He sank down without noticing her hands moving with purpose over his body and her fingers dropped back to the sheets. Elyna lay back in a rustle of blankets and watched the ceiling, listening to the soft breath of their baby and the pounding of her own heart. Warrick? How long would he be away for? Malcolm hadn’t decided to enlighten her and she felt heavy. As though weights pressed down on her chest as she waited for the candle to flicker and die. Perhaps her advance to create some intimacy between them had been too subtle but his rejection stung. They’d once been a vase, something beautiful and precious. They’d been dropped and a piece had chipped away and cracks appeared in the porcelain, they were more delicate than she’d ever imagined. Because whenever one of the broken pieces was slotting back into place, the cracks grew larger and they’d turned into a shattered remnant of what they’d once be. The skyrider didn’t know how the vessel could be made whole again and every day it remained scattered on the floor, careless feet ground the pieces to dust. Could something be remade from dust?
Elyna sat up, arm outstretched towards the table beside the bed and collected a half-empty glass of water. It was almost frozen, ice floating on the surface. Without mercy she turned and emptied the liquid on Malcolm’s face and neck. Fury burnt cold and the noble woman couldn’t help but wondered, what if things just didn’t work out? What if there was nothing to salvage anymore and this wasn’t meant to be? Malcolm had paid her compliments and kissed her but he remained a stranger. Two people who happened to co-exist in one small house to care for Elsie. “What you mean,” she waited until she had his attention, eyes dark and accusing as the final flame flickered and died, “what you do mean ‘your’ children, Malcolm? Or did you mean our children…mine and yours?” She hoped that she was over-reacting to a throwaway comment and dreaded the fall out, if she was. Malcolm loved to sleep and she'd never had much joy waking him.
Elyna sat up, arm outstretched towards the table beside the bed and collected a half-empty glass of water. It was almost frozen, ice floating on the surface. Without mercy she turned and emptied the liquid on Malcolm’s face and neck. Fury burnt cold and the noble woman couldn’t help but wondered, what if things just didn’t work out? What if there was nothing to salvage anymore and this wasn’t meant to be? Malcolm had paid her compliments and kissed her but he remained a stranger. Two people who happened to co-exist in one small house to care for Elsie. “What you mean,” she waited until she had his attention, eyes dark and accusing as the final flame flickered and died, “what you do mean ‘your’ children, Malcolm? Or did you mean our children…mine and yours?” She hoped that she was over-reacting to a throwaway comment and dreaded the fall out, if she was. Malcolm loved to sleep and she'd never had much joy waking him.