Tail of a Scorpion (Part 2)

4th of Ymiden 724

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Any area not within one of the major cities. Most of The Eternal Empire.

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Re: Tail of a Scorpion (Part 2)

“True,” Luvi admitted, “the scorpion might not have let me use magic on it or might have had some resistance to it. There’s so many things I would have liked to test out, but it surprised me and got the better of me before I got the chance.”

“I was just thinking about Abrogation,” Luvi said, “there’s a lot of testing I want to do with it. Not now, obviously. Am I the only one who noticed that it was particularly hot by the scorpions? The weather hasn’t changed but it feels a lot cooler now that we’re away from that area. But to answer the rest of your question, yes, I think I will be fine. I just need a nap.”

Lumina said, “fractures can have weird effects like that. Given that we found firestone, it makes plenty sense to me.” She inserted six of the firestones into Luvi's pack - what she was allowed to take.

“Ah,” said Luvi. “You know, I’ve grown to dislike the heat a lot. I won’t miss it.” It was true at more than a surface level. Her abrogation spark eagerly wished to protect its host from the heat that it had been subjected to for weeks but didn’t know how. Though Luvi didn’t notice it, her spark was naming a nemesis for her and subconsciously gearing itself towards becoming better at defending against things such as a hot flame.

Goku’s guess was right – they made camp not long after and Luvi fell asleep almost immediately. When she woke up it was late at night and she didn’t have motivation to do much other than get water. It had been a hard trial to stand.

She had trouble falling back asleep. The bruise, while healing, hurt more now than before as it had a chance to fully develop. Her usual methods of calming her mind weren’t working – it was hard to push out pain that came with every breath. She let her mind wander nonetheless, thinking back to a time when she was just a child who’d bumped her knee. She remembered a tune her mother had sang to her way back when. Luvi tried to hum the tune from memory. The vibration in her throat and chest lessened the pain, strangely. She was offkey and off tempo but that didn’t matter so much as the tears that came from the happy memory. Digging for a happy memory did the trick. She hardly even felt the pain anymore as she lost herself in the past and eventually fell asleep.

Last edited by Illuvia on Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 439
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Re: Tail of a Scorpion (Part 2)

As the heat got a smidge less intense, Goku helped set up camp. He made sure Luvi had a comfortable spot to rest. After ensuring Luvi was settled, Goku turned his attention to the other wounded soldiers. He wanted to get better at helping but wasn’t sure where to start. Spotting one of the more experienced medics, he approached them with determination. "Hey, I want to help out with the wounded. Can you show me what to do?"

The medic, a seasoned soldier named Karla, nodded. "Sure thing. We need all the help we can get. First, let's bring them some water and medicine."

Goku quickly got to work, fetching water and distributing it to the injured soldiers. He watched as Karla prepared healing salves, learning how to mix the ingredients and apply them correctly. "It's important to clean the wound first," Karla explained, demonstrating on a soldier with a nasty gash on his arm. "Then, you apply the salve gently, making sure to cover the entire area."

Goku nodded, paying close attention. He mimicked Karla's actions, carefully applying the salve to another soldier’s wound. The soldier winced but smiled gratefully.

"No problem," Goku replied with a grin.

As the evening wore on, Goku continued to assist with the wounded, learning more about basic first aid and the importance of each step in the healing process. He realized that even small actions, like bringing water or offering a kind word, could make a big difference in the morale of the group. When he went to sleep, he felt like he’d done a lot to help.

word count: 271
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Re: Tail of a Scorpion (Part 2)

Rewards Requested


Edit: Part 1 is pending some approval from basalisk and potential editing. I would request that this thread gets skipped for now.

this thread revolves around fighting and killing an animal, so there's violence. There's a moderate emeyan in this story with details in the first post. If the number of wells is inappropriate, feel free to give less. I'm going off of an estimate of 1-4 per thread per skill level of hunting, which should be 2-8 at competent. But I wasn't sure if this was per person involved in the thread or if that's total wells obtained.

Thread: Tail of a Scorpion (Part 2)
City/Area: The Imperial Regions
Other skills:
Hone is at Master idk why it isn't showing. I probably messed something up


Loot: 3 raw firestone

Skills used:
Strength: Master
Hone: Master
Endurance: master
Athletics: novice
medicine: novice

Knowledge requested:
Medicine x2
Strength x1
Endurance x1
Athletics x1

Renown: 10 for battling the scorpion. We didn't request any in the last part.
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) no
If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: Luvi is in the empire's army
Faction Points: N/A
Wealth Points: not claiming
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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Re: Tail of a Scorpion (Part 2)




  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15


  • Tactics: x1
  • Combat: Blades: x1
  • Endurance: x1
  • Hunting: x1
  • Discipline: x1
  • Combat: Blades: x1
  • Tactics: x1
  • Meditation: Contemplation: Abrogation – There must be some way of only blocking certain types of magic
  • Abrogation: Naming a nemesis – Defiance
  • Singing: x1
  • Meditation: x1


  • 6 raw firestones


  • trouble walking for a few days



  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15


  • Medicine: x2
  • Strength: x1
  • Endurance: x1
  • Athletics: x1


  • 3 raw firestones

Wooo, and the battle concludes with putting the last big one to rout. You know, if only that Emeyan had tactics skill or a modicum of creative thought about the way it thought... It could've phased through Luvi's blade instead of clashing with its tail, and then reconstituted as it hit her. Yet even so the two had trouble with this one. It was a good fight, and you played the risks and injuries well.

It was a good thing Goku was on hand to be the healer, with his own powerful healing runes for the squad of soldiers. Surely this'll improve his standing among the soldiers, even as a civilian accompanying them.

The wells were well earned (har).

Good fight scene, I enjoyed reading it.
word count: 206

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