Within Earshot [modded]

The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Re: Within Earshot [modded]


As Darius leapt, everything around him seemed to slow down.

The stormy wind that assaulted the ship moved no less forcefully, but he could pinpoint each individual ripple of air as it pressed itself against shirt and sail alike.

The waves which crashed onto the deck became individual droplets, hurling themselves at the Libertalia until they were dashed against the wooden surface and were able to cause harm no more.

Beside him, the flames of his longsword licked at the cold air and sought out their target, the steel beneath eager to feel warm blood run down its sharp length.

Darius himself could almost taste combat. He inhaled sharply between gritted teeth as his opponent, momentarily frozen in place, seemed ripe for the picking.

The Scalvorian landed on the deck half a trill before his blade met Garen. His strike was powerful, just as he'd intended it to be, and he flexed his muscles as the steel met resistance from bone and cartilage. He leant on the blade and watched Garen's eyes widening in shock...

...and it tasted delicious.

Darius' growing grin was met by Garen's glare, and then a swirling wind surrounded them both. The Scalvorian lunged at his opponent, but he could not see him clearly, and the strike was dodged. The bearded blond, his blade dripping with the man's blood, went to pursue, but something made him pause for the tiniest of moments.

A brief glance across the deck made him hesitate. The crew were still valiantly fighting their non-existent enemies, and Darius knew they would eventually prevail. The sailor he had given his longsword to had freed another, and together they would be able to free more.

But when he caught sight of the wounds, he felt as though the air had been punched out of his lungs. It was not merely that the sailors were injured - blood was not an uncommon sight during sea journeys - but that their wounds were caused by his own hand.

He could pursue Garen. He was confident that he could catch him and run him through. But at what cost? Would his crew have to die for that to happen? And could Darius sacrifice them to do so?

That thought fuelled his anger, and the taste in his mouth turned sour. He began to swing his blade furiously at the tendril that held those three sailors captive.

"Cut this one!" he yelled amidst the howling windInner Voice ability., ostensibly to the other sailors who had already been set free. "Cut this one!"

In the hope that the tendril might break, either due to Katara's flaming blade, or at the hands of the freed sailors, he began to pursue Garen. As he did, he realised that the moment had probably passed him by, and his chances of catching the interloper were likely slipping away.

If he was able to catch up to Garen, and the tendril was broken, he would strike again. If the tendril remained intact, he would attempt to engage Garen in combat to delay him, without going in for the kill. And if he was unable to catch up to Garen, he would scream into the storm, cursing Chrien's name before rushing to the aid of the wounded sailors.
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Re: Within Earshot [modded]

Within Earshot

The storm continued to rage and seemed to be gaining in intensity.

Darius ran forward, driving hard to catch up to Garen; to stop the man who had caused such chaos in his tracks. He was going to just about make it, he would judge, and could catch Garen before the disciple of Chrien escaped.

But Chrien turned her gaze to her devotee's prayer. Luck was with Garen, and - as it transpired - Spiteful was the gaze on the Baron. Just in the split second before Darius was in range of Garen, just as he saw that his crew had indeed cut the tendril as Darius had instructed. It meant that Darius could fight Garen without concern for hurting his men. Two more running steps and Darius would be upon Garen, beating the man to the side of the Libertalia which he sought to dive over.

And then, the ship lifted.

Not a little, this was a sudden and completely extreme wave, fuelled by Chrien, maybe, or her marked. Either way, it lifted the ship to nearly vertical and everyone slid and fell. The deck was soaked, the rain lashed down and the front of the ship was high in the crashing water. The wave which lifted the Libertalia crashed over the side of the ship and it, too, fell on Darius and his crew. A wave like a wall of water, with a weight and force which sent them backwards.

Then, at the very second that it seemed that the Libertalia might literally tip over, the storm and the wave .... stopped.

The bow of the ship hung in the air for a moment, then it dropped into the still water below, again tipping people over and causing chaos. There was some damage, inevitably, to the ship and there would need to be repairs made Since this is so GF'd I'm happy to assume they were . Some of the crew had fallen in the water and needed to be rescued.

But of Garen?

There was no sign of Garen at all.

It would be later, after they'd retrieved their erstwhile crewmates who'd dropped off the tilted ship that someone would discover (Darius, most likely) a box. In Darius' quarters, a small and simple box made of black and silver wood which shine like metals. There is a delicate carving of a tornado-like storm on the top of it, which moves very slowly and spins.

There is no obvious way to open the box (although it rattles as though something is inside it, if shaken) and, over time Darius will discover that - no matter where he goes, no matter what he does. It's always there. It appears in his bag, next to his bed, in myriad different places. Wherever he sleeps, it is there. No one ever sees it appear or disappear.
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Re: Within Earshot [modded]


Darius had cursed Chrien's name as he had pursued Garen, but he would soon be cursing his own misfortune as the interloper eluded him by the shortest of distances. The vessel of the Seascourge remained agonisingly beyond the reach of his flaming blade, but the Scalvorian was gaining on him. As the ship lurched upon the stormy waves, Darius' feet somehow found purchase on the slippery surface of the soaking wet deckAthletics buffed to Tier 2, Endurance buffed to Master, and Strength buffed to Master for however many of the 82 trills remain from the Fused In The Flames FireForged ability..

Each trill that drifted by seemed to last a lifetime. The sailors raged at the tendrils, and each freed mariner - excluding those who were injured - joined the resistance. The fighting sailors soon outnumbered the tendrils, and it would only be a handful of moments before they were all free and Darius could strike.

But the captain of the Libertalia didn't have a handful of moments. He barely had a single moment before Garen escaped, and - in what seemed like a petulant tantrum - Chrien tossed her toys from her aquatic cot.

The brig was lifted into the air, and Darius immediately stumbled. Then it tilted some more, and he felt himself sliding down the length of the deck. He dropped his flaming longsword, which evaporated in an explosion of embers, before Katara returned in her normal form. The diri flapped her wings wildly and hovered above the water, even as her ward - and other unfortunate souls - fell into it.

In the midst of this terrible turn of events, Darius considered himself lucky; fortunate within his misfortune. He had collided with the taffrail as he had fallen into the suddenly calm sea, but he had escaped with relatively minor injuriesReforged: Forged are not named as they are for no reason. By accepting an Induk's deal, their body is filled with their power and tempered by it, making it tougher than it was before. A Forged will find that their skin is like a leather armour and their bones like iron rods, making them more resistant to blunt physical damage..


Not all of the crew were quite so fortunate. That became immediately clear as Darius was hauled back onto the deck, shortly after the brig was upright. Part of the taffrail - the part Darius had collided with - was missing, which had the unexpected benefit of making it easier to help other sailors back onto the ship.

One of those who was rescued was Scrobbs, who had lamented Darius' decision to rescue Garen in the first place. In that moment, where their relief of survival was tinged with the disappointment of Chrien's vessel having escaped, Darius could not have imagined that Scrobbs would one trial be boasting of the encounter.

His tale would be suitably embellished, with the mention of a beast of some kind. And, indeed, that was happening as the sailors were being pulled from the waves. They spoke of fearsome creatures that they had been fighting, and in their minds, that was precisely what they had experienced.

A mixture of sea foam and blood ran across the deck, only to be washed away by the next wave. Sailors went to work, treating wounds and fetching blankets for those who had gone for an unexpected swim.

The Libertalia, and the crew who sailed her, would bear the scars of their encounter with Chrien. And in the coming breaks, Darius would explain to the crew what had happened.

He did not regret his decision to bring Garen aboard - he would always try to help a stranger, for that was an essential part to Darius Baer being Darius Baer - but he could not help lamenting who Garen had turned out to be. To his relief, both Josef and Astra publicly backed his decision, and their reputations carried significant weight.

He hoped the crew would understand.

He hoped they would still support him.

When he returned to his cabin for the first time after the battle and found that small box, and felt the cruel taunt of the tornado carved upon its lid, he immediately cast it out of the window and into the sea.

And, in vain, he hoped that he would never see it again.
word count: 717
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Re: Within Earshot [modded]

Your Review

Forum: Orm'del Sea
Feedback: It was an absolute pleasure to pick this thread up after Maltruism and I have to thank you, Darius, for being so willing to roll with the punches. I know that it was a tricky thread as it was mid-story but I have to say that I'm really impressed with how Darius handled himself. He certainly dealt with an ever changing situation really well! In terms of your writing, I have to say that the thing which impresses me most about you is how true to the PC you always are and how incredibly real Darius seems. He's flawed, sometimes he doubts himself, but he is as determined as can be. You write him beautifully, but even more than that you write him with real integrity to the PC and that makes him a pleasure to read and a pleasure to write with. Enjoy your rewards - they're well-earned!


  • Language: Scalveen

Points & Knowledge

  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Seafaring: x5
    • Combat: Blades: x5
    • Tactics: x5
    • Medicine: x3

Loots & Consequences

  • The Box: as described in my final IC post, the Box will be with you no matter how you try to be rid of it. Every now and then Darius will find that he has some bad luck. Nothing major or life threatening, nothing dramatic and not too often but just .... bad luck. A broken plate here, a lost item there. The one thing that will become apparent is that, when this happens, the box is always nearby.
  • The Crew: Far from needing forgiveness, Darius' crew are very impressed with his leadership and management. He gains loyalty from them and his reputation as a captain increases.
  • Forged Points: Please submit this to the Forged Tracker (I forgot to add them to your UCP!).

Your RPG rewards are in your UCP - please check and make sure I didn't forget anything.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 336
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