink Bloom
Nalin: Ink Bloom is progressing rapidly
Nalin: Common is not good.
Nalin: Calms Volker down

Volker: Attached to Nalin.
Volker: Rude and abrasive.
Volker: Jumps to assumptions
Volker: Calms Nalin down.


Skill Knowledges: 8 (collab)+2 (2 more posts)=10 Knowledges

Care-giving: Sometimes gentle touch is all they need.
Care-giving: Drawing strength from each other (siblings)
Care-giving: Doing whatever it takes to get them better.
Socialization: Answering Questions about your illness.
Socialization: Asking for help, not demanding it.
Etiquette: Always right to pay people for their work
Etiquette: Kindness always, when asking for help/a favor
Detection: Noticing when someone's agitated
Detection: Fine Nuances in speech patterns
Detection: Knowing when to step in to stop a situation from getting too heated.

Volker:Hard to keep calm

Lavender: Worried, like always
Lavender: Sometimes, fear just turns into tears
Lavender: Want's to be there for me

Faith: Dependable Doctor
Faith: Chairwoman?
Faith: Works for free? How does she make money?
Faith: Kind hearted
Faith: asks some good questions
Faith: Seems ready for anything
Faith: Didn't even flinch at my diseased skin


Nothing Requested

Loot: Not...really?
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: Don't think so. (Faith already has max)
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
ImageDoran Cooney
word count: 318
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