• Solo • Review Request 2.2.1

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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Too Weak
City/Area: Marcovera, Isle of Koros
Notes/Warnings: Fridgar is mean.
Requested Rewards:
Deception: Striking a deal that seems to be in another's favor with your own agenda.
Deception: Becoming close to someone you would otherwise see dead.
Intimidation: Using magic in public with those that aren't familiar with it works wonders.
Persuasion: Taking advantage of someone's lack of self confidence.
Persuasion: Taking advantage of someone's doubt.
Psychology: When someone is injured, their mind also turns frail.
Psychology: Honor is a handicap
Seduction: Offering power to someone that lacks it.
Seduction: Offering belonging to a lost man.
Tactics: Establishing a public, positive relationship as a premise to a murder is an effective strategy for deflecting blame.
Kaelrik: Not dead
Kaelrik: Healing well
Kaelrik: You initiated him into Hone
Kaelrik: Sworn loyalty to you
Kaelrik: You promised to make him strong
Kaelrik: Has a deep rage that you can make use of
Kaelrik: Has an affinity for creation
Kaelrik: Weak enough to let the cruelty of others harm him
Kaelrik: Sees the good in everyone
Kaelrik: Wants others to be happy
Kaelrik: Honorable

Hone: Initiation
Hone: Recognizing the effects of a Rune of Weakness
Hone: The difference between a Runewright and a Felwright
Negotiation: Using specific wording for personal goals in a bargain
Negotiation: The detriment of weak bargaining tools
Discipline: Mustering the strength to speak past Umbral weakness
Discipline: Remaining level headed in the face of a predator
Psychology: Recognizing signs of manipulation
Tactics: The benefit of taking calculated risk

Fridgar: Has a Stekir form
Fridgar: Sworn an Oath of Fealty
Fridgar: Admire’s me
Fridgar: Practitioner of Hone
Fridgar: Can drain a man of all strength
Fridgar: Can render a person blind

Loot: None.
Injuries/Overstepping: As you see fit.
Renown: +5 for Fridgar for startling folks as a giant cat!
Wealth Points: None.
Collaboration: Yes.
Magic Experience?: Yes. Hone for Kaelrik.
Last edited by Kaelrik on Thu May 16, 2019 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 326
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: pride
City/Area: Helice
Notes/Warnings: None.
Requested Rewards:

Climbing: Jumping down a building via window sills.
Climbing: Used in tandem with Gossamer Wings (mutation).

Rupturing: Maintaining a stable portal
Rupturing: Bringing a person through portals safely
Rupturing: Stable portals are more taxing than blinking portals
Defiance Technique: Using Kingship with fire to assist in maintaining the forge
Becoming: Can be utilized to take the form of people
Becoming: The mutations of other sparks transfer to all forms
Smithing: Maintaining the coals of a forge at viable temperatures
Smithing: Recognizing the need to add more fuel to a forge fire
Business Management: Having proper inventory of supplies allows to informed allocation of materials
Business Management: Proper bookkeeping is crucial to success
Investigation: Using straightforward questioning to get pointed answers
Etiquette: How to place polite orders in a café
Etiquette: The deference shown to nobles vs. commoners
Philosophy: The Importance of Fire in Civilization

Loot: None.
Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Renown: +5 for Kaelrik displaying the powers of Rupturing in broad daylight.
Wealth Points: None.
Collaboration: Yes.
Magic Experience?: Yes. Rupturing for Kaelrik.
word count: 188
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Only Enamel
City/Area: Quacia
Notes/Warnings: none
Requested Rewards:



dreamwalking -
brand: Quacia - Graciana's powder room


brand: Quacia - Graciana's study

opening a door quietly
cleaning quietly

Loot: none requested
Injuries/Overstepping: if applicable
Renown: if applicable
Collaboration: yes
word count: 51
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Sifting through the rubble
City/Area: Byblos, Kephallonia, Helice
Notes/Warnings: Vague descriptions of injuries
Requested Rewards:
  1. Becoming: Devour.
  2. Becoming: Devour: An ability which allows you to turn into something by eating the materials needed to make a totem.
  3. Becoming: Devour: Using the ability to become something with opposable thumbs, thus, able to create more totems.
  4. Becoming: Devour: Devouring Ithecal parts.
  5. Becoming: Devour: Could be used to obtain the three sovereign substancesto make a totem of later.
  6. Meditation: Easier without as many totems.
  • Ithecal: Have three sub-species
  • Ithecal: All subspecies have their own strengths
  • Ithecal: Hard to tell gender without a strong sense of smell
  • Ithecal: Wyvarnth: Double jointed
  • Ithecal: Wyvarnth: Thin scales
  • Ithecal: Wyvarnth: Potentially venomous fangs
  • Ithecal: Wyvarnth: Prehensile tail
  • Ithecal: Wyvarnth: No claws
  • Ithecal: Wyvarnth: The smallest of the Ithecal species
Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Removal of all injuries
Renown: None
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: None
Magic Experience?: None
word count: 158
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Debrief
City/Area: Quacia, Helice
Notes/Warnings: Nu
Requested Rewards:



Loot: Nu
Injuries/Overstepping: Nu
Renown: +5 for Fridgar for scurring the locals and +5 for Ali for accepting a beast into his home
Wealth Points: Nu

Collaboration: Yas
Magic Experience?: Nu
word count: 52
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The emporer's new clothes
City/Area: Byblos, Kephallonia, Helice
Notes/Warnings: Vague discriptions of totem making
Requested Rewards:
  1. Psychology: Feeling like you're somebody else.
  2. Psychology: Becoming distant through grief.
  3. Psychology: The impact of losing your totems.
  4. Scultping: Boring through bone
  5. Leatherworking: Treating scales in blood
  6. Leatherworking: Drying out strips of scales to make a leather-like material.
  • Ithecal: Males have shorter, broader snouts and darker colored scales.
  • Ithecal: Females have longer, narrower snouts and brighter scales.
  • Ithecal: Paltharnum: The second biggest subspecies.
  • Ithecal: Paltharnum: Sharp feet claws
  • Ithecal: Paltharnum: Thick hide
  • Ithecal: Thiussum: Webbed fingers
  • Ithecal: Thiussum: Strong jaws
  • Ithecal: Thiussum: Has claws, but not as sharp as paltharnum
Loot: +1 Male Wyvarnth totem, +1 Male Paltharnum totem, +1 Male Thiussum totem
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: None
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: None
Magic Experience?: None
word count: 142
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: ~~~ Graveyard Shift ~~~~~
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:




Yes, please - if you feel applicable - this is the beginning of her Licentiate studies - the highest qualification available.

Wealth Points:

Collaboration: Nope
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 49
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Bedside
City/Area: Quacia, Tyros Island
Notes/Warnings: Bloody, drama, a few references to sexual thematics.

Requested Rewards:

Medicine: Rest is needed after a lot of blood loss.
Medicine: Applying pressure to a wound can slow blood loss.
Rupturing: You need to use your eyes.
Rupturing: Casting a blinking portal without your eyes.
Rupturing: Blind-casting portals induces overstepping.
Rupturing: Blind-casting portals can leave the portal incomplete and instable.
Rupturing: Your unstable portal tore you to pieces.
Surgery: Extreme blood loss can result in hypothermia.
Surgery: Extreme blood loss means not as much oxygen be distributed to your body and induces fatigue.
Surgery: Lack of blood makes the heart beat faster.
Surgery: Lack of blood increases chance of falling unconscious.
Zarik: Knows you hate him
Zarik: A becomer now?
Zarik: Helped you, even though you called him a thief and a rat
Zarik: Sacrificed his rug to help you
Zarik: Called you a moron
Zarik: Called you selfish
Zarik: Thinks you don't deserve your power
Zarik: Threatened to kill you
Loot: -1 Kaiserion totem for loot
Injuries/Overstepping: Various injuries and heavy overstepping in the form of a mutation requested here: viewtopic.php?f=362&t=17929
Transmutation: Shapecraft
Transmutation: Shapecraft: Everything you can touch is an ally.
Transmutation: Shapecraft: Shaping a fur rug for use as bandages.
Deception: Bluffing that you know something you don't.
Psychology: A vulnerable ego makes it easy to insult someone.
Caregiving: A child's well-being should be accomplished above all else.
Rhetoric: Gracefully saying what needs to be said.
Surgery: Basic triage care.
Surgery: Applying pressure to a wound can slow blood loss.
Torture: Refusing to stop despite pleading.
Interrogation: Taking advantage of pain to extract information.
Interrogation: Can be used in tandem with Torture.
Fridgar: Doesn't recognize me when I'm in Totem Form.
Fridgar: Hates me.
Fridgar: Thinks I am a slag.
Fridgar: Knows I am a rat.
Fridgar: Told the truth once injured enough.
Fridgar: Blames me for losing Alistair.
Fridgar: Wastes his power and potential.
Fridgar: I told him to prioritize his son over all others.
Fridgar: Endangered the children with reckless use of magic.
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Wealth Points: N/A

Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: Yes, Rupturing XP for Fridgar. Yes, Transmutation XP for Zarik.
word count: 397
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Remember Me
City/Area: Quacia, Helice
Notes/Warnings: Nu
Requested Rewards:

Blades: Skewering
Blades: Butchering someone while they're down
Blades: Blades are good for quickly removing limbs
Rupturing: Gateway: Can fit heavier and larger objects
Rupturing: Boulder-Bomb
Tactics: Utilizing Rupturing to perform catastrophic feats of destruction

Loot: Nu
Injuries/Overstepping: Nu
Renown: +15-20 for dropping a boulder-turned-meteorite from the skyline through a Gateway at terminal velocity and instantly killing over a hundred civilians, before subduing their leadership and declaring Lordship over their lands 8d
Wealth Points: Nu

Collaboration: Nu
Magic Experience?: Nu
word count: 103
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Flawed Blueprint
City/Area: Quacia, Helice
Notes/Warnings: Nu
Requested Rewards:

Hone: Renewal
Hone: Renewal can be very costly
Transmutation: Galvanize
Transmutation: Quality: Light
Transmutation: Quality: Sunlight

Intimidation: The Glory of a Paragon
Logistics: Traveling through a city quickly.
Intelligence: Using a contact as guide through a city layout.
Intelligence – Contact: Kyriakos, Mayor of Miletos on Tyros Island.
Caregiving: Requesting an older child to watch after a younger child.
Politics: Complementing a spouse in a public display.
Devin: Is now Jericho
Devin: Has become sentient.
Alistair: Revealed in Lucis Hone and is now The Paragon.

Loot: Nu
Injuries/Overstepping: Nu
Renown: +10; this is the first thread of Ali publicly presenting his Revelation to his subjects, and he also declares himself a God lol. +5-10 for Zarik for standing beside Ali as spouse during declaration.
Wealth Points: Nu

Collaboration: Yas
Magic Experience?: Yup, for Transmutation. Alistair learned a new ability
word count: 159
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