• Closed • Turning Pages In Twilight (Eda)

What happens when two bookworms collide?

12th of Cylus 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Turning Pages In Twilight (Eda)


Mel watched as the fire began to consume the wooden fuel. It flickered, crackled, and burned which reminded her of how she felt about the stunning woman behind her. There was a fire burning inside of her and she knew not what could douse the flame save for Edalene. She smiled as she turned to face Eda. "Games are lovely. I always enjoyed them as a child." There was something about the way the other woman talked to her that she could not resist. The words tugged and wrapped around her like a cocoon and all she could think about was the next word from her beautiful voice.

The teacher strode over to the table where Eda was sitting and undid the warm coat which revealed the white blouse underneath. "I suppose you're right. Cylus always has me in a bit of a twister I must say. And research?" Melody's eyes lit up at the thought of the other woman being a fellow person of knowledgeable pursuit. She took off and tossed her coat on the table before continuing. "I would love to hear about your work, Edalene." The words that come forth from the small teacher were greedy, they wanted to extract everything they could from the woman, information included.

Melody was going to inspect the woman's hand as she presented it forward. Apparently, she had been a tad bit too slow on the uptake and the wound was already scabbing over. A missed opportunity. The woman cursed herself in the back of her mind. She could not be so sloppy though to be fair she had been promptly distracted by her guest. It flustered the normally very calm and centered Melody that Edalene was throwing her off so, but it also lit that fire inside of her like she had never known before.

At Edalene's request she sat down in the free chair which she quickly noticed was not where she had previously left it. So few were the visitors to her that the teacher knew the exact positions of some of the furniture in her home, these chairs included. In fact the only chair she usually occupied was the one currently sat upon by her opposite. Everything about tonight was so surprisingly perfect so far. Melody loved the way that Edalene was teasing and toying with her. It all made the woman feel rather nervous and she began to subconsciously press her hands into her skirts as if they were some how ruffled again. Though that all came to a crashing halt when Edalene placed her uninjured hand on her knee.

Then fire returned to her face in full force. If lava could burst forth from every orifice of her cheeks then it likely would.

Melody didn't know what to do for the first time in quite some time. Edalene was smiling at her but all she could muster was a few blinks at first. She had always been confused with herself about men and women. Very few times in her life had the men that desired her company caused her to fluster in such a way as the women she had met. And none like Edalene. She hardly knew the woman in front of her but the way her words dangled in front of her like a carrot on a stick kept her moving forward ever intrigued. With what small amount of courage the poor teacher could muster she moved a hand to greet Edalene's on her knee. Though she could only find the will to get a few fingers to cover the other woman's digits.

The words kept flowing forth from Edalene. To her ears the woman spun her sentences like the most intricate spider webs. Melody's lips finally parted into a small smile as her mind began to re-solidify itself and its thoughts. "Tit for tat eh?" An inquisitive finger from her free hand came to rest of Melody's chin and began to tap it slowly. Her inner self? What did they even mean?

"I suppose I am an inquisitive soul. I wish to know as much about everything and..." Melody looked down to the hand that had previously barely been in contact with Edalene's to find it now completely covering the other woman's hand. "And everyone." Edalene's hand was soft to the touch just as she imagined her own was. Her thumb found itself slowly running across the other woman's fingers. "I despise it when something or somebody interesting escapes me." Melody's eyes gazed up to lock with Edalene's. This was easily the most bold the teacher had been in her entire life but still she could not extinguish the redness in her face.

The smile on her face only widened as she stared into the other woman. "Tit for tat, Edalene. Your move."
word count: 818
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Turning Pages In Twilight (Eda)


"My research?" Edalene asked, smiling. "Well, I'm an Assistant Researcher at the University. Not too glamorous, I know... but it pays the bills. Just barely." She smiled at the woman, a sheepish smile, but there was a genuine sparkle in her eyes. Her work, yes, it was that - work - but it was also so much more. It was livelihood and love, and she adored it beyond all else, save her brother. "I'm a historian. Or an aspiring one, I guess you could say." A sheepish shrug. "I'm interested in the history of the nobility. What they did right, what they did wrong, and how to stop it from happening again." Edalene thought this was rather a gentle way to phrase how she felt about the nobility; after all, her real thoughts were much stronger than that.

Edalene grinned to herself as the beautiful woman beside her tentatively brought her hand to rest on hers. She squeezed Melody's knee lightly, her thumb running over the skirt, though she wished the weather was warmer. Then, perhaps, her hand might be on skin, and she so wished to know what Melody's skin felt like; soft, warm, like pale cream. She smiled as the woman spoke, seeming to take Edalene's request for information seriously. Edalene wound her fingers through Melody's as she spoke, her fingers snaking inbetween the digits. She squeezed Melody's hand, and kept it there. Her skin was as soft as it looked. Edalene rubbed her thumb over Melody's palm as she spoke.

"Someone interesting, hey?" Edalene smiled knowingly, sending a pointed grasp down to their hands. "What about a person draws you in? What interests you?" Edalene leaned slightly in, as if she had found a tantalising smell, and intended to hunt it down. "Yes, I must say you seem quite inquisitive. A little detective, you are..." Edalene suddenly brought the woman's hand up, and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. A bold move. And yet, as if nothing had ever happened, Edalene kept talking, letting Melody make of that what she will.

"Mmm, yes. Tit," and her eyes flashed down to Melody's chest again, briefly, sending a wicked glance to the woman beside her, "for tat. For me... well. I guess you could say I like to get what I want." Edalene looked laviciously at Melody. "I'm ambitious. I'm focused. And above all, I know who I am and what I want. And you," she changed her tact so quickly, eager to find out more about the woman, bend her to her will, "Melody. What do you want?"
word count: 442
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Turning Pages In Twilight (Eda)

It seemed she had been too bold. Melody's eyes flashed at Edalene's obvious flirtatiousness, anger in them. Slowly, Edalene removed her hand from the other woman's, adjusting her skirts and clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Melody. It ... got out of hand." Edalene looked down to her cut palm, shaking her head. Would there be any coming back from this? She did not think so.

Edalene stood, collecting her things, shrugging on her coat.
"I'm sorry for the imposition, Melody. Thank you for welcoming me to your home." She took one last look at the pretty teacher, before turning with a sigh and moving out into the cold.

Connections were so fleeting, so difficult to maintain, and only one wrong move could crack them apart.
word count: 135
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Turning Pages In Twilight (Eda)



Story: 2/5 (Thread abandoned ~ as per peer review guide)
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: NA: Thread abandoned (as per peer review guide)

Edalene: You met her in Cylus
Edalene: Attraction at first sight
Endurance: The pain of an unexpected collision
Location: Andaris School
Medicine: Small wounds can scab over quickly
Seduction: A brief touch of hands
Seduction: The art of double meaning
Seduction: Small touches can be electric
Teaching: Grading papers is part of the job

-2 (losing your student work!) +2 (good deeds)
These points may NOT be used for arcana


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Endurance: The pain of an unexpected collision
Location: Melody's house
Medicine: Small wounds can scab over quickly
Melody: You met her in Cylus
Melody: Attraction at first sight?
Melody: A teacher
Politics: How to phrase things gently
Seduction: Innocent gaze, innocent questions?
Seduction: Stand close, gaze intently
Seduction: Delivery is everything

Injury on your hand.
+2 (go get the papers ~ the students thank you!!)
These points may NOT be used for arcana


Story Shame it came to such an abrupt ending but Edalene you did everything you could to end it well. You both were writing a case of immediate physical attraction really well and I loved the small details which you brought in.
Structure No worries - all good!

Please do PM me if you think I've missed anything or you have any questions!
word count: 254
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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