Tension rolled in waves from the woman, her limbs almost vibrating with the effort to keep herself restrained. Anger was an ugly beast, hard to contain once it had been given a chance to look beyond it’s cage. Unable to stand still as Malcolm paused, her hands shook, clasping and unclasping. The young woman waited before glancing back at Vakhanor and nodding, shoulders curbing with defeat, “I’ll meet you outside,” she encouraged the Smith before turning back to Malcolm.
She forced her fingers through her hair, pulling the strands free of their braid. The front door shut and her arm dropped. She gripped her hands tight together and drew in a breath, enough to lift her shoulders and chest before letting it out in a puff and trying again. Some of the adrenaline eased from her racing heart, but the heat remained, spreading across her neck and burning her cheeks. Eyes remaining a pale honey as she studied the Mortalborn man.
“The next time that you tell me to leave, Malcolm. I am not coming back.”
Her features softened as Elsie rested her head against his shoulder and she was faced with two pairs of identical green eyes. Elsie frowned at her and Elyna forced a smile, “I’m going to look at the chickens, sweetheart,” the woman reached out, hesitating as she waited to see if Malcolm would pull their daughter out of her touch. She smoothed the soft auburn hair against the pale scalp before she turned and made her own way out and into the spring afternoon.
“Vakh?” She started with a slow circle around the house. Outside of the wooden walls she could breathe more easily.
She forced her fingers through her hair, pulling the strands free of their braid. The front door shut and her arm dropped. She gripped her hands tight together and drew in a breath, enough to lift her shoulders and chest before letting it out in a puff and trying again. Some of the adrenaline eased from her racing heart, but the heat remained, spreading across her neck and burning her cheeks. Eyes remaining a pale honey as she studied the Mortalborn man.
“The next time that you tell me to leave, Malcolm. I am not coming back.”
Her features softened as Elsie rested her head against his shoulder and she was faced with two pairs of identical green eyes. Elsie frowned at her and Elyna forced a smile, “I’m going to look at the chickens, sweetheart,” the woman reached out, hesitating as she waited to see if Malcolm would pull their daughter out of her touch. She smoothed the soft auburn hair against the pale scalp before she turned and made her own way out and into the spring afternoon.
“Vakh?” She started with a slow circle around the house. Outside of the wooden walls she could breathe more easily.