[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

Drink it up, you might as well!

9th of Cylus 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

XP Award!

Experience Award:
  • Story: 3/5
  • Structure: 5/5
  • Collaboration: 5/5
General Lore:
  • Fridgar: Massively strong
  • Fridgar: Capable of biting a mans hand off
  • Fridgar: Can transform into a horse
  • Fridgar: Mage

Notes: Kiro. I took away your points in story because you've overplayed your skills in nearly every post. The opponent Fridgar faced was billed as a master. You are a novice at unarmed. Your ability to judo throw a master into a bar doesn't really fit the stats on your sheet. Equally so, your novice skill with your kusarigama should not be played as expertise. At 15 you are only beginning to feel your way around the weapon. Also, taking down two members of the Iron Hand so easily, uninjured, would not be possible. No weapon skill you possess is at competent and you took on two opponents who almost certainly had competent or greater skill at their weapons and easily defeated them. Also a full decapitation from a one handed swing is highly improbable. Your sensing or guessing that Fridgar could turn into a bear was also...a weird jump. Unfortunately, I cannot award you any weaponry or unarmed Knowledges in this thread as I do not believe you played your skill level realistically. I would caution to consider that moving forward.

However, I will not be nullifying this thread. You are, however, wanted for the murder of two Iron Hand guards. The people who knew you in the bar will be able to recognize and describe you to the guard. You are also now associated with Fridgar, who is wanted by the King. If you continue to post in Andaris, your threads can and will be interrupted by mods playing the Iron Hand there to arrest you. The city will be on high alert for you for at least the next few seasons, after which you can return but you will risk arrest and subsequent execution for your crimes.


Experience Award:
  • Story 5/5
  • Structure 5/5
  • Collaboration 5/5
  • Devotion: +11 (Ilaren)
General Lore:
  • Unarmed: Massive Strength at a Disadvantage to Speed
  • Kiro: Mercenary
  • Kiro: Loves to talk
  • Unarmed: Recognizing expertise in an opponent by their stance.

Notes: This thread CANNOT be used for magic. Once again, your skill is too high. Also, echoing the Bite of a bear is echoing its strength and jaw muscles, as we discussed...echoing muscle mass isn't appropriate. Keep that in mind going forward.

Fridgar is now associated with a string of violent, vicious crimes throughout Andaris. As of this thread and the subsequent ones, you cannot thread in Andaris unless in disguise. If you walk around AS Fridgar, you WILL be modbombed with the Iron Hand that will seek to simply kill you this time. Although your wanted posters will float over all of Rynmere, you'll only be directly recognized in Andaris...although if you draw attention to yourself anywhere else that will apply there as well.

As per our discussion, we agreed on an Overstepping mutation.

Eye of Challenge: Unless Fridgar knows them to be a friend (and they must be either kin or as close as kin to Fridgar) direct eye contract will always begin to infuriate the mage. He will begin to see it as a challenge. Fridgar can choose to break eye contact or force himself away when it is happening, but if he does not he will be compelled to exert his force and dominance over anyone who dares to hold eye contract. In addition, if eye contact is not broken, long enough for Fridgar to interpret it as a challenge, he will gain an innate sense of the opponent's 'danger'. Expert and master level offensive skills, while not directly known to Fridgar, will register as an opponent of some danger, allowing Fridgar to temper his approaches in combat.

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