Thinking on a boat

42nd of Ashan 724

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The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Re: Thinking on a boat

Luvi thought for hours. Hours and hours of pondering about runes filled with questions and possible answers. She felt like a scholar the way that she was examining the magic in her mind’s eye. She thought about umbral runes, mostly. They were so strange and bizarre that she had a hard time focusing on anything else as time passed by in a blur.

She didn’t even realize that Goku was awake when he looked at her. She was too busy thinking about whether there were any umbral runes that might be able to mentally handicap people. They could dull senses and the body, but could it do the same for the brain? What about the soul? Following that train of thought, she wondered if was somehow possible to use runes without a spark’s help altogether.

Hours more passed, likely far after Goku would eventually decide to leave and go do something else. Sometime early in the next morning Luvi would have an epiphany. A rune would finally start to come to the forefront of her thoughts. A strange looking rune who’s function she couldn’t decipher. Once she pictured it in her mind, she imagined herself touching it and inspecting it closely from every angle.

Her eyes slowly opened. She’d learned the rune, but she still had to test it out. After she got something to eat, anyways. The last thing she wanted to do was experiment when her body was crying out for food. If by some chance Goku was still there she’d ask if he wanted to join her for breakfast.

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Re: Thinking on a boat

Goku ended up leaving the room after some time, giving Luvi space to continue her deep meditation. He spent the rest of the day training on his own and trying to practice his defiance magic with little success. As the sun set and the night passed, he grew increasingly concerned about Luvi’s prolonged trance.

The next morning, Goku returned to Luvi’s room, his worry mounting. He quietly entered and sat on her bed, watching her closely. She had been in this meditative state for an unusually long time, and he wasn’t sure if it was normal or something to be concerned about. He was just about to gently wake her when her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," Goku said, relief evident in his voice. "I was getting worried about you. You've been in a trance for a really long time."

He watched as she adjusted to being back in the present, clearly still processing whatever she had been focusing on so intently. He felt a mix of admiration and concern for her dedication.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, hoping she was alright. "It must be tough to come out of deep meditation like that."

When she mentioned food, Goku's face lit up with a smile. "Yeah, food sounds like a great idea. Let's get something to eat."

With that, he stood up, ready to accompany her to get breakfast. He was eager to hear about what she had been meditating on and share his own struggles with practicing defiance magic.
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Re: Thinking on a boat

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Notes/Warnings: Nothing of note

Thread: Thinking on a boat
City/Area: Orm'del Sea
For Goku:
He used:
Meditation -> novice
Defiance -> novice

He wants:
Defiance: moving a water droplet
Defiance: can do very little as a beginner
Meditation x2

For Illuvia:
She used:
Meditation -> Master
Hone -> Master
Abrogation -> Novice
Detection -> Novice

She wants:
Hone: learning the rune of Speed
Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Runes don’t grant power, they amplify what’s already there
Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Sparks must contain some kind of knowledge of runes
Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Runes likely work by flooding one’s mind or muscles with ether to bolster them
Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – It may be possible to use runes without the spark’s help
Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Umbral runes might suck ether from the body to weaken it
Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – There may be runes that can mentally handicap
Detection: keeping an ear on someone
Abrogation: getting a tingle when someone else is using magic
Abrogation: is a magic that is used to counter other magic
Meditation: Contemplation: Abrogation – was this magic designed to thwart others?

Renown: I don't think either deserves any
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) N
If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: We are not
Faction Points: None
Wealth Points: We are not claiming
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Netzach Embersoul
word count: 242
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Netzach Embersoul
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Re: Thinking on a boat



Both the characters played appropriately to their levels. Goku being unable and uninterested in matching Illuvia's zeal at meditation complimented their skill levels nicely, one being novice and the other a Master. Illuvia being a master level Meditations made sense to be able to drop quickly into a trance, and maintain it for hours despite being in a uncomfortable and unfamiliar situation. Illuvia also sensed the effect of magic at play, even though she could not see it, which was well within the level of power at Novice Abrogations.
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Hone: earning the rune of Speed
    • Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Runes don’t grant power, they amplify what’s already there
    • Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Sparks must contain some kind of knowledge of runes
    • Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Runes likely work by flooding one’s mind or muscles with ether to bolster them
    • Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – It may be possible to use runes without the spark’s help
    • Meditation: Contemplation: Hone – Umbral runes might suck ether from the body to weaken it
    • Meditation: There may be runes that can mentally handicap
    • Detection: keeping an ear on someone
    • Abrogation: getting a tingle when someone else is using magic
    • Abrogation: is a magic that is used to counter other magic
    • Meditation: Contemplation: Abrogation – was this magic designed to thwart others?


Defiance was a little underplayed in my opinion, but perhaps that's just another interpretation of "Water can be encouraged to flow the direction you prefer". After all, a droplet cannot really 'flow', more like roll. In either case it makes sense that the demonstration of Defiance at novice level would be immensely subtle to the point that Illuvia or any other bystander would not realize immediately that there was magic occurring.

Excellent thread, and followed the manifestation of Hone, Defiance and Abrogation pretty much to the letter.
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Defiance: moving a water droplet
    • Defiance: can do very little as a beginner
word count: 325
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.

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