Settlement Progress Requests

This forum holds the thread review request queue, and all threads for "claiming" rewards (Languages, Medals, Wealth, etc).

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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Havardr
Thread: Mister Thagoras
Cycle, Season, and Arc: 13th of Cylus 724
Participants: Rorom, Maxine, Kasoria, NPC Aurek, and some personal NPCs
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Not sure, maybe?
Brief description of thread: After the destruction wrought by Chrien, Rorom nevertheless gathers the villagers to host the Etzori Delegation, and offers them hospitality such as they can offer, in exchange for them staying the night to help safeguard the village, in exchange for repairs and services/supplies for their ship.
Survival Skill Used (What Level if so): Not used.
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many): None
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): Seafaring (Expert)
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many): 0
Settlement Resources Used:
  • The Fleet and manual labor of the villagers
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • +1% to Order for proving trustworthiness.
word count: 145
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Thread: Liquid Gold
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Cold Cylcle, Zi'da 723
Participants: Dandelion
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Just Dan - solo thread
Brief description of thread: Made wine from carrots, did some chores
Previous Threads: Rosebay Gold devved here, Carrots existing resource, previously grown and Brewery set up
Survival Skill Used (What Level if so): No
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Named NPC
  • Carrots
  • Brewery
  • Sheep
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers. (+1 order)
  • New Secondary Resource (Rosebay Gold) (+20 WP)
word count: 123
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Thread: Rainbow
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Rebirth Cycle, Cylus 724
Participants: Dandelion
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Just Dan - solo thread
Brief description of thread: Made beer from Rainbow Wheat
Previous Threads: Rosebay Rainbow devved here, Rainbow wheat devved, acquired and grown and Brewery set up
Survival Skill Used (What Level if so): No
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Named NPC
  • Rainbow Wheat
  • Brewery
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers. (+1 order)
  • New Secondary Resource (Rosebay Rainbow) (+20 WP)
word count: 120
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Settlement Name: Rosebay
Thread: Pigs might fly
Cycle, Season, and Arc: Hot Cycle, Ymiden 724
Participants: Dandelion
Are you claiming an Order boost from all / some participants? Please clarify here Just Dan - solo thread
Brief description of thread: Caught a Pigasus
Previous Threads: Pit Traps created here
Survival Skill Used (What Level if so): No
Survival Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Focus Skill Used (What level if so): No
Focus Skill Knowledge Claimed? (How many):
Settlement Resources Used:
  • Pit Traps
Intended Changes:See this guide.
  • The player completes an action that proves they are trustworthy to the settlers. (worked with the hunters to catch the pigasus) (+1 order)
  • +1 Pigasus
word count: 110
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Re: Settlement Progress Requests

Tier 2 Request
Settlement Name: Hopetoun
Thread: The Pirate Finale!
Summary: Darius plays a supporting role in Winston's daring Chrien parley!
Need Being Met: As a reward for Darius' role in the above thread, he was awarded the following:
Pegasus wrote:For sparing the lives of those attacking him (because they were under the influence of marble) -Darius gains a reputation as a beneficent leader. More people come to Hopetoun and work with you- you may choose 3 current objectives and auto-meet them.
Having looked at the current objectives and considering the theme, as well as other plots currently in the works, I'd like to opt for:

Physical Need 05: What about a bigger medical outfit? We have an Order of the Adunih outpost, but it can't support a growing population without a lot more healers and larger facility!

Safety Need 01: You need a military! You have a small one, but is that enough?

Belongingness Need 01: Hopetoun Community has grown in a very cohesive way. As more people come in, though, there's a need to ensure that everyone knows who to go to for what. Is it time to have a permanent (not just emergency) Council or even a Mayor? Consider the community structure, and decide whether to change it or not!
word count: 219
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