• Closed • The Price of Currying Favour [Navyri]

The Misty Miasma is known best as a dark bedtime story, but others know all too well that the stories of this mystifying, deadly place are undoubtedly true. Adventurers keep wary eyes upon the horizon, wondering if and when they'll run into the stanch waters of the misty miasma. No one knows when they'll come across it. All they can do is hope they are prepared and pray they never find themselves within this place...

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The Price of Currying Favour [Navyri]

Chapter Three: The Man in Red

Belaera's gaze was one of inscrutability, but it filled Navyri with a strange sensation. She held an immutable position, transfixed in Navyri's memory, and Belaera's presence was one that made the Naerikk feel insignificant. Still, though, Belaera did not strike her down, those it seemed to the Naerikk that she could do so. If the mask could smile, Navyri got the feeling that it would smile in that instance, like a mother smiling wistfully at her child misbehaving. Belaera's unnaturally long arms reached outward, and slowly from the void from which she appeared followed a pair of wings, seven feet in length each. The structure of the wings were thin and strange, as if the feathers themselves had withered and then petrified. The feathers were still present, except they were no longer the lustrous downy they once were.

"These are the Wings of Arithzma, taken from the Delroth many arcs ago. Arithzma the Defiant, the Resister, the Unmoved, they called him. Arithzma the Lonely, the Deserted, the Forlorn. He alone remained of the strange creatures that Delroth had brought into existence, and he alone wandered the wilderness in search of a cure for the blight instilled upon his brethren by the Plague Queen and The Interceder. Meddling in others affairs was their game, and it sent the poor Arithzma into exile as the last surviving True Avriel. He wandered through Idalos, lost and scared, like any child abandoned by his father. Lost and alone, crying out into the night for anything to come along and save him. Deserted, do you understand desertion? He was left alone, and with no one else, he turned to the Unknown."

Garizma shivered, already familiar himself with the story. The red pinpricks of Belaera's eyes need not steer from Navyri, as she was intimately linked with the Avriel. Garizma reflexively opened his wings, and Belaera commented.

"Yes, Garizma, but do you know true desertion? To truly be alone? You wandered here for one hundred arcs, but Arithzma's walk was longer."

The emotionless voice was suddenly quiet, and the sense of dread in Navyri turned to one of rage. She could still feel the Immortal's presence in her mind, though Curio's was growing stronger. The bird was awakening, and it was Navyri's turn to feel relief. Except she felt none, not through the blinding waterfall of fury that was coming through her link to Belaera.

"Three times Arithzma denied my offer of help. I, like some lusty barmaid, offered my services to him, and thrice he told me he was not interested. Were I to feel emotions as humans do, I would have been severely dejected. Three times did I allow him to go hungry, to face the scorn of those around him who knew not just what he was... Exiled from the cities, enslaved and beaten, spit upon... It wasn't until he lied on the deck of a ship, nearly dead from starvation and dehydration did he accept my help... I asked him what he would give me in return."

The rage subsided, and a feeling of fulfillment and elation spread through Navyri. Something strange was happening within Belaera's mind, and Navyri could feel the subtle nuances of the foreign presence in her mind. It was both strange and exciting at the same time.

"First, he offered me his allegiance. Then he offered me his services. The third time, he offered me to fetch me whatever I desired. Thrice, I refused him. I thought it only fitting. But the fourth thing he offered me... He offered me his identity. He offered me the uniqueness that made an Avriel an Avriel, and I could not help but accept his sacrifice. For it was a sacrifice, rest assured. He offered me his wings, the things that made his condition the least bit bearable. To feel the air of the open skies on his face was his true joy... And I accepted. I took them from him, and with it his ability to be truly free... Truly free from the restrictions of the terrestrial races. I took from him the identity of the Avriel, much the same that Lisirra and Syroa had taken from them their identities. At least they left the race with their wings..."

A sadistic pleasure at taking the Wings imparted to Navyri, who was strangely drawn to the feeling. The sadism was one thing, but the perverse feeling of power was the truly addictive, and Navyri wanted to feel more. She wanted the Man in Red to continue telling that part of the story.

"He threw himself from a cliff the next trial."

Garizma fell to the floor, weeping for the lost identity of his kind and the sacrifice that had led to Arithzma's death. It occurred to Navyri, finally, that Garizma was as much in this place against his own will as she was here of her own volition. She had chosen to remain, to fulfill Delroth's wish, but Garizma did not. And then it was time for Garizma's tale.

"It's a funny thing, being useful to someone. You craft yourself into their instrument and they throw you away when you've broken. Broken, broken, broken. They send you to do the impossible, and are incensed when you cannot complete the task. I am Garizma of Athart, the chosen instrument of Delroth the Greedy, the Vain One. He set me unto a task, and I was not able to complete it..." He trailed off, but only for a moment. "Delroth withdrew his favour from me, and instead left me here to rot, unable to escape. I cannot sleep, I cannot feed, I am in a cycle of stasis. The same. The same. The same. But nothing can stay that way forever, right? I have been waiting, yes, waiting, for the Greed to overtake my old master once more. I have remained in this cycle waiting for you. You. You. For you. You, you would be brave enough to open the door, to scratch the sigil that The Man in Red had drawn for itself to keep it imprisoned. Your Sacrifice has been accepted by the Man In Red, and with it, I am released from my servitude."

Garizma's eyes looked hopefully at Belaera, whose focused with still trained on the Naerikk. Belaera gave a slight nod, and excitement washed over Garizma's features. He fell to his knees in gratitude, repeatedly kissing at Belaera's feet.

"You have done well, Garizma. I am very grateful for your assistance. If you wish to return back to your city, triumphant in your return, I will allow you do so. The task is simple." A gleam of dull metal flashed from inside the red robe, and something clanged to the floor. A dull iron dagger lied there, eerily incandescent in the red glow.

"I need Wings to replace Arithzma's." The look of utter terror that clouded Garizma's face could have melted stone, but Belaera's demeanor did not change. A perverse sense of joy melded with Navyri's own senses, and she knew that it was in his sacrifice that Garizma would be set free. Was it truly freedom though?

"As for you, Naerikk. I will grant you the wings, but you must take them for yourself. Come and grab them."
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The Price of Currying Favour [Navyri]

Common Rakahi Gravokian
"A greedy father has thieves for children."

  • The Man in Red began to weave his tale, and it was Navyri who was drawn to the words like a moth to the flame. The power she felt with each word spoken… it was addictive, and she shuddered at her need for more, seeing the wings for the first time. They were not like the majesty of Garizma, whose feathers had stunned her nearly to tears. Nor did they strike her as particularly powerful things. Yet… this was what Delroth so vehemently screeched for, swooping upon her in a bed of temporary luxury. This was what she had been sent for. This was what she had survived the Shrivma to find.

    This was what she unleashed Belaera for.

    And this is what she would leave with.

    The wings, as withered and hardened as they were had no doubt been wondrous, breathtaking creations of beauty. Now… did Delroth know of their condition? Would he still want them when she carried them back… well, however she was to do so? Belaera’s emotions continued to wash over her, ranging from fury to sadistic pleasure. She craved each story arc, listening to all the titles this Aritzma had obtained when...

    “It wasn't until he lied on the deck of a ship, nearly dead from starvation and dehydration did he accept my help... I asked him what he would give me in return…”

    Navyri’s arms slackened slightly, face going pale. Mouth dropping, she stared in strange horror at the masked Immortal. “Too familiar,” she whispered, shaking her head and holding her breath as the words continued.

    “First, he offered me his allegiance. Then he offered me his services. The third time, he offered me to fetch me whatever I desired. Thrice, I refused him. I thought it only fitting. But the fourth thing he offered me... He offered me his identity.”

    Suddenly, Navyri was fifteen again, skin blistered and red from the sun. Every detail, from the way the boards scratched her aching skin, to the way the salt in the air smelled… It was back. She remembered it all. Hungry. Delirious. Desperate. Dying.

    (”My life! My-my loyalty...Whatever you want. I can get it...I can sneak. I can steal. Tell me what you want and it's yours...What of Audrae?... She didn't answer my prayers... She's not here... You are...I am, aren't I?”)

    Had she… given up her identity also?

    Garizma spoke and the clear memory of Delroth’s greedy smile and the feeling of his hands gripping her like talons dissipated like smoke… She looked up, brows furrowing as the man began to weep in gratitude. He spoke, of being discarded, and she looked down at the remnants of her old eyes. They had hardened into black marbles, dots of blue piercing the center, but they were not what they once were. She placed them in the sack with the Shrivma’s teeth, watching the Avriel from the corner of her vision, “Your Sacrifice has been accepted by the Man In Red, and with it, I am released from my servitude.”

    Navyri’s guard went up, (What sacrifice?)

    Before she could answer, a dull blade was cast to the ground. Wings to replace the ones lost. The Naer stopped, looking up at the delighted being, whose feeling she currently shared. It was strange, to feel both horrified and eager. But… Delroth’s wings were in just within her grasp now.

    She need not fear abandonment if she remained beautiful and powerful. Navyri rose to her feet, glancing regretfully at the Avriel. “I told you…” she whispered solemnly to herself, walking to where the mummified remains laid. (I told you to bring your wings. The ones you cast aside.) The Man in Red was no friend. Not now. Not ever.

    And yet…

    Navyri’s hand reached out and she grabbed the detritus of Delroth’s first Avriel, and gasped, for everything had changed.
Last edited by Navyri on Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 670
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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The Price of Currying Favour [Navyri]

Chapter Three: The Man in Red

Navyri took a step forward, the intensity of Belaera's gaze boring through her. She felt naked in the Immortal's presence, as if she'd become less than she was around Belaera. Even repeating the name in her head caused the strange sensation to well inside her, and it was as if Belaera could read her every thought. She had given her Sacrifice, and that Sacrifice was her vitality.

Navyri, upon shattering the Sigil of Sealing, had invited Belaera to share in her mortality in a way. Belaera, through Navyri, would feel the dualistic sensations of being mortal, thus being able to feel emotion and have goals and aspirations that she could realize. But the link went both ways. Through the shattering of the Sigil, Navyri took into herself a bit of Belaera's immortality. Unbeknownst to the Naerikk, her physical form would stop aging. Though she would grow older and wiser, she could never die from age. She, as long as Belaera remained on Idalos, would benefit from the inability to physically progress in age. That was Belaera's return on Navyri's Sacrifice. Through time, Belaera would reveal more of link, but at this time, Navyri only knew that the two were linked through a sort of emotional connection.

And it was that link that allowed Navyri to feel the briefest flash of triumph before she grabbed the Wings of Arithzma. Belaera's surge of emotion would have given her pause, had it not waited until the very last moment before the illusion of her flesh came into contact with the petrified Wings. The feeling was wrong, pervasive... It seeped into the shadow of her core and took up residence there. It changed her, fundamentally, and she could feel it burning through her veins. Coming in contact with the Wings triggered a reaction, overtaking and overwhelming her almost immediately. In her head, a million visions flashed.

Birth. The first breath. The first spread of the wings. The stretching felt good, the wind blowing through ultra-soft down. Flexing the untrained muscles, Navyri could feel their awkward length and weight. The bones were light and hollow, but each individual feather added an almost imperceptible weight, but she could tell. The very breath of the wind told her each was there.

The scene ended, and Navyri's heart swelled with pride and arrogance. A deep breath, and her vision swam with images of Garizma and Belaera. Belaera's fire red eyes were larger now, glowing with more intense a light than she'd seen. She could hear the shaky breaths of Garizma as he dragged the dull dagger through his newly restored wings. The smell of copper pervaded the entire room, but Navyri couldn't process the explosion of information before the next image started.

Freedom. She was soaring through the skies, herself for the first time since she'd left. From her vantage, she could see the other creatures of the forest. A tawny deer chewed the grass, a dormouse ran through a field. She felt the desire of the bird of prey, to swoop down and attack the rodent and eat it. She resisted, instead reeling from the adrenaline of the flight. The musculature of her wings impressed her as it held her aloft, against the laws of nature. This is what she was born to do.

Another gasp. She couldn't breathe, the smell of blood was so thick in the air. Belaera's pride swelled, thumping in her chest like a heartbeat. Navyri was sweating, having fallen to her knees upon contact with the Wings. She tried to speak, but her thoughts swam. She couldn't place the words together.

Wanderer. The skies offered vantage, but she could not fly forever. On the ground, she was just herself... Alone, selfish, proud. She left her life to pursue her ideals, and it left her stranded on the ground. She was meant for the sky, and she knew it. She flexed her wings, but they ached from misuse. Straightening them, she saw her shadow cast against the ground in the sunslight. The Wings were frail, atrophied from wandering the ground.

Her flesh ripped. She felt it as it did so, slicing open along her shoulderblades. The blood was hot and sticky, running down her bare back in rivulets. Belaera's glee was palpable, as if Navyri could reach out and grasp it. Except her arms failed her. Instead, she felt Garizma's agony as another pound of flesh fell to the ground with a sickening squelch.

Famine. Desertion. Thirst. Fear. Loneliness. She laid there on the deck of the ship, lips cracked, crying out for her creator. She laid there, begging for a respite, and she didn't hear. She didn't hear the cries or the calls, the prayers or the pleading. She was going to die on this boat. Die on this godsforsaken ocean, alone, without her people, without her family. She cursed her pride, she hated her arrogance. She flexed her wings.

And they were gone.

Belaera's ecstasy reached a mind-shattering crescendo, akin to a sexual climax in feeling. Navyri's body arched off the ground as she groaned, and the feeling subsided as quickly as it came. What replaced it was excruciating pain, a supernova of synapses spreading from her shoulder blades like a flaming dagger had been shoved in each. She inhaled sharply, suddenly aware that she was woefully without air in her lungs. Belaera's voice melded with the pain, forming a swirling miasma of pain and emotion that painted Navyri in a shroud of excruciating euphoria.

"Close your eyes and leave this place. Your work here is done, and your work out there has just begun."

The presence faded from her, leaving her with the whimpering form of Garizma next to her. She turned her head, still not sure of her surroundings, and saw Garizma's bloodied wings lying in piles around them, the lumps of gore steaming slightly in the cooling air. Some sort of discord rang in her, and a distinctly male voice echoed in her mind.

"We all make our sacrifices. I made mine, you yours, he his." The words were a lament.

And then Navyri flexed her wings, and the muscles were strong and robust.
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The Price of Currying Favour [Navyri]

Common Rakahi Gravokian
"A greedy father has thieves for children."

  • Pain and pleasure, melding together and searing into her mind, body, soul. She could feel the euphoria Belaera pushed upon her, and the images of the Avriel past. These memories… were they Arithzma’s? She had no time to ponder, for her thoughts were not her own. She could no longer feel Curio, whose bond had begun to stir but had been washed out. Each vision assaulted her, the smell of copper blood choking her as Garizma sawed away his flesh. His pain must have been great, and yet...

    She couldn’t breathe.

    She couldn’t think.

    Wanderer. Desertion. Loneliness.

    Her shoulder blades seared like hot metal being laid upon them, melting to her core and stabbing her in the back. She screamed, clutching at the hard floor. In a cast of red glow, she was being fused. Changed. Reborn. Pain and pleasure, together.

    They cradled her, even as Belaera spoke. Close your eyes...Your work here is done, and your work out there has just begun. Navyri’s arm shook with the weight of holding her up, her vision wavering. She held Curio against her breast, feeling his lightweight and the sack within her hand. Head turning, she saw Garizma, suffering once more as his wings began to steam. He had been so hopeful…

    She tried to move, to reach out to him, but she was weak. Straining to lift her arm, her eyes widened. Something… unfamiliar. Strong muscles flexed in her back she hadn’t previously been aware off and wings extended upwards and then draped upon her like a soft blanket. Navyri caught a glimpse of them, speechless. The soft feathers brushed against her arm, and they had been renewed. They were no longer what they once were, nor was she.

    Navyri wanted to cry, to feel anything of her own, remembering the strong male voice playing in her mind. The Naer steeled her resolve and looked up at the Belaera, at the red pinpricks that watched the scene unfold in delight. Taking a deep breath, she had survived. She couldn’t look at Garizma, afraid for a moment she would want to help the poor creature as she did in the well. The forgotten one. The Mutilated. The cast aside.

    How could she help him, when she could hardly help herself? Whoever that was... Whatever she was.

    But she knew… She could feel the memories. She looked at Garizma, knowing her words could be in vain. Would he kill himself soon? As the Unbent had? “Find me again, and I will lead you. As you have lead me.”

    Navyri closed her eyes and welcomed the darkness.
word count: 450
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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The Price of Currying Favour [Navyri]


Experience Points Earned: 15
Collaboration: 5
Story: 5
Structure: 5

Fame: None.


Delroth: Lost the Wings of Arithzma
Delroth: Asked you to retrieve an item

Location: The Misty Miasma
The Misty Miasma: 6 Paths
The Misty Miasma: A massive bog

Garizma: Smells of infection
Garimza: Cut off his own wings
Garizma: Lead you to your destination
Garizma: Agent of Belaera
Garizma: Former Adored of Delroth, abanonded
Garizma: Cut off his wings again

Shrivma: Anak of Mutilation
Shrivma: Touched your consciousness
Shrivma: Forced you to rip out your eyes
Shrivma: Dead
Shrivma: Dropped 20 silver "teeth".

Belaera: The Man in Red
Belaera: Accepted Arithzma's Wings as a sacrifice
Belaera: Immortal
Belaera: Marked you
Belaera: Has grand designs for you

Arithzma: First Avriel
Arithzma: Uncorruptable
Arithzma: Self-exiled Avriel
Arithzma: Sacrificed his Wings to be saved
Arithzma: Committed suicide
Flying: Wings are designed for flight
Flying: The use of vantage to travel
Flying: The feel of wind on your face is exhilarating

Detection: Searching your surroundings
Detection: The smell of infection
Detection: Finding your way blind

Stealth: Attempting a sneak attack

Endurance: Pushing through the pain
Feathered Friend (Tarouz): Can be hurt
Feathered Friend (Tarouz): Mental link fades
Feathered Friend (Tarouz): Cannot truly die
Feathered Friend (Tarouz): Will fight for you

20 silver "teeth", to be used as an alchemical reagent. The teeth are possessed with the ability to infuse alchemy liquid-based concoctions with a temporary madness, causing those affected to resort to immediate and severe self-harm. This is unknown to Navyri unless discovered in a thread. Additionally, each "tooth" can be sold for 10gn.

Delroth's Brooch: A brooch of Delroth's face. In the Miasma, this brooch was imbued to guide her, but now it is just an ornamental brooch. Worth 100gn, the brooch is made of a shining rose-gold coloured metal now.

The Wings of Arithzma: These mummified wings once belonged to the first Avriel of Delroth's creation. Arithzma exiled himself from the creatures before they were warped and twisted by Syora and Lisirra. In his exile, the Avriel nearly died due to exposure, starvation and dehydration. Upon praying for help, Arithzma was approached by Belaera, and he offered her his Wings in exchange for his life. She granted him the wish, and he killed himself the next trial.

These wings are imbued with Arithzma's consciousness. What this means is that Navyri now has a distinctly male voice in her head, persistent and sentient. It is a separate consciousness, with its own opinions and thoughts. Arithzma is a Lawful Good Avriel, whose desire to live up to his moral code is his primary drive. Navyri may control this NPC in her threads, but it is only mental and manifests more the more often she uses the Wings.

Otherwise, these wings function exactly as an Avriel's, allowing her the power of flight. They are large, with a wingspan of 15 feet. The feathers, once those of the beautiful Avriel, are now a crimson-streaked pearlescent, and the light seems to shine off them. Uniquely, they also have the ability to become shadow with Navyri when she is in complete darkness, a feature instilled by Belaera.

Lastly, Navyri's shadow has changed when utilizing her illusion form. Having grown, her shadow is the shape of Arithzma now, longer and broader than it should be. Though not noticeable to most, Navyri can tell that her shadow is no longer her own. This does not affect her form in complete darkness.

For completing 2/3 Secret Objectives, Navyri has earned the following:

+10 Flying XP

The innate ability to sense an Anak of Mutilation. Due to her brush with Shrivma's consciousness, she can detect the presence of any other Anak of Mutilation around her, and can automatically sense its age and power level. For completing the task Delroth set before her, Navyri has earned the following Tarouz abilities:

Clothed in Finery: The Tarouz gains the ability to enhance the look and feel of any of his or her clothing, making them appear to be of a much higher quality than they actually are. The illusion is far less effective under close scrutiny, and once discovered, the ability ceases to work until the Tarouz changes clothing, or they don't interact with the same people for 1 trial.

The Covetous Covenant: At will, a Tarouz may mark an object that he or she greatly desires. Once marked, the Tarouz will know the basic whereabouts and condition of the object, regardless of distance between the two. This link lasts until the Tarouz comes into possession of the item, and will cause the Tarouz to become more and more obsessed with its acquisition until he or she does so. Once the Tarouz comes to own the object, he or she becomes extremely blissful and their basic needs (eating, sleeping or drinking) are fulfilled.

Additionally, by releasing Belaera from her imprisonment, the Immortal saw fit to grant Navyri with a Blessing of her own. This blessing is under construction, and the PC knows that this is subject to growth and change.

The Blessing of Miirduz: Miirduz, the mark of Belaera, is easy to see. Manifesting as a red, burn-like scar along the Marked's left arm in the shape of a chain, wrapping around up to the shoulder. Causing no pain, but growing redder and more agitated as the mark progresses, the Marked of Belaera masters the forces of Duality, Imprisonment and Sacrifices.

The building block for Miirduz, Dualism grants the Favored a basis from which all of Miirduz's abilities stem. Dualism splits the Marked into two distinct personalities: Uirdek and Duirkek. Both of these forms change the details of the abilities used, and depending on which form the Marked is in, the abilities will change accordingly. The Marked may switch between the two forms only twice per trial at this level, and must actively concentrate for six full bits without interruption to switch. Meditation may decrease this time.

Uirdek Form: This form interacts with the material world in a multitude of ways. When in this form, the Marked behaves identically to their normal selves, and it is impossible to tell this form apart from their standard selves. For the most part, this becomes their state of being. This form allows the abilities to affect the material world in specific ways.

Duirkek Form: Also called 'Emean Form', though that is a bit of a misnomer. Not actually using Emea, the Duirkek Form of Miirduz allows the Marked to affect the world in more subtle and ethereal ways. When in this form, their irises turn a violet purple, and if they have no irises, like the Eidisi, their entire eye turns a violet purple. Also, their skin lightens, becoming extremely pale, no matter their previous complexion. In this form, the Miirduz does not feel emotion fully, instead viewing them logically as if looking through opaque glass.

Uirdek Form: Seemingly from nowhere, the Miirduz can call forth metal bars to rise around the target and imprison them. Meeting at the top to form a sealed cage, the Uirdek Imprison is used to restrain victims in a physical area. They are held fast as long as the Miirduz maintains concentration, and at this level, it takes Competent Meditation to hold it longer than ten bits, no matter what. Expert Strength will allow the victim to bend the metal of the bars to escape.

Duirkek Form: Upon using this ability in the Duirkek form, the Miirduz can use thoughts of the victim's mortality and frailty to create mental bars, causing the victim's thoughts to become sluggish and slow. The mental prison can be held for up to ten bits, though Discipline will allow the Miirduz to maintain the ability for longer. While this does not stop a victim from moving or thinking, it does make it much more difficult for them to make logical connections, and thus makes it harder for them to use language or abilities to their full potential. Expert Resistance allows the Miirduz to break the mental prison at this level.

The Dualist's Skills
The Marked may add 3 points to the following skills. These skill may be used to exceed the 100 point maximum: Appraisal, Endurance, Meditation, Psychology, or Resistance.
Comments: This thread was an absolute blast to write. Navyri is a wondrous PC, and I am honoured to have been able to tell this story with you. The impact of your actions here are going to reach far and wide, and Garizma certainly will find you so that you can repay the favour. Your writing is quite phenomenal, and I look forward to writing more with you in the future.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding this thread or this review, you know where to find me. Thank you once again for providing me with the opportunity to tell this story in such an interesting way. I hope you enjoy the rewards.
word count: 1506
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