Stream of Fire (Part 2)

23rd of Ymiden 724

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The capital of the Eternal Empire. Home to Empress Raskalarn and the Imperial government, as well as just being a general hub for Imperial activity.

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Re: Stream of Fire (Part 2)

Lumina sat up, suddenly interested. She couldn’t care less about using a well to replicate a rune’s effects. But the thought of combining three firestones into one… that got her excited.

“Now that’s an idea I’d love to explore,” she said. “With that much power… you could probably make a large fireball to sling at people. Or maybe even a weapon that burned so hot that it could slice through armor like hot butter.” She shook her head, silently chastising herself for thinking about making weapons. Luvi’s obsession with combat was rubbing off on her.

Luvi laughed. “Now that, I would like to see. Think of how much better you’d be in a fight, Goku.”

“Well, it’s not that simple,” Lumina explained. “Remember how we had to focus on the ring to make it work?”

Luvi nodded.

“It gets harder as the items become more and more powerful. While any of us could use that ring without much thought, something that used three wells would probably take all of my focus to put to use. Actually, I might even be too scared to try.”

Luvi cocked her head to the side and frowned. “That changes things. What’s the point in making a strong item if it’s too hard to use it?” She sighed, finally setting aside the well that was now fully refined. She put it in a safe container and stood up, stretched, then started taking off her protective equipment.

“Maybe it would help to practice using the ring more and focusing on it,” Lumina suggested. “I don’t want to discourage this plan but I want us to have realistic expectations.”

“Fair enough," Luvi said, taking a seat on Lumina's bed so she could also relax. She might even ask to spend the night - she was pooped!

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Re: Stream of Fire (Part 2)

Goku finished the last deep tap and careful cut on the well, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him as he inspected his work. He put the refined well aside gently, satisfied with the progress they had made. Removing his protective equipment, he turned to Luvi and Lumina, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I'll think about it," he said, his voice steady but filled with anticipation. "I'll bring my third well tomorrow, and maybe we can make some real magic happen. Combining three firestones sounds like it could be incredibly powerful, and I want to see what we can achieve."

Goku could see the excitement in Lumina's eyes. "I like the idea of making something strong, but I get what you're saying about focus, Lumina. We need to make sure we can actually control whatever we create. It wouldn’t do us much good to have a powerful item that we can't use effectively. I think Luvi might have an easy time using them, with that being said. She does a lot of meditation which might help with focusing. I’m not so talented, however."

He appreciated the partnership and the skills they brought to the table. "I’m really grateful to be working with both of you. I’ll get going. Nobody told me how mentally taxing ensorcelling is. I feel like taking a nice long nap."

He gave the ring back to Luvi before he left. It’d been in his pocket while they worked and he almost forgot that he was the last one to use it.

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Re: Stream of Fire (Part 2)

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: The ring that is referenced is on this page
Flame-Spew Ring: A silver ring that spews a small stream of flame, that will do superficial damage, but is probably strong enough to light dry kindling. It is useable twice a bit/minute.

Thread: Stream of Fire (Part 2)
City/Area: Korlasir
Additionally requests:
Socialization x1
Teaching x1

Goku ->
Used ->
Ensorcelling -> Novice

Requests ->
Esorcelling -> x5

Loot ->
They turned two of his raw firestones into refined firestones

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 ! Message from: Doran
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Re: Stream of Fire (Part 2)


Alchemy: It's possible to transfer magical properties using blood
Detection: 1
Ensorcelling: It’s possible to fine-tune the effects of a wellcrafted item during its construction
Ensorcelling: Overusing a well can cause it to explode
Ensorcelling: Some personal magic can be used in wellcraft
Ensorcelling: The more wells that are in an item, the harder it is to use it
Meditation: 1
Rupturing: Having an innate knowledge of how far away things are
Teaching: 1
Socialization x1
Teaching x1

Loot: -
Language -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Ensorcelling -> x5

Loot: 2 refined Firestones
Language -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15
- - -
Comments: A ring that spews flames and is capable of lighting fires sounds like a pretty useful item to me, especially when you travel a lot, like Luvi and Goku.

I don’t know a lot about Ensorcelling, I have to admit, but I found your discussion interesting to read.

I appreciate how detailed your description of working with the wells is.

Ensorcelling is dangerous, so it’s best to be thorough!

That being said, I look forward to finding out what exactly Luvi and Goku will make with the two firestones they refined!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 213





Worn Items

Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity

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