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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Noble Nicknames anyone?. Just as a bit of fun. Feel free to make suggestions.
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Hello, Bronik is looking for woodworkers, carpenters, boat builders etc to work for him on the 22nd to the 23rd. Will pay handsomely for the day / two days (10-30gn depending on your skill). Hit me up if you're keen! Must be in Andaris (on beach).
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread


We've created a Q&A thread specifically for Rynmere. We encourage you to post here before PMing the staff so that other players can also see the answer. If you have a question, there's a good chance others have the same one!

Please continue to request character-specific approvals through Narrator Support or PMs.


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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Been discussing ranks and requirement compared to the old list and with the new update and knowledge requirements, some changes have been made. Also moderated threads added.

Military Ranks and Advancements

Moseke Knight Ranks

Knight Lord Commander: The Lord Commander is the highest ranking knight in Rynmere, a position currently held by Thomas Endor. Thomas Endor is in charge of Rynmere’s army and naval fleet, answering directly to the king.
Lord: Golden Shield. An honoured title for a knight who has seen war and defended the realm. Knights honoured with this award are gifted land in the region of their choice (up to ten acres) and offered the title of baron/baroness. These men and women oversee larger armies anywhere from 100 to 1000 strong.
Warden: Four Swords. Charged with overseeing smaller armies of at least one hundred men. A warden answers to the Duke that oversees their region, or any higher ranking officers.
Captain: Three swords. Oversees a group of ten knight stewards, usually tasked with watch duties or small missions. (Players can make up to ten NPC knights).
Steward: Two swords. Tasked with taking care of new knights, teaching them the ropes and leading small patrols, usually in the city or any one of the outposts. (players make five NPC knights for their group)
Knight: One sword. Any man or woman who has earned a knighthood.
Squire: A person training to one day become a knight, usually ages between 15 and 22 years old. These young men and women are trained by knights and stewards.

Moseke Knights (Knights are usually from Krome, Andaris, and Venora. Knights are the only men and women who can work their way up to the rank of Knight Lord Commander).

Knight Lord Commander: Moderated Thread & Voted into power by the Dukes.

[columns=2]Melee Combat (90)
Investigation (80)
Mount (70)
Shield (60)
Tactics (50)
Leadership (40)
Interrogation (30)
Stealth (20)
Siege Weaponry (10)

Ranged Combat (90)
Investigation (80)
Mount (70)
Unarmed Combat (60)
Tactics (50)
Leadership (40)
Interrogation (30)
Stealth (20)
Siege Weaponry (10)[/columns]

[columns=2]Melee Combat (80)
Investigation (70)
Mount (60)
Shield (50)
Tactics (40)
Leadership (30)
Interrogation (20)
Stealth (10)

Ranged Combat (80)
Investigation (70)
Mount (60)
Unarmed Combat (50)
Tactics (40)
Leadership (30)
Interrogation (20)
Stealth (10)[/columns]
Warden: Moderated Thread

[columns=2]Melee Combat (70)
Investigation (60)
Mount (50)
Shield (40)
Tactics (30)
Leadership (20)
Interrogation (10)

Ranged Combat (70)
Investigation (60)
Mount (50)
Unarmed Combat (40)
Tactics (30)
Leadership (20)
Interrogation (10)[/columns]

[columns=2]Melee Combat (60)
Investigation (50)
Mount (40)
Shield (30)
Tactics (20)
Leadership (10)

Ranged Combat (60)
Investigation (50)
Mount (40)
Unarmed Combat (30)
Tactics (20)
Leadership (10)[/columns]
Steward: Moderated Thread

[columns=2]Melee Combat (50)
Investigation (40)
Mount (30)
Shield (20)
Tactics (10)

Ranged Combat (50)
Investigation (40)
Mount (30)
Unarmed Combat (20)
Tactics (10)[/columns]

[columns=2]Melee Combat (40)
Investigation (30)
Mount (20)
Shield (10)

Ranged Combat (40)
Investigation (30)
Mount (20)
Unarmed Combat (10)[/columns]

[columns=2]Melee Combat (30)
Investigation (20)
Mount (10)

Ranged Combat (30)
Investigation (20)
Mount (10)[/columns]

U’frek Sailor Ranks

Admiral: Golden Cross. Awarded with a Tall Ship, admirals command a fleet of ten Galleons, each manned by their own lieutenant. Admirals answer only to the Knight Lord Commander or the King of Rynmere.
Lieutenant: Four gold stars. Answer to the Duke that oversees their region, or any higher ranking officers. Awarded with a Galleon ship, overseeing a crew of 50 to 100 men.
Captain: Three gold stars. Responsible for a crew ten men strong. (Players can make up to ten NPC officers and are awarded with a two mast Schooner). Must answer to Lieutenant.
Officer: Two silver stars. In charge of five seamen. (players make five NPC knights for their group). Must answer to Captain.
Seaman: A man or woman who had earned their first silver star.
Recruit: Squire equivalent, generally aged between 15 and 22 years old. These recruits are trained by Seamen and Officers.

U’frek Sailors (Sailors are usually from Burhan and Gawyne).

Admiral: Voted into power by the Dukes.

Seafaring (90)
Swimming (80)
Ranged Combat (70)
Navigation (60)
Siege Weaponry (50)
Leadership (40)
Tactics (30)
Cartography (20)
Melee Combat (10)

Lieutenant: Moderated Thread

Seafaring (80)
Swimming (70)
Ranged Combat (60)
Navigation (50)
Siege Weaponry (40)
Leadership (30)
Tactics (20)
Cartography (10)


Seafaring (70)
Swimming (60)
Ranged Combat (50)
Navigation (40)
Siege Weaponry (30)
Leadership (20)
Tactics (10)

Officer: Moderated Thread

Seafaring (50)
Swimming (40)
Ranged Combat (30)
Navigation (20)
Siege Weaponry (10)


Seafaring (40)
Swimming (30)
Ranged Combat (20)
Navigation (10)


Seafaring (30)
Swimming (20)
Ranged Combat (10)

Xiur Skyrider Ranks

General: Golden Wings. Awarded the title of ‘Blazer’ and permission to visit Sunset Isle in the attempt of forming a bond with one of the Jacadon, Generals command a wing of 100 to 1000 Volareon fighters. Generals only answer to the Knight Lord Commander and the King of Rynmere.
Colonel: Four wings. Answers to the Duke that oversees their region, or any higher ranking officers. They oversee a wing of 50 to 100 men.
Captain: Three wings. Responsible for a wing ten men strong. (Players can make up to ten NPC officers and are awarded with a full set of armour). Must answer to Colonel.
Major: Two wings. In charge of five Sergeants. (Players make five NPC knights for their group and are awarded with their first Volareon)
Sergeant: One wing. A man or woman who has earned their first silver wing.
Airman: Squire equivalent, generally aged between 15 and 22 years old. Airmen are trained by Sergeants and Majors.

Xiur Skyriders (Skyriders are usually from Endor and Warrick)

General: Voted into power by the Dukes.

Ranged Combat (90)
Animal Husbandry (80)
Mount (70)
Animal Training (60)
Investigation (50)
Leadership (40)
Navigation (30)
Stealth (20)
Tactics (10)

Colonel: Moderated Thread

Ranged Combat (80)
Animal Husbandry (70)
Mount (60)
Animal Training (50)
Investigation (40)
Leadership (30)
Navigation (20)
Stealth (10)


Ranged Combat (70)
Animal Husbandry (60)
Mount (50)
Animal Training (40)
Investigation (30)
Leadership (20)
Navigation (10)

Major: Moderated Thread

Ranged Combat (50)
Animal Husbandry (40)
Mount (30)
Animal Training (20)
Investigation (10)


Ranged Combat (40)
Animal Husbandry (30)
Mount (20)
Animal Training (10)


Ranged Combat (30)
Animal Husbandry (20)
Mount (10)
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A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

The Bakery has had an update. Credit to Tristan (thank you for filling in that location).
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Say hello to Rynmere's newest Lord Commander. Credit to Peake Andaris (cheers big ears).
Name: Komodo Enthor
Created by: Peake Andaris.
Race: Human.
DOB: 13 Saun 680
Title: Lord Commander (candidate)
Skills: Melee Combat (90) Investigation (80) Mount (70) Shield (60) Tactics (50) Leadership (60) Interrogation (30)Stealth (20) Siege Weaponry (40)

Other Information: Komodos is what one would call a military genius. Perhaps not very recognized by his skill with weaponry, he is one of the few men that makes it up with logic, strategy, and unconventional methods that, despite raising more than one eyebrow, work perfectly. Having enrolled in the Moseke Knights from age 16, Komodo rose in ranks very quickly, until in the year 710 he acquired the status of Lord within the Kingdom.

Standing at an even 6 feet, Komodo is a rather thin individual whose entire appearance is characterized by the praised mustache of this individual. A kind voice and excellent manners carry along his cheerful personality, which despite its joy does not allow for mistakes in his profession. Ruthless orders and commands are not uncommon in Komodo, as this man always strives to do the biggest damage with the lowest effort.
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Now this sounds like a person Yana could like!
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

This is the guy that Peake said he would make passionate love with in place of Alistair due to his fabulous mustache or something. Goddammit Peake, how did I know this would have to escape our weird Skype conversations?
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If you don't want a facial hair imbued gay fantasy, I'm gonna build it myself.

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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Rynmere's Coastline writeup has been finished. Enjoy!
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