[Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

11th of Vhalar 723

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The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover


Merrey ferrets

Winston smiled apologetically.
"A craft es nat a prablem, with materials gained from my own sources an' de full extent af me magical talents are yars, Mr Woe Sir, please don't misunderstand. Jost nat DESE sheps, made af DESE tings."
He pause for just a moment to let that statement have it's own moment in the conversation before adding...
"Bot me cun equip a small craft wid no sails wid propulsion an' somet'ing tu let yuh breath unda watta en case af emergencies."
He offered as a starting point.

As Woe described Soz's attributes, the ferret, still a little cautious, nodded happily.
"Really? Dat fast? Wow. Me nat really tested de speed af a ting flying yet... Nat really."
He thought of his (thus far failing) flight experiments.
"Et wud be very interesting tu see 'ow yuh deal wid de wind at high speeds some trial. Learning fram an expart soch as yuhself wud be a great hanar."
Winston was still openly unclear with regard to the level of intelligence these kinds of creatures possessed. According to rumor, Dragons were highly intelligent and spoke freely, but he had not yet encountered a dragonling that could speak... He was still not willing to take the risk that he might insult something so large and so capable of eating him.

He bowed to the great breast, performing a crips and well practiced fold at his center.

As they passed the fence, he looked over his craftsmanship with a very critical eye.
"We really should get dem touched-up far yuh. Per'aps me cun get Cho tuh come and look at et far yuh? He's a very talented young man, me apprentice, an' me share we cun bring dem up to de new Winsataan's Works standard."

As they entered the brewery, Winston's anticipation began to rise again. He'd used the previous tea Woe had shared with him so often it might be scandalous and he longed to learn a few more tricks. Admiring the bottle closely, he asked of it's origins.
"Yuh collecshun keeps growing. Es et sometin' dat es bringing yuh joy?"
He was genuinely interested to know what Woe liked. The man was someone he'd know longer than a number of others in his life, but always still felt quite distant from. Perhaps it was just Woe's way... Perhaps Winston just didn't try hard enough... If it was the latter, he'd remedy this right away.

He slipped down to the table-top to enjoy his drink, taking a slow and even breath inwards.
"MMmmmmmm... Yeh, mun. De leman an' mint really coms trough..."
He took a sip and then giggled.
"Wow. Yeh, dere es de cloves."
He smaked his lips as the strong flavour washed over his pallet.

As the soon-to-be-ex Egg of Egilrun set out his promise and filled the Smith in on his intentions, the Ferret let out a little pout. It was more 'thoughtful' then 'sulky', intended to portray that he cared, thought it was a shame it didn't work out for him, but understood that it might be what's best... It was a complex pout, but a widely used one nonetheless.
"Well, all business aside, ef dere es anyting me cun do tuh 'elp yuh out wid dat, yuh jost let me know. And don't worry, me will nat menshun et tuh anyone."
If it was a deception on Woe's part, that went totally over the ferret's head.
"Does being Egg no langa bring yuh joy? Cus we shud only do tings dat bring os joy."

Sitting back a little, relaxing into the drink, the conversation and the table, he considered the name for a moment.
"Hmmmm... Special Reserve? What about when yuh make yuh next one? Me made dat wid me 'ealin' Chews. Cho says me name tings like an illiterate tree-year-old, bot wat about somet'ing like 'Egg-lemon'? Ar someting mar abstract, like 'Eglint'? Like Egg, Lemon and Mint..."
He smiled, obviously very aware that his ideas might well be ridiculous, despite being put forward with genuine intent.
"Et tastes reaaaaly nice, doh. Gat a bit af 'appy in every sup."
He observed, taking another sip himself before chuckling.
"Dat cud be yuh tag line an de battal."

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 739


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

“We can discuss it at a later time, when these ships are secured and delivered to your organization.” Woe said. He had to admit he had some different ideas about how his own vessel should be constructed, as he often did about his purchases. While he was confident in the Ferret’s mind for engineering and design, he had other advisors and brains to pick on those details as well. He might even ask Vega for some help in that regard.

“We’ll discuss a vessel of my own later then.” Woe nodded to the Ferret.

“Yes she’s very fast, I have to wear glasses over my eyes to deflect much of the force of the wind.” Woe smiled to Soz before hey departed her den in the cellar. Then pat her on the beak-like snout before her red eyes closed, and she retreated back to her rest.

Winston commented on the fences, letting Woe know that he had an apprentice of his own, “Oh? I would appreciate some help shoring up the fences, if you’ve taught him to do the job half as well as you had.”

When they got to admire the bottle that Woe handed over to Winston, the mortalborn nodded, “It is, one of the few harmless diversions that brings me some peace.” Woe sighed, there were other more cathartic methods of driving the troubles from his mind, but better to leave those unsaid. Still, as he ferret was becoming a good reader of people, he’d see that Woe wasn’t telling him everything.

“I admit to having cheated, and putting some Euphoria in it. Don’t worry, it’s quite safe and non-addictive, although it has a strong feel-good warmth to it.” Woe smiled at Winston, “Don’t go operating large boats while drinking it, is all.”

“Yes I do plan to leave the office this Vhalar. I feel like the duties are too restrictive, and I cannot accomplish as much as Egg as I could a private citizen. In fact, I can do every bit as much without the title at this point.”

Woe sighed, “I don’t want people to feel left down by my departure from the office, but I do believe the Bureaucratic structure of the council, particularly with regards to the regional positions, is well past its prime and relevance. Such administration would benefit from some centralized control. Divided, we’re weaker, as it is when we’re run by people with large egos, vying for political position.”

“So no, it doesn’t nor has it brought me much joy. I only thought I might make a difference, not realizing that I could do so just as easily without the title.”

Woe smiled at Winston’s attempts to name the beverage he’d devised. And he shrugged, “Those are good, it’s hard to choose anyone of them. But I’m sure I’ll settle on a label before I bring it to market.”

‘Got a bit of happy in every sip.’ Had a ring to it Woe had to admit. He might just use that. “Indeed.”

“Now, I have some letters and meetings to arrange, I’m not sure you want to stick around to watch me write them out. You’ve got some ships to see to the finishing of. Not to worry, I’ll do my job obfuscating the details of the ships construction. No one person will know the full specs of the ships, other than you, me, and whoever you share their details with.”

This said, Woe tapped Winston on the back, as a friendly gesture, and would help him back to Chest and the remainder of his business in Egilrun.

“Oh, by the way, you might want to run by the Order of the Adunih in Egilrunn, by the tannery.” Woe said, as he exited his cottage with Winston on his shoulder. “I’m not sure if you have it on your intinerary, but it’s never a bad idea to avail yourself of the local Order Chapter, in case you can scratch each others backs. Jan is a good leader of our Chapter.”

word count: 696
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover


Boose and Crews

The smith nodded in agreement. In business, the customer was always right, even when they were were wrong. But of course, Woe was not wrong and whatever it was he wanted, Winston would do his utmost to accomodate.

When Woe spoke of needing glasses, the ferret burst out in agreement.
"I know, right? Me have been meaning tuh add an 'elmet tuh me suite far jost dat reason far ages."

He didn't press the topic with regard to the brewing. That it was something Woe enjoyed was duly noted for some future gifting opportunity and ample enough information for now.

He chuckled when the recommendation about operating boats came about.
"Hehe. Per'aps et es... Per'aps dat wid cansent et es simply a nice way tuh enjoy yuhself."
He shrugged. He was opposed quite firmly to the idea of drugging people against their will, but consensual recreational drug use was entirely up to the individual(s) involved.

Titles did seem overrated to Winston to, though they did unlock certain doors... Sometimes...
"Faith once told meh dat de recagnishun and fame af renown and status cun be a tool. Me 'ave neva been shar ef it was a tool me used are dat used ME."
His tone suggested he was agreeing with the soon-to-be-ex-Egg, as the subject was put to bed.

Making sure his feet were securely under him, despite the drink, Winston made his way back to Chest with his secretive friend. He smiled gladly at the man as they said their fair-wells.
"Oh yuh, me work wid de Arda a lat trough Isonomia. Gud people dem are. Oh! Which reminds meh. Me will send yuh some details, bot me will need some crews far de sheps... Yuh know... Da tme cun trost."

And with that, the two parted ways.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 319


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

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Notes/Warnings: None really.

Thread: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover
City/Area: Egilrun

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Collaboration: Yes
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 ! Message from: Pegasus
word count: 270


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

Your Review



I love Winston, he's so much fun. What I enjoyed here especially was the development of his business sense and how he has grown as a character. His interaction with Woe was interesting - they seem to be friends but very very different!

I think this is an exciting project and I look forward to the completion of it. It's always good to see PCs collaborating in this way. Your writing is excellent and I can hear Winston's voice as I read it. Enjoy your well-earned rewards!


  • XP: 15


  • Tactics: Having a good cover story to avoid suspicion
  • Deception: The best deceptions are truths
  • Deception: Use distractions to draw someone attention away from something you are trying to hide
  • Discipline: Hiding your excitement
  • Deception: Never break character
  • Stealth: Sleight of Hand
  • Deception: Use truth to misdirect people from secrets
  • Meditation: Telepathy: Thinking one thing while doing another
  • Socialization: Asking plain questions without causing offence in a difficult situation
  • Meditation: Holding two on-going conversation at the same time
  • Deception: The more people that know, the harder it is to keep a secret
  • Discipline: Staying professional despite excitement



Woe is such a complex pc and he has his fingers in so many pies. I love how you write him and how his mind work - he's playing a chess game, it feels like, and he's always thinking many moves ahead. It's a pleasure to read him and I must admit to very much enjoying the visual of him and Winston together. They're an odd pairing, even in business!

I think this is an exciting project and I look forward to the completion of it. It's always good to see PCs collaborating in this way. This was a great thread in its own right and I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to seeing where it goes. Enjoy your rewards!


  • XP: 15


  • Socialization T2: Paying a high compliiment to a cadouri
  • Socialization T2: Stealth Entendre: Concealing the topic being discussed by mentioning a deal that is in the works
  • Appraisal: Telling a well apart from an ordinary stone
  • Ensorcelling: Ruminating on the dangers of using ether to bettere one's craft
  • Socialization T2: Sharing personal information through coded language (stealth entendre)
  • Socialization T2: Negotiation for fun, not serious.
  • Socialization T2: Teasing the fact that he'd like to acquire one's project for his own purposes, without serious intent
  • Socialization T2: Taking a failed negotiation, however recreational in stride to maintain good business relations
  • Socialization T2: Sharing trade secrets in order to build rapport
  • Intelligence: Building an intelligence network by inviting those to partake of contacts

Your RPG rewards are in your UCP - please check and make sure I didn't forget anything.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 482
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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