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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

She looked at his house and smiled "It looks like a home. Six arcs? That's a long time." She glanced at Padraig and wondered. Would he like to live in one place that long, or was he an explorer. She thought that she knew the answer but she wasn't entirely sure. That was interesting and she determined that she would ask him about it later. Sintih, she considered, very much seemed to belong here ~ like he was part of the place. How strange that must be, how very different from anything she had ever experienced. Whether it was good or bad, she did not know and, in many ways, it did not matter. Maybe, she thought with a slight smile, she would know in six arcs. But they spoke and shared stories. It was a safe thing to do, Faith thought, something that the three of them could do, learn more about each other and also, it would avoid any awkward silnces or wondering about topics of conversation.

Of course, two of Padraig's she knew, but the third one saw her sitting and listening intently. She had a very clear image of the child he was. Intense, she did not doubt. From what he had told her she knew that his childhood had been hard and she listened to him as she considered. "You must have been very afraid. Did you ever see the dog again?" It was intriguing to her to think of what it must have been like to have such freedom as a child. To be able to follow a rabbit despite having been told not to? It was totally against everything she understood. "And did it teach you not to disobey instructions?" Squezing his hand under the table, she was obviously teasing.

When it came to Sintih's turn, she gave him her absolute full attention as she had with Padraig. Listening to what he said, she raised an eyebrow when he spoke of magic "Really? Do you study only the theory or do you practice as well?" Her silver eyes were interested in that piece of information and she listened to the rest with a tilt of her head and a smile on her face. She shook her head, though, at the last piece of information "Mister Sintih I do not believe that and if it is true, then I can only apologise to you for not having taught you properly"

He pointed and laughed at his own joke and Faith couldn't help but wonder if maybe he'd been drinking before they arrived. She put her cup of cider down in front of Padraig with a smile to him. Sintih asked his question and then excused himself and Faith turned to Padraig and spoke in an even quieter voice than usual, but loud enough for him to hear "I didn't know if we were just not telling Tristan or not telling everyone. I'm happy to tell everyone from the butcher to his dog, but I didn't know quite how you wanted to play it. My apologies if that was the wrong thing to do." Whilst her apology was more than sincere, it was also meek, she realised and so she purposely lifted her eyes from the floor and looked at him with as much challenge as she could muster in a place that was getting more and more crowded. She didn't like it, there was no doubting it, but she just focused on him and that made it seem quieter, allowing her the chance to raise an eyebrow in challenge. "And you know, for a scientist, you haven't thought to ask the most important question. You have science on your side, there is no doubt. So what could this secret weapon be that I am so very sure of? Have you considered?"

As Sintih sat back down, Faith smiled at him. "Those look delicious", taking one small piece she ate slowly and Padraig knew her well enough by now to know that her appetite was tiny. But she ate until she was full, inevitably. "So, I would choose the first snows", she smiled at Padraig "I don't like the cold, but I can endure it and there are few sights so beautiful. Besides. It links with my answer to mister Sintih's question." Looking at Sintih, she had obviously considered her answer carefully "There have been so many big events in my life just lately, that the most recent is not the biggest. But I tell you the moment that I thought of when you asked that question. I stood in the dark street without a coat. I was freezing cold and in shock I think. I had just been given my freedom and I stood there, completely lost. Then, I saw a flake of snow and I watched it slowly drift down. In the time it took it to reach the ground, I realised that I knew where I was going, that I had somewhere to go and that I was making a choice. I suppose it was the first one I made as a free woman." She smiled at Sintih and shrugged slightly "Arguably, therefore, the biggest, most important and, I would say, best choice."

She turned then to Padraig. Of course, he knew the choice she had made, where she had gone. Because it had been to him. "Your turn", she said.
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            Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

            A fellow scholar, if a different field of interest. At least Padraig and their host had that in common. That, and an obvious affection for Faith, even if he was fairly sure Faith didn't see it herself. Padraig did, clearly. But he couldn't begin to hold it against Sintih. There probably wasn't a man who'd met her, who didn't at least wonder, what if. "The library in Viden is a sight to see," he told the other man. "I wasn't there long, but I made good use of it."

            "I never did," he said, when Faith asked him if he'd seen the dog. A swallow of the cider help chase off the chill in the air. "Not before then, or afterwards. I didn't think anything of it at the time. But looking back, I can almost see him, and he seemed so old, unnaturally old." But no, more than a few arcs passed by after that, any many more acts of defiance, where it concerned his grandfather's rules and orders.

            When their host excused himself, Padraig took the opportunity to take her hand again, and considered her question. "When I suggested it, I only meant Tristan. I believed at the time that him knowing, would make it more uncomfortable for everyone. But truth?" he said and grinned. "I'd be happy for the whole world to know. That includes our host. But I wonder," he added then quietly, "If you're aware that he appears to be very fond of you. More than he'd be, was he only interested in friendship?" It was nothing the other man had said, particularly, but it was plain enough, at least to Padraig. "I'm not sure he happy to see me turn up at your side. I can hardly blame him though," he added, so she'd understand that he wasn't the least irritated by Sintih's interest. He knew where they stood. It was all that mattered.

            "They're very good," he said, once Sintih returned with his trays, and Padraig tried one of the treats there. "I'm not much of a cook myself. I do alright with eggs. That's about the extent of it," he admitted. As for Faith's answer to the question of important events, nothing could have done him more good than hearing it did. And looking at her, he smiled and squeezed her hand beneath the table. Their answers wouldn't be so different, after all.

            Truth was, there were few events during his life which were memorable, at least before arriving in Andaris. "As someone who studies the sciences," he considered, "I put quite a lot of stock in cause and effect, chains of events. I chose to come to Andaris from Viden, when I could have as easily stayed there. It was a whim, or I believed it to be. But had I not, I wouldn't have taken on any students, I would never have taken on one who was cleverer than any I'd met before, I wouldn't have spent a night, soaking wet, cold and lost in the woods. And one snowy evening when it was dark, miserable out, and someone knocked on my door; in spite of me not expecting anyone, I wouldn't have pulled myself from my studies to open the door. And I would have missed the best thing that's ever happened to me."
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                      Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown

                      He didn't really want to tell her the truth but in the same breath, he also didn't want to lie to her. She deserved more than that. So Sin wrapped a little truth around a little lie and turned it into something of a medium sized grey area. All in all, good work, he thought. "You need a permit to practice Domain magic in Rynmere and they're quite expensive as well." Sin shrugged, lowering one corner of his mouth as if he didn't really agree with it but couldn't do anything about it. He hoped the truth of those two facts would hide the non answer that it was or the fact that he didn't really abide by that law. In fact, he broke it more often than he should if he thought he could explain his way out of it.

                      Once he'd sat back down, Sin took one of his own creations, already having tasted it before. It might not have been an explicit part of the one class he'd taken under Faith but it was a lesson he'd learned none the less. He enjoyed the crusty bread with the sweet mix of apple and honey on top of it. It made a good snack for the whole family. Faith's praise only helped to elevate his own ability in his mind. It was probably more courtesy than truth but Sin didn't care and took it at face value. Faith was to nice to do that.

                      When they picked up with the game, Sin was surprised to hear Faith preferred the cold snow over the wetter but warmer rains. But then she went and explained her choice. Sin was touched by her story and the fact that she was willing to share it with them. By them he grudgingly meant Padraig as well. As he thought about her words, Sin seeing the beginnings of a connection that he had probably already figured out but refused to accept. The thing that would tie it all together and finish it off were Padraig's words, however.

                      As Padraig told his story about his memorable moment in life, Sin listened but kept glancing back towards Faith who seemed to be glued to the man's face. Did she think anything more about Sin than as a friend or was that just something he'd concocted in his head because he wanted it to be true? Did she think that way about Padraig then? Or was he just seeing that because she'd brought him with her and he was jealous of that? Perhaps, just maybe, none of those things were important and Sin should just be happy to have a friend like Faith? It wasn't like he had plenty more were she'd come from, none that were his, anyway. There were plenty of people who'd call themselves a friend simply because of his parents.

                      The more he learned about the man, the more he listened, the more he realized that they were two snowflakes in a pot. Him and Padraig. He didn't like to admit it to himself but that didn't make it less true. Both intellectual types, curious, both caring for Faith, both scholars of a sort, both bad at cooking and both, Sin only added this one to the list because others had told him so before, handsome. Maybe the only difference was that Sin thought he liked Faith but Padraig knew that he did? Maybe Sin's willingness to go to war, to gain fame and skill in the art of war had cost him a chance with Faith? Maybe if he hadn't spent so much time preparing for and going to the burning mountains with the warden and instead had spent some more time with Faith, it would have been Faith and Sin who had been invited to Padraig's party. Maybe, maybe, maybe. The maybes and possibilities continued to move through Sin's head as a new dusting of snow began whirling down from the sky.
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                                Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown



                                Sinth: Mage
                                Sinth: Scholar
                                Sinth: Never been to Viden
                                Sinth: Prefers Rain to Snow
                                Padraig: Likes You
                                Padraig: How to Refer to HIm
                                Padraig: You are the Best Thing to Ever Happen
                                Appraisal: Judging Another's Cooking
                                Etiquette: Bring a Gift to a Party


                                Loss of 5GN


                                +1GN for General Good Deed (Bringing Gift)

                                - - -


                                Padraig: Very Similar to Sin
                                Padraig: Intellectual, Curious
                                Padraig: Chose to Come to Andaris
                                Faith: Prefers Snow over Rain
                                Faith: Likes Padraig
                                Faith: Is Free
                                Self: War can Interfere with Love Life
                                Detection: Noticing the Glances
                                Etiquette: Making sure your Guests are Fed
                                Etiquette: Sit with your Guests


                                Loss of 3 gn 6 sn 5 cn


                                +3 for Partial Hosting of an Event

                                - - -


                                Faith: Likes to Tease
                                Faith: Cares for You
                                Faith: Has another Admirer
                                Sinth: Mage
                                Sinth: Scholar
                                Sinth: Never been to Viden
                                Sinth: Prefers Rain to Snow
                                Sinth: Likes Faith
                                Detection: Noticing the Signs of Attraction
                                Etiquette: Need to Act Nice with Host





                                - - -

                                This was a good thread- some eating, some drinking, lots of very tense conversation between Pad and Sin. I enjoyed seeing how they both reacted to the other, and Faith being mostly oblivious.

                                You all wrote without any spelling or grammar mistakes, which was nice, and the plot progressed at a decent pace.

                                If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
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