39th Ashan, 721
Dear Darius,
There's a few things I want to say to you, and I thought I'd best rite them down so you get them straite away.
Welcome back. I'm not coming to see you because I've missed my husband. But I want to let you know. You and Arlo and Doran all disappeared and now your back and its eight trials later. I've kept notes on the eight trials and Im sure others have done the same. But the main thing is to let you know that this has happened to Arlo before. It was some stuff with the Immortals and, you'll get your memory back in a while. It's happened before and we worried the first time, so thought I'd tell you.
While you were off on a jolly. Stuff happened.
1) The storm hit us hard, but we worked together. Astra and my cousins secured the boats and I bossed the people around. There was only one injury, when a tree fell but we dealt with it.
2) Once the storm had gone away it got freezing. Really badly so. I worked Lars and we organised people. Got them sharing living space, living in pairs. I gave some brief talks on survival in cold weather and we got orange sand on the plants and stuff. We kept working over the next 8 trials, we've got furnaces going, now, and a drying room - and frames over furnaces to store blankets and stuff
3) Also - a boat with a bunch of Order of the Adu-knee (I don't know how to spell that. Stupid bloody word) ran into trouble. They came here. They had with them an avriel called Ari'sora. She was in the care of Isra, a big-boss-healer-type. Anyhow. Ari'sora told me that she'd been on Faldrass before.
Isra had given up on Ari'sora. So had she. So, I used an ability I've got to change her face, wipe her memories -it gives a fresh start to someone with no other hope. But, since she was on Faldrass and she said she'd hat to be rescued, you might now her.
Darius, I've never met anyone as messed up and wrapped up in a circle of self-hurting as she was and I've met some really useless people. She made Numbnuts look chipper, you know. Anyhow, I used the ability. It's given her a second chance, what I did. Her and Isra and the healers are still here, because the sea froze and they couldn't get out. Isra wants to stay, to help, and I've told her that she needs to talk to you. I don't know if Ari'sora wants to stay or not. If she's had issues here before, I think she might be better not to - but that's not up to me anyhow. I just thought you should know. No one has been told that they can stay, but I did tell Isra that I thought you'd like them to. She's going to come and see you - she might mention that I told her off a bit. I did. She deserved it.
Glad your back safe.