Thread Name: [Public Library] Bookshelves and Black Feathers
City/Area: Scalvoris Town
Notes/Warnings: This thread covers a lot of challenges for the event challenge.
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledge
Linguistics: languages are grouped into families that share similar characteristics
Linguistics: Languages of Northern Idalos; Cerke, Murnasian, Basa, Perwarshian, Pij'thak, and Sulnysian
Linguistics: Languages of Southern Idalos; Banumi, Grovokian, Arathnaka Runes, Umhini, Dydahi Etch, and Xototi
Linguistics: Languages of Eastern Idalos; Omyeric, and G'ni
Linguistics: Languages of Western Idalos; Athivelienic, Irarian, Nysin, Anume, Nidtaic, Rifaish, Dregneen, and Naratrien
Linguistics: Languages of Central Idalos; Pailtic, Ku'aric, Ominowa, and Yjik
Linguistics: Common is spoken everywhere
Linguistics: some languages are not part of a particular family
Linguistics: languages that aren't part of a language family may have originated in one city rather than a region, or be used primarily be one race
Unarmed Combat (Brawling): using your wings to batter an enemy works just as well as hitting them
Non Skill Knowledges
Language: Anume
Language: Arathnaka Runes
Language: Athivelienic
Language: Banumi
Language: Basa
Language: Cerke
Common: is a trade language
Common: is a spoken and written language
Common: alphabet
Common: numbers 1-100
Common: "yes" and "no"
Common: simple greetings
Common: "My name is..."
Common: "I speak little Common."
Common: "Can you speak Scalveen?"
Language: Dregneen
Language: Dydahi Etch
Language: G'ni
Language: Grovokian
Language: Irarian
Language: Ku'aric
Language: Murnasian
Language: Naratrien
Language: Nidtaic
Language: Nysin
Language: Ominowa
Language: Omyeric
Language: Pailtic
Language: Perwarshian
Language: Pij'thak
Language: Rakahi
Rakahi: language of the Bi'qaj
Rakahi: spoken primarily in Rynmere and Ne'haer
Rakahi: is a spoken language
Rakahi: has very subtle but specific accents and undertones when certain words or syllables are uttered that gives a clue to other Biqaj where the speaker was raised
Rakahi: can be difficult for non Biqaj to learn
Rakahi: alphabet
Rakahi: numbers 1-100
Rakahi: "bad object"; a swear
Language: Rifaish
Language: Sulnysian
Language: Umhini
Language: Xototi
Language: Yjik
Kyreen: is a baker
Kyreen: is good at moving heavy things
Kyreen: helped Ari'sora
Strength: using legs as well as arms
Strength: hauling a heavy weight
Strength: carrying another person
Strength: levers, even long limbs, make moving things easier
Logistics: appraising a situation before planning
Logistics: using available resources
Caregiving: supporting an injured person
Medicine: heavy blows can dislocate joints
Medicine: injured people should be carried
Research: choosing one book of many
Socialisation: joking about weaknesses
Biology: Bird reproduction methods
Biology: Mammal repropuction methods
Biology: Reptile reproduction uses a mix of eggs and live births
Biology: Fish reproduction methods
Biology: Some creatures care for their young and others don't
Biology: Not all creatures pair up to mate
PC: Ari'sora: winged woman
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: Ari'sora's left shoulder and wing were dislocated. The injuries themselves are healed when the joints are popped back into place. But she will suffer lingering soreness for several trials. She also has many bruises ranging from mild to moderate in severity. These will also heal in several trials.
Renown: none for Ari'sora, but possibly slight for Kyreen for helping Ari'sora
Collaboration: yes