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Announcements which apply to the whole site.

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Re: News & New Features!


Hello everyone! I have exciting news! As of today Melrath is now open for play! Please feel free to explore this mysterious western kingdom that has forsaken the Immortals and instead chosen to follow the spirits and Induks of Idalos. Ancient and storied; Melrath is poised on the brink, those in the north of the nation wish to open their doors to outsiders and those in the south desire to cling to the old ways and remain hidden from the eyes of the world.

Melrath is a kingdom dominated by powerful spirits, political intrigue, a rugged yet beautiful landscape, and a population that is now forced to come to terms with a swiftly changing world.

Welcome to Melrath,

~Oracle :D

Links and Info

City Wiki: Main Page

Player's Guide:
Includes Link Map, Physical Map, Travel Times, etc.

Melrath Roleplaying Forum

Melrath Hot Cycle 719 Calendar

Hot Cycle 719 Roster Sign Ups

Melrath Discord Server Invite Link

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Re: News & New Features!

Daianya, Daia's Immortal Mark, has been released and is now live. Additionally, Daia's Advancement Tracker is now open to those who wish to help Daia.

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Re: News & New Features!

Emea Changes.

Following Crack in the Wall etc, I am delighted to announce the release of a new Immortal, a new Mark and some new Fauna in Emea.

Unity or The One is a new Immortal "born" from the combined essence of Jesine and Kielik.

Nyvahi is Unity's mark. This is only released up to the end of Favoured as the rest of it and the development will be dependent on pc actions. Therefore, there's a place to track your progress

Finally - thanks to the actions of Sephira Blackwood specifically, Nightmare beasts are no more and have been replaced with Emeyans

I'll be updating CitW OOC, also. Thanks!

All those who currently have either Jesine or Kielik's mark - you are welcome to "swap" to the new mark via the PSF. This will be done on an ability - ability basis. So, if you had 5 abilities from Jesine, you'll be at Favoured 5, etc. If, however, you wish to let the mark fade - please let us know via the PSF, and we'll adjust your wiki / prophet notes.

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Re: News & New Features!

Forum Tidy Up!
So - all Crack in the Wall Endgame threads are now reviewed. We know what's happening in terms of Emea. Therefore, today I've done a little bit of forum clean up. Please note the new structure of the forums.

"Dreamscapes and the Veil" is where the MAJORITY of dream threads should be put.
"Mindscapes" is currently closed.
"The Untold" for threads taking place in the Untold....
"Immortal Domains" for threads taking place in Domains - these MUST be clearly labelled.
"The Fall and Before" is all the pre-fall stuff.

I'm keeping the "main" Emea forum for OOC so please refrain from posting there. Thanks! And the Q & A is now once again open!
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Re: News & New Features!

Hello, everyone! Basilisk here with some _big_ news! Dragons have _officially_ begun Development! Yes, that’s right, Dragons are _finally_ coming to Standing Trials. Now, development will still take a while, but we will be keeping you all updated with our progress so you don’t become rabid with impatience and gnaw our limbs off. Granted, a lack of limbs doesn’t inconvenience _me_ all that much, what with my being a snek and all, but the rest of the staff have limbs and they need them to function. So no gnawing, please.

Now, I’m sure you have questions, and I will be glad to answer them. To that effect, I will be holding a live Q&A session that will be recorded and will go on YouTube for everyone to enjoy. The session will be held within the next few days, so be there to give me your curiosities. In the meantime, thank you everyone for writing here and making this place fun. Catch ya’ll later!
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Re: News & New Features!

Staff Teams!
Hey all!

So - we have had the staff teams for about 2 years now and, following a review and discussion by staff, we realised that really - we weren't using them - people were moderating cities as non-STs, developing as non-Devs etc. So we had a chat and we've decided that we're going to have one staff team. The four Team Leads (Aegis, Bas, Oracle and me) will keep our focus - so Basilisk will be heading Development, Oracle, Lore Analysis, and Aegis and I will be the Storytelling drives. But all staff are, fundamentally, all staff.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
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Re: News & New Features!

There is a new Lore Analysis project that is looking for interested helpers to assist me! We are cleaning out outdated population references in the wiki and I need some help finding all the things that need fixing! What's great is that you guys can get awarded with a spiffy new medal for taking part! Please take a look at the thread link below to learn more.

Lore Analysis: The Great Population Purge!

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Re: News & New Features!

Wealth Submissions Update
All wealth submissions should be done here now. This is to ensure everyone, regardless of area, can have their wealth threads approved in an orderly and timely manner. There are more details within the thread. All wealth submissions up until this point have been approved/handled, and from this point forward, only those submitted into the thread will be approved/handled.
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Re: News & New Features!

Emea Changes.

First, apologies for this taking longer than I'd wanted for me to get it out. But, the "Emea Events 719" thread has been updated to include the following information:

Dreamwalkers who did not participate / finish Crack in the Wall
Every other DW gets a more general vision that replaces all of their dreamscapes the same as those above. This is of a shattered land; perhaps this might be a city in ruins, or a desolate landscape. You will see that there is a task there for you - you know it - and that task is to rebuild. What you rebuild, how you do so, is up to you. Please note: until this task is completed, or until sufficient threads of this type have been completed that a change is made, this is the only dream open to you. Also, dreaming in a manner which is counter-productive / adds to the destruction will work to maintain Emea in its current state. Once you have fixed your Dreamscape, you are then able to access all other Dreamscapes - including those of those in CitW and you are then able to initiate others into Dreamwalking. Although non-dreamwalkers are experiencing no dreams at all, if your Dreamwalking skill allows it, you may pull them into lucidity. Please play it as more difficult / fiddly than usual in those 30 days.

Non-DWs will have to acquire DW to participate, or be brought in by an appropriate leveled DW once they are able to.

Hope that's clear!

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Re: News & New Features!

New Site Features.

Hello everyone!

I'm delighted to say that, having spent the day with our very talented Tech Support Guy you'll see that we've made a few adjustments to the site. These are very much "Quality of Life" improvements, and they are looking great!

Ok. So what we've got is:

1. Topic Preview
When you hover over a thread title, you will now see a preview of that first post.

2. Symbols
Alongside the smilies that you can add in to posts, we now have access to greek symbols and mathematical ones. Might be useful, here and there.

3. The Menu Bar
As we moved over to the new site, we made the menu bar functional the best way we could. However, now that we've been here a while, it's become obvious that there are things which could be used better. So - the top menu has the following:

Home: As was. Takes you to our front page.

My Links: I'm so excited by this!! In your UserCP you now have a bunch of new fields. These are Quick Links 1 - 10 and their titles. When both of these are filled in (so a link, and a title) - in your "My Links" the link will appear, named what you've named it. These can be links to any website and allow you to personalize your "My Links" in a way which we simply couldn't before.

Under those appear your other profile links (plot notes, CS, character wiki) - all in one handy place!!

Lorebook: A drop down menu to our Wiki. Most of those links take you to one place, but "Quicklinks" has a further drop down, which takes you to each of the pages for the "main" things - Immortals, Magic, etc.

OOC: A drop down menu to the Rules, the PSF, the Review Forum, etc.

IC Global Events is a link - and The World Of Idalos opens up links to all cities.

Posts Your posts, all new posts, search for posts, etc.

Season A single link to the Seasons page with the current season on it.

CPs or UCP If you are a player with no MCP access, then you'll just see your UCP. If you have access to either the Moderator Control Panel (MCP) or Admin Control Panel (ACP) this becomes a drop-down menu with the UCP, MCP and ACP on it.

I think this change is really going to make a massive difference to us all. Thanks!

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