Thread Name: Ladies Night Out
City/Area: Almund, Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Language and violence
Requested Rewards:
Blades: Driving the Point into the Thigh
Endurance: When Knocked Down, Get Back Up
Endurance: Continuing to Bloody Knuckles
Intimidation: Promise of Pain
Intimidation: Glare
Intimidation: Shouting at Strangers
Tactics: Relying on Previous Experience
Tactics: Improvising Weapons
Detection: Incoming Punch
Resistance: Doing Shots of Rum
Resistance: Doing Shots of Tequila
Negotiation: Using Hostages
Negotiation: Giving Your Word
Unarmed Brawling; Using a chair as a weapon.
Unarmed Grappling; Applying A Blood Choke
Unarmed Dirty Boxing; Elbow Block
Unarmed Dirty Boxing; Elbow Strike
Unarmed Boxing; Tighten Your Guard When Cornered.
Unarmed Striking; Front kick to a kneeling enemy's temple
Tactics; Letting an adversary tire themselves out.
Tactics; Planning an ambush when enemies are drunk and in poor form.
Discipline; When the chips are down, hold on, hang in there, and wait for an opportunity to present itself.
Endurance; Taking a right cross to the face
Strength; Using strength to tighten a strangle hold instead of proper technique.
Strength; Maintaining a strangle hold while others attempt to pry you off.
Strength; Jockeying for a superior grappling position while struggling against a larger adversary.
Strength; Holding on while being thrashed into a wall.
Maxine; Has Wonderful Unarmed Form
Maxine; Smart to leave it on there tab.
Loot: 1/4 Bottle Of Rum
1/2 Bottle Top Shelf Tequila
Bag Of Bug Berry x25 -1gn
Injuries/Overstepping: Swollen knuckles, various bruises, bloodied lips/noses, etc.
Renown: Likely slight or small for being involved in a very public bar brawl gone sideways.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No