Dagger In The Night

19th of Ymiden 724

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Re: Dagger In The Night

As Luvi and Lumina continued their exchange, Goku largely tuned out their conversation, his focus shifting back to his own experimentations. The previous attempt had been somewhat successful, but he wanted to push his understanding further. He glanced at the various reagents spread out before him, their labels both mysterious and intriguing.

Without much of a plan, Goku started picking up ingredients almost at random. He mixed a little bit of this powder with a dash of that liquid, his actions driven more by curiosity than precision. As he stirred the concoction, it began to bubble and fizz, the colors swirling together in a mesmerizing dance. He watched with interest but no clear goal in mind. he liked alchemy in a way that he had not quite liked sculpting. He liked smithing as well but that was different.

The bubbling grew more intense, and Goku, erring on the side of caution, decided to dump the mixture out. He poured it into a waste container, watching as the liquid settled and stopped reacting. “Well, that didn’t do much,” he muttered to himself, realizing that without a clear plan or understanding, his efforts would often yield such inconclusive results.

“It’s time to go I take it.” He said when he saw them get up. He got up as well and tried to tidy up the workspace. He did not like the idea of leaving a mess even if it had been that way when he had gotten there just a while ago.
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Re: Dagger In The Night

Luvi allowed herself a small smile when she realized Goku had been so focused that he’d barely noticed it was time to go. “I wish I could focus that hard on alchemy,” she said as Lumina closed the door behind them. “It’s just so boring! I hope I won’t need to learn much more. From what I gather, she only wants me to be somewhat familiar with the process so that I can help her when we’re out in the field.”

She stretched and yawned at the same time, taking in the evening air and letting her mind wander a little. “It would be nice to be able to put alchemy to good use though. I have no idea what kind of effect I would want. Making paper rough or changing its color is kind of pointless, in my opinion. I like to fight, so I would need something that would help me in that respect. But what could help? If I’m able to swing my sword at someone, they’ve usually already lost. I can’t imagine how I could enhance my sword in a way that would be meaningful. Armor is kind of the same way. I might be able to make it harder, but if something is strong enough to beat steel then I’m probably dead anyways.”

“Sorry, I know I’m rambling. I’ve got a lot to think about. See you tomorrow?” She said to Goku when it was time to part ways. She’d wave to him and jog back, determined to push Lumina hard in the following morning.

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Re: Dagger In The Night

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Notes/Warnings: this is our first time using alchemy... if we messed up please let us know. We're probably not going to do much with alchemy until we get some feedback. Lumina is an NPC

Thread: Dagger In The Night
City/Area: Korlasir
Alchemy: Novice
Chemistry: Novice

Alchemy: 6
Chemistry: 5

Smithing: Novice
Alchemy: Novice
Chemistry: Novice

Smithing: 3
Alchemy: 5
Chemistry: 3

Renown: none
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) N
If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: Luvi is in the Eternal Empire army
Faction Points: NA for this faction
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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Re: Dagger In The Night




  • XP: 15


  • Smithing: x3
  • Science: x3
  • Alchemy: x5



  • XP: 15


  • Alchemy: x6
  • Science: x5
notes: You asked for alchemy feedback and advice, so here it is. So, you were a little vague in your approach to alchemy. While that's alright, as nothing really ground-breaking was done here, maybe next time try some inclusion of the Reagents of alchemy, common reagents such as sealants, binders, etc.. You didn't overplay your skills so that's good, yet you didn't accomplish much in the way of successful alchemy. Although Goku did have some success with his sorta rough sandpaper.

It was a good premise for a very basic lesson though, I would just like less vagueness and more inclusion of common reagents such as mentioned in the wiki article I linked. You can pretty much use whatever as a reagent, as long as it makes sense to the effect somehow. Even the phases of the moon and suns and stars, or just dancing funny around a ritual marker can do it. But I see you're going for a more scientific approach here, which is fine. Feel free to lean into that with materials both mundane and fantastic as you continue your alchemy journey.

Was a fine thread otherwise! Also there is no chemistry skill at the moment. It was wrapped up into the science skill with the skill scale down.
word count: 238

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