Thread Name: The Doran Chronicles: Requiem for a Doran Sourcebook
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: (Any Notes or warnings? Violence?)
Requested Rewards:
Zip lores (10)
Attunement: Soothe
Attunement: Soothe: May have some unpleasant and unexpected side effects depending on the mutation
Attunement: Soothe: Suppressing a mutation that prevents the ingestion of standard food and beverage
Negotiation: Accepting unreasonable demands
Negotiation: Assertively dismissing an unreasonable demand
Negotiation: Bluffing to the bitter end
Negotiation: Going to absurd lengths to stall the inevitable
Negotiation: Playing stupid
Negotiation: Poker face
Negotiation: Using mockery to derail a negotiation
Finn lores
Unarmed combat: kicking Fiona’s shin
Intimidation: do as I say or the Dorans will get it
Deception: Pretending to be mom
Deception: Pretending to be Neronin
Acting: Playing along with Zipper
Tactics: Asking leading questions
Tactics: Feeding Zipper drunk
Strength: Dragging a drunk Zipper up a flight of stairs
Discipline: Not lashing out, despite being puked over
Loot: (If applicable)
Injuries/Overstepping: nu
Renown: The smallest if possible. Neighbours be wondering...
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Not enough. no