• Location • 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

39th Ashan, 721

Dear Darius,

There's a few things I want to say to you, and I thought I'd best rite them down so you get them straite away.

Welcome back. I'm not coming to see you because I've missed my husband. But I want to let you know. You and Arlo and Doran all disappeared and now your back and its eight trials later. I've kept notes on the eight trials and Im sure others have done the same. But the main thing is to let you know that this has happened to Arlo before. It was some stuff with the Immortals and, you'll get your memory back in a while. It's happened before and we worried the first time, so thought I'd tell you.

While you were off on a jolly. Stuff happened.

1) The storm hit us hard, but we worked together. Astra and my cousins secured the boats and I bossed the people around. There was only one injury, when a tree fell but we dealt with it.

2) Once the storm had gone away it got freezing. Really badly so. I worked Lars and we organised people. Got them sharing living space, living in pairs. I gave some brief talks on survival in cold weather and we got orange sand on the plants and stuff. We kept working over the next 8 trials, we've got furnaces going, now, and a drying room - and frames over furnaces to store blankets and stuff

3) Also - a boat with a bunch of Order of the Adu-knee (I don't know how to spell that. Stupid bloody word) ran into trouble. They came here. They had with them an avriel called Ari'sora. She was in the care of Isra, a big-boss-healer-type. Anyhow. Ari'sora told me that she'd been on Faldrass before.

Isra had given up on Ari'sora. So had she. So, I used an ability I've got to change her face, wipe her memories -it gives a fresh start to someone with no other hope. But, since she was on Faldrass and she said she'd hat to be rescued, you might now her.

Darius, I've never met anyone as messed up and wrapped up in a circle of self-hurting as she was and I've met some really useless people. She made Numbnuts look chipper, you know. Anyhow, I used the ability. It's given her a second chance, what I did. Her and Isra and the healers are still here, because the sea froze and they couldn't get out. Isra wants to stay, to help, and I've told her that she needs to talk to you. I don't know if Ari'sora wants to stay or not. If she's had issues here before, I think she might be better not to - but that's not up to me anyhow. I just thought you should know. No one has been told that they can stay, but I did tell Isra that I thought you'd like them to. She's going to come and see you - she might mention that I told her off a bit. I did. She deserved it.

Glad your back safe.

word count: 552

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

45th Ashan, 721

Dear Darius,

We're building up a surplus of supplies, and I'd like to propose that we do a few things with them.

1. Have a feast! First trial of the new cycle, lets all get together an' celebrate Hopetoun? At night, under Xiur's stars, we can invite Saoire and have a prayer to Xiur and Ashan, for all they've done for us. But the focus can be on the people ?

2. If you're happy with that, I'd like to make a suggestion that we start using the pelts we have to make warm winter cloaks and rugs and blankets. Once we've got plenty, they could be sold.

3. Also - the teeth from the animals we're hunting can be carved and made in to small ornaments - maybe again something to sell?

4. And the bones can be used in composting, but also I'm told that it's really good to make ink with. I don't know how, but I can find out.

I'd be really happy to take the lead on this and organise it and stuff. I'd like to say thank you to you for welcoming us here - and as my pregnancy progresses, I need to be busy but not doing heavy stuff.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Oh, also, once Nella's kitchen is up and running - how would you feel about selling the preserves and jams and things?


word count: 248

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)


Saun 20th 721

Dear Darius

I am writing to let you know that I will be coming to Scalvoris on Saun 30th via the portal. I know that it is a bit early but I would like to make sure I am in place when the time comes and it would be nice to enjoy being a tourist. Aware that building your settlement has pushed the extent of your resources I will becoming prepared with a tent and supplies. To that end I am hoping to impose on your people to help set up the tent since frankly it won't go well it I do it.

Please let me know what is the best way to get to the island from the Portal once I have arrived so I can try not to inconveniences people more the necessary.

I am looking forward to seeing this new town and the work you have done there.

Thank you

word count: 158
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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

2nd of Ymiden, Arc 721

Dear Baron Darius Smooglenuff,

Should I address you as ‘Baron’ when we are both Barons and running the Barony together with Nir’wei?

Anyway, I plan on establishing a small clinic at Smooglenuff Manor and relocating my medical practice to Faldrass for the most part. I’ve already offered Saoire that she can send her staff and her students to me if they need medical treatment; I’d like to extend the same offer to Hopetoun.

I know that you have someone from the Order of the Adunih in Hopetoun, but if your settlers or you ever need more specialized treatment (Or a good dentist!), your healers are busy, there is some sort of crisis, or you are just in the mood for a change of scenery, feel free to come to Smooglenuff Manor!

Devin Thorn
Also Baron Smooglenuff!
word count: 145


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Ymiden 5, Arc 721

Delivered by Echo Scroll


Greetings from Haven! I hope this missive finds you and Hopetoun well.

I wanted to let you know that Haven has been relocated. No doubt word will reach Hopetoun quickly but I wished to let you know before that happens, hopefully. After a conversation I had with Saoire, Haven decided, by settlement vote, to relocate to the east coast of Faldrass, north of the Sentry. We are here now and starting in on work that needs to be done.

I am hopeful that in the coming trials, we can arrange a meeting to get together and discuss ways to build bridges between our two settlements. It's long overdue, in my opinion. I am happy to come to Hopetoun or to host you in Haven.

I look forward to seeing you again!


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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

Cylus 18, Arc 722

A letter arrives, looking very much like all the others on the outside. Within? Well, that's a different matter entirely...


You are sticking your nose into matters that don’t concern you, you're being a voice of change and we are warning you now. Stop. By your hand, and the hands of others, Scalvoris is becoming something it has never been and was never intended to be. It’s unnatural and against everything in the old writings.

This abomination cannot continue. Do not disregard this letter or the intent behind it or you - and those you hold most dear - will pay the price.

We are watching. We are everywhere. We will act, without hesitation. Do not cross us.

OOC Information

Alright, let's get the show on the road. Your rank and profile in Scalvoris has attracted someone's attention. You are not required to participate but that doesn't change that your pc did get a letter so keep that in mind.

Here's some additional information for you!
  • Here is the link to a special tracker for pcs that wish to react/investigate/etc: Plot Tracker!
  • Council Members : All member of the council (pc and npc) received the letters.
  • The letter arrived in whatever manner/way your pc gets their normal mail. If you have questions about this, please let a Scalv mod know.

word count: 233
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To Baron Darius Baer

20 Ashan, Arc 722

Balthazar Black
Elisabeth Angelus

Invite you to share in the joy of their wedding.

100th of Ashan, Arc 722

Haven, Faldrass Island, Scalvoris.

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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

1st Ymiden, 722

Dear Darius,

I thort I shoud rite to you soon as I can, because I've desided to leave Hopetoun. I can't thank you enouff for the time we've been here. My baby were born here, and that is somethin that I dont have words to tell you. But its time for us to move on.

Me and mine are going to be moving to Sweetwine. I'm going with Praytorhum to do some things in Siroth-elle, but when we get back on the 60th, I'm going to move to Sweetwine. There, I'm going to try and live the way I want to live. No buildings, no stone, just a group of us in tents and wagons and vardos. Camps and campfires, but no permanant stuff.

I'm right greatful to you for the welcome Ive been given in Hopetoun. You've given me the idea that I can start a group who live the way I want to live. I'm real grateful to you. I'm also rubbish at stuff like this, so I just want you to know that Hopetoun has been home. Home is such an important place, and I'm so happy that it was home for so long.

Also, Arlo's gone. His papa, Cassion, rokked up and he and Arlo are off on some adventure. I don't know if or when he'll be back, but if he turns up here will you point him to me, please? We're goin to set up base camp in an area of Sweetwine called Fools Errand. It seems appropriate.

There are a right big number of words to say to you, but I'll stick with just the two.

Thank you.

Take care of yourself.

word count: 300

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

From the Office for Foreign Affairs,

Date sent: 1st Vhalar, 722 (delivered by hand)
Dear Baron Baer,

I am writing to you to gather some thoughts from you, if I may. In undertaking my role of "Foreign Affairs" I find that I must ~ by definition ~ understand what it is that is "foreign" to Scalvoris. This leads to an inevitable consideration of what it is which "belongs" to and in Scalvoris. Whilst this may, at first glance, seem obvious, I find that it is a question with a perplexing amount of nuance.

You are well-known and well-regarded as being a proudly native Scalvorian and, indeed, your speech in the previous council meeting was both heartfelt and powerful. Therefore, I would appreciate discussing with you what you believe the definition of "Native" is in regards to Scalvoris - and thus defining what is "Foreign". I am thinking specifically about marginalised and / or isolated groups such as the Mer, the mountain dwellers and the Scaltoth tribes.

Essentially, I am seeking to discover what the general perception is of these groups, whether the populace sees them as the remit of Foreign Affairs or Home Affairs, and whether they should be included more in the governance of our island. If you wish to discuss this with others, to gather more information, that would be wonderful but there is no expectation on you to do so. I would appreciate a reply in whatever form you deem fit, be it a letter or a meeting. I leave that choice in your undoubtedly capable hands.

With deep regards,
Zana Delroth
word count: 265
PC is currently inactive. I hope to bring her back soon!
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Re: 84 Faldrass View Lane (Home Of Darius Baer)

3rd of Ymiden, 723

Baron von Smooglenuff,

I'm afraid I have dire news, Faith Augustin has been murdered in a surprise attack by unknown assailants during the Pirate Incursion in Egilrun. While much of Egilrun was spared from their predations, and that of the Pirates, thanks in no small part to early intervention, we have been sent reeling by this loss. I despise being the bearer of this news, but I felt it my duty given my presence at her side when she died. We were both injured in the attack.

As you're aware, there were pirate attacks across the island, although it's uncertain whether these ships were working in concert with the rest of the fleet, or if they were isolated as the ones in Egilrun claim. We don't know what precipitated their return, or what happened.

Also, there's a very dangerous man at large. His name is Fargis Cutler, also known as Fleaface.
[Woe gives a detailed description of the man]

Should you see him on Faldrass or anywhere in your travels, he is to be apprehended immediately. And I'd ask you inform me or the Albarech of any sighting of him.

Also if Egilrun can be of any assistance, should you need it, you only need call on us.

- Woe
word count: 219
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