Thread Name: I for one, Want to find out! (part 2)
City/Area: Scalvtown
Notes/Warnings: Disease talk
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: 8(collab)+2=10 knowledges
Intimidation: Do not be intimidated by threats.
Intimidation: Be prepared to back up your words with actions
Medicine: Ink Bloom
Medicine: Putting together facts about Ink Bloom
Persuasion: State the consequences of behaviour clearly
Research: Understanding the links between heredity and medical conditions
Research: An eidetic memory helps
Research: Gather primary and secondary data
Research: When researching a disease, gather observations over numerous occasions
Nalin: Sister called Lavender
Nalin: Has Ink Bloom
Nalin: Ink Bloom is progressing rapidly
Nalin: Common is not good.
Nalin: Calms Volker down
Volker: Attached to Nalin.
Volker: Rude and abrasive.
Volker: Jumps to assumptions
Volker: Calms Nalin down.
Skill Knowledges: 8 (collab)+2 (2 more posts)=10 Knowledges
Care-giving: Sometimes gentle touch is all they need.
Care-giving: Drawing strength from each other (siblings)
Care-giving: Doing whatever it takes to get them better.
Socialization: Answering Questions about your illness.
Socialization: Asking for help, not demanding it.
Etiquette: Always right to pay people for their work
Etiquette: Kindness always, when asking for help/a favor
Detection: Noticing when someone's agitated
Detection: Fine Nuances in speech patterns
Detection: Knowing when to step in to stop a situation from getting too heated.
Volker:Hard to keep calm
Lavender: Worried, like always
Lavender: Sometimes, fear just turns into tears
Lavender: Want's to be there for me
Faith: Dependable Doctor
Faith: Chairwoman?
Faith: Works for free? How does she make money?
Faith: Kind hearted
Faith: asks some good questions
Faith: Seems ready for anything
Faith: Didn't even flinch at my diseased skin
Nothing Requested
Loot: Not...really?
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: Don't think so. (Faith already has max)
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
Doran Cooney